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Sensory Deprivation - yay or nay?
February 23 2025
What’s your favorite flavor of sensory escapade?
And if sensory deprivation isn’t your thing, that’s cool too—spill the beans and let us know why! Let's chat and share our stories.
a month ago
Define “sensory deprivation “ within the context of sex & lovemaking.
“ Sensory deprivation is the reduction or removal of stimuli from the senses”
We are unsure how one can have sex and be sensory deprived at the same time. Sex for us is ALL about the senses : touch, taste, sound, smell & vision. If one turns the lights out, then the other senses are heightened, but never deprived.MsSuperFoxy
a month ago
I'm happy to just stick with the Ninja Fuck.
22 days ago
Definitely love sensory deprivation, but only sight ,
It absolutely heightens the sexual experience, especially if your partner is completely anonymous. (Recently played with someone and still don’t know what he looks like)
Not game enough to try hearing deprivation thoughWillFxB
4 days ago
I have tried aspects of sensory deprivation, and would love to try the whole thing - sight, hearing, and touch - though that last one's always more challenging.
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