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Sex coaching. Who has undertaken a lesson?
February 19 2020
Has anyone else undertaken lessons or coaching?
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
It's a great move. We dont know it all ' so a little guidance never goes astray.. Seems it has you guys are reaping the benefits.. 😊
5 years ago
Should read... Seems you guys are reaping the benefits...
5 years ago
Yes has improved our sexlife and interactions with others!
RHP User
5 years ago
I undertook a Tantra class a few years ago now to help cope with some medication side effects, while the concept seemed solid the session was a scam and that was the end of it.
Unfortunately Perth being a small town, choices for such specialised services are limited so that’s where I left it.
I’d definitely revisit it though if I was more confident in the service provider.RHP User
5 years ago
Phoenix and I were discussing this thread actually.
It’s intriguing proposition for me, as I wonder how these sessions go? Are they practical ? Like we’re banging each other like a garden gate with rusty hinges and they interject with “no....nope...just stop!!! Tickle her arse like this!!!! I’ve showed you many times now Dragon!!!”
And whilst I may be taking the piss in that comment, I’m genuine about it’s intrigue. We’ve discussed tantric massage classes too and are intrigued by them and this really isn’t any different to us...
And by us I mean me...Phoenix can make her own mind up 😂😂
Mr dragonRHP User
5 years ago
I would if I could but I lost the bloody thing! 😂
But yes, it was appropriate to use “us”.
Ms Phoenix.nightingale8
5 years ago
Ditto I’d love to know what these lessons entail! I’d always assumed they were tantra or kink related
RHP User
5 years ago
The day you stop learning is the day you start failing. I feel like it’s a great idea, not only for couples but could have singles as well both theory and voluntary practical. Is it big in other parts of the world?
5 years ago
It involves hands on interaction with the sex coach advising showing and participating and offering suggestions
Depending on who you get it is a great experience and well worth exploring
It worked for us and we have a great friend now as well!badboyhere
5 years ago
Sounds interesting. Here is what I image it would be like....yes you need to place your fingers there.....oh yes that is working.....now move your hips back and forth.....perhaps don’t put your scrotum in there too
5 years ago
how much do these lessons cost on average say per hr
5 years ago
Quoting 'sweetnsensual'
It involves hands on interaction with the sex coach advising showing and participating and offering suggestions
Depending on who you get it is a great experience and well worth exploring
It worked for us and we have a great friend now as well!
how much are the lessons per hr or ??RHP User
5 years ago
I have taken ropes, silks course with my x and it was extremely well run and I learnt so much
5 years ago
Good sex coaching can be amazing to say the least
RHP User
5 years ago
Highly recommended.
Friends wb and i have done quite a bit of tantric bodywork, tantric sex and relationship/sex instruction.
You soon realise its about a lot more than sex.
Its life itself!sweetnsensual72
4 years ago
Great sex coaching options on RHP we have learnt a lot from attending the classes!
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