March 06 2023
2 years ago
I guess its because he knows what feels good ' just as you females know what feels good rubbing one out.. Personally ' l prefer sex before a tug... Nothing beats the feel of 2 bodies coming together ... but thats me...
RHP User
2 years ago
I’m sure it works both ways. Women prefer a girls night in on occasions also.
2 years ago
Because they are just not that "into" you at that time.
You know, when women says they have a "head- ache", its not really a head- ache. It's the "head ache" when you don't have a "head ache". 🤕
Ms FoxyRHP User
2 years ago
Maybe because it's quicker and he just wants the release rather than the intimacy?
2 years ago
You seriously don't get this? I do! Sometimes rubbing one out quickly, without any thought, prep, or considering someone else is just perfection ☝️
2 years ago
Maybe a wankers , just a wanker , simple
2 years ago
Perhaps it’s the pressure to please someone else just isn’t what he needs at the time.
RHP User
2 years ago
Wanking is to self satisfaction, no complaints from other parties regarding performance lol
2 years ago
Cos he had an itch that needed a scratch and he didn’t want to distract anyone from cooking his dinner or doing the dishes and laundry😂😂😂😂
Mr b chucks out a hook with bait, will he get any bites he wonders ,lol,boobsandbusted
2 years ago
Lol,that’s ok I was highlighting to the fish ,it was a joke to see if the fish took to the time to read the whole blab ,or jumped on the hook too quick stupidity and all
2 years ago
I prefer sex
2 years ago
Maybe it’s because he can’t be bothered jumping through the 4000 hoops he has to just to get a release.
Maybe he’s not into you.
Maybe he’s that busy trying to build a life he doesn’t have time for the dating/screening process.
Who knows 🤷♂️RHP User
2 years ago
I can say a girly wank will get me to sleep fast and soundly. Of course nothing can beat great sex. Just at my age I'm tired of the amount of BS you have to go through to find a respectful man that will give you a regular service.
RHP User
2 years ago
Becomes fantasy is the ultimate fuck….fantasy never equates to reality….
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