April 09 2023
I feel like being healthy should be okay, not a gym freak and confident in your own skin. I'm not sure if that iterators to message back for average body guys. I dont have gym body by the way.... just an average Jo
Asking out of curiosity. What do you people think?
2 years ago
If responding to an AD and it stipulates certain attributes and you font meet them, but reply anyway. Then NO, they should not reply just as you shouldn't have rolled the dice.
PS: women get hundreds of messages, you cannot reply to them all and if you did, the nasty replies soon follow.Margo_Lover
2 years ago
I recommend getting good face pics and including them. As a single guy, is there any particular reason you can't show your face?
We don't show our faces, but we're married and have kids + religious family. Non monogamy is very poorly viewed by those around us (& society in general), therefore we remain discreet. But if I/we were single... I don't see why we wouldn't show our faces on dating apps.
Ripped bods don't get any more replies from us than anyone else. It's about the profile, the message, the person, not the bod... assuming it's in decent shape :)
Having said that, 98 out of 100 messages to us get no reply, as they're rubbish messages. (Hey, hi, what you up to, you wanna bang now, blah, blah, blah.)
- Alex.RHP User
2 years ago
Confident, no boasting and healthy ( no smoking) are attractive to me, but thats just me. We all like different things. You cant be somone you are not.
RHP User
2 years ago
I'm sure you know the answer, but it is no.
2 years ago
Such a great topic. I too am a healthy male not Chris Hems by any means but another younger male called me "dad bod" despite not being in that category the other day
Took me a while to think why we make judgements about others or project about our own insecurities. So I choose to ignore it.
For me I choose not to show my face but I am happy to share when asked. Apparently people dont like that. Frankly I dont care where all adults. For me annonymity and discretion is a must.
I get abit confused those who say they want to see face pics however they too dont have a pic abit contradictory.
People dont share for safety, religion, work and professional reasons. Just be respectful and ask and people will be happy to oblige. Its like blind dating you dont get a picture to screen the individual first...I think the internet has alot to speak forKattere_70
2 years ago
For me it’s all about the conversation and a nice face/smile … dad bods have never bothered me … about the not responding to messages .. I only recently learned I had 500+ messages that are in a separate folder that I never knew were there!! They are from anyone outside of my criteria… I always try and reply to all messages 😊
2 years ago
Surely the answer to ‘Do you need a gym body ?’is the same as, ‘ As a woman do I need a supermodel body ? Etc etc
We all find different attributes attractive. We can’t help what our individual likes and dislikes are .
Apart from the physical , most people ( especially women) seek respect , transparency, someone willing to put in effort and someone that fits the criteria that they seek .
I’m curvy and 61 years old . Maybe my body is deemed a granny bod ? It is , what it is . I’m far from being everyone’s cup of tea .
Just be you and good luck . AxMargo_Lover
2 years ago
You don't have to show a face pic, or any pic. The point I was making above is that no pics = no reply for a lot of people. The more and better pics, the better chance of a reply.
What you guys need to understand is that we're all competing for the very limited attention of a small group of people.
So don't ask yourself, what's the least I can get away with... ask how can I make my profile stand out from the thousands of others that look the same.
We have people message just to say they loved our bio or pics, even though they live on the other side of the country, or we're not a match.
That's because we put so much effort into our profile ❤️. (Still hard to get dates though 😆)
- AlexRHP User
2 years ago
Amazing sex comes from great connections. For me I like a Dad bod any day.
2 years ago
I don't think having a 'gym' body has anything to do with the lack of reply.
There are a great many conversations on this topic that you can search for historically.
The majority of women don't respond to messages for a plethora of reasons.
All have been raised before in those previous threads. It might be helpful for you to find those, so as to not take such things personally on here.
These sites can erode self esteem if one is not mindful of nuances.
I will say this though.
Generally speaking 'like attracts like' - so if you are messaging fit, svelte gym looking ladies - well they may not be attracted to a 'dad bod' 🤷🏻♀️
As you can see from the above responses it's not a prerequisite for many - so I think you're conflating two separate issues.
There are definitely things you can do to increase the chances of getting a response as has been advised above.
Great advice you'll either 'take' or take issue with?!? Such is life here in this crazy world of 'Pie' 😂
All the best either way.
2 years ago
Having a great body is certainly not required, but I'm sure it doesn't hurt your chances much.
At least, if you have a great body and you find someone that would otherwise like you, but they prefer dad bods, you can always go on an eating spree, but the reverse situation requires much more work...RHP User
2 years ago
Looks literally has nothing to do with it, unless you don't take care of yourself. Confidence and respect that's where it is.
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