M49 F46
Sexy AirBnB in Brisbane
January 14 2025
Ideally we would love to stay in an Airbnb that caters to nudists and / or swingers - not sure how it would cater (lol) but something SEXY is what we want. Neighbours that like to strut naked or might like to play would be ideal!!
Appreciate any ideas - AirBnB doesn’t exactly have a swinger-friendly category! 😉
2 months ago
I was just thinking about how to find a place that allows “parties” and I find this post, would love intel for Sydney and Newcastle too?
2 months ago
Good luck with that. Most Airbnb don't allow parties, thankfully. Maybe look at something a bit further out than the CBD.... Something more secluded you could host a group.
2 months ago
hi there, I don't have an answer for you but I'd sure love to hear from someone who does have an answer. We live in South East Qld and would love to have somewhere we can play as a either multiple couples or GB type of events. It would need to cater for the noise and not have neighbours complaining etc. I can't wait to see if anyone gets back to you or if it is a good business idea. Have a great time and maybe look us up for when you're here!
2 months ago
hey know someone who was organising parties using AirBnB. Someone dobbed her in and she was banned. be careful
RHP User
2 months ago
There are plenty of options - you be had airbnbs where it’s a huge house and they can host up to 15 people or so.
Also I’ve organised houses on rural property for end of season weekends with my football team.
A weekend of fucking wouldn’t do half the damage my teammates would:
Search for properties hosting 10+ and you’ll find what you want.
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