
October 29 2023

I am 27 year old and i have been away overseas from my wife for 5 years. I want to have a healthy sex life. I love her so i dont want her to know but at the samw tkme i want to have fun sex life.

How do i find and maintain such kind of life .


  • MrandMrsEss


    a year ago

    Only you can choose the right path for yourself. 5 years is a long time, how often do you get home to her and when will you be able to be together full time again?
    The best option is to always communicate your needs together and come up with a solution but I’m also aware that isn’t possible for all people.
    I would suggest staying away from single women as feelings may form and someone if not all are going to get hurt.
    If paying for your needs will satiate you then this would be the simplest else maybe some nice couples might help you out.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    By speaking with your wife?

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    Pay for it.

  • Viccpl


    a year ago

    A conversation with your wife is definitely the best option, as difficult as it may be. It’s very likely she feels the same way.

    You should ask yourself if you are comfortable with your wife enjoying a fun sex life, as you aim to in your absence.

    It is certainly the right thing to do, imagine the potential guilt you may carry, and the betrayal your wife would feel if/when she found out. There are also other matters which could present, things like sti’s etc, as careful as we are these things always a very real possibility. Wish you all the best.

  • nightingale8


    a year ago

    Try out some technology to help connect with your wife online. Vibrating eggs, dress ups, sexy online chats, phone sex. What you consider "healthy" is up to you.

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    Being away from your wife for 5 years apparently did nothing to enhance your relationship ? Thats the thing you should be concentrating on rather than who you can meet outside... If you cant get that right after 5 years absence, what do you think the future holds ? Different if your wifes on board and feels the same way ?

  • Lostyanumber


    a year ago

    I'm curious about the time you had together before the five year hiatus?

  • madotara69


    a year ago

    You love her. So you don’t want her to know.
    Here’s a thing. Your idea of a healthy sex lifestyle fun fun fun maintaining more fun healthy sex all while the beloved wife stairs out her window looking out to the world you are somewhere five years and the love you hold so dearly so she has no idea this plan you probably think tossing it into the sandpit with all us dirty fuckers and I’m only speaking for the dirty fuckers who know they are the very dirty fuckers indeed specifically now mentioned and together fashion a dirty fucker fuck fuelled fun sex healthy life and but of dream’s maintained in the respects of the love you have and never know it.

    Unfortunately the best of the fun healthy sex life you have already maintained and no dirty fucker .. none of the fun living dirty fuckers in the lifestyle no time none at all for the kind of love you try and get in.

    Addictsex, self diagnosed, advice would be next time you pass by a mental institution you should call in and introduce yourself.

    Mado Tara xx