Sex across different cultures
March 04 2025
I’ll start by saying I have been lucky enough to have sex with women from all over the world. With some there were language barriers which made us more intimate as we sought to connect without language.
An example, I find Indian women exotic and their culture does not have the Christian crush that can suppress female sexuality.
One of my fondest cultural memories was meeting a Japanese woman who lived in Sydney. We chatted online and met for drinks which went on to dinner. She invited me back to her place. Her life story really made me feel for her. Her husband had divorced her in Japan. The man gets all the rights and even the children. She was basically exiled which is why she moved to Australia. Her sharing that with me made me feel close to her. When we had sex she was just in her own space. She almost was not conscious of me. What I mean by that is she just seemed focused on the pleasure she was enjoying. After sex we were so close. Like being with an old friend. She showed me photos of her family and her town. Since then I have wondered if it was just her or her culture. We never met again. A lovely memory of a different cultural exchange.
What’s your experience crossing cultures?
21 days ago
Love it all different cultures different nationality’s ,different types,different everything ,that’s swinging to us
Mr bMrandMrsEss
21 days ago
I actually love meeting people out of my normal circle. This is the awesomeness of travel and having intimate connections with those of different cultures is wonderful.
All of my serious relationships have been wirh vastly different people and most from differing cultures and beliefs but I have found common ground wirh them all and the differences added spice to the relationship.
Mrs S and I are like chalk and cheers in many respects but we just seem to work on a level I’ve never felt with anyone more similar to me.
I find a lot of people on here stick to more or less one kind of person and more often than not it’s people very similar to them in looks and culture. I much prefer to mix it up a bit and sample delights from a wide range of cuisines :)Sawadee
20 days ago
Ive enjoyed interaction with several women of different culture.. Not from all over the world like you say , but enough to know the excitement it brings when it does happen..
20 days ago
I'm Unit Nations. I try to develop friendly relations among nations and countries,
Ms Foxy ✌️nightingale8
20 days ago
Being intimate with people from different cultures or religions has no interest for me. Sure, it’s not something I’d necessarily turn someone down for, it’s just not something with much pull power.
Different looks, accents and ethnicities, yes. An ex with his thick Russian accent, another with UAE international accent, another casual connection with his country Aussie accent, and another with a scouse accent. And all the looks that come with those voices. Beauty is so diverse
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