Seeking bi males and females
February 06 2018
Not shy when it comes to couple play or bi mmf
Would love to meet more bi guys for mmf play
Would also love to meet bi females for single play and possibly ffm.
I’m a guest and can’t msg you I’m sorry but if your interested, please contact me.
- Posted from rhpmobile
7 years ago
There's a search funtion for this.
- Posted from rhpmobilegazpacho
7 years ago
Nice to see someone with initiative. Lots of men would have a crack at bi, but aren’t willing to put their name (profile) to it.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
Thanks gaz
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
- Posted from rhpmobileTheNLMevents
7 years ago
Hope you are having some luck and finding good people you can have fun with.
7 years ago
Would love to join in on your party
RHP User
7 years ago
Likely due to the cultural acceptance of bisexuality for women. More power to you for what it is worth.As a single bi (pansexual) male, it can be a test of one's patience and persistence and the search functions on the site are not always reflective of what we seek. Often I see couples where only the female is bi, which I can understand, the algorithm of the searches is limited.For those of us who play for both teams when the situation and company is right, it can be a double edge sword. Yes, we have somewhat more opportunities but can also be pushed outside the accepted norm. As I noted, I think this may well be more applicable to bi males than for the women on the site.Patience, courtesy, respect and just accepting that despite this being a site with a lot of open-minded people, it is up to those we seek to connect with to decide if we fall within the desired spectrum for them, and we need to respect that.I imagine you have tweaked your search parameters to reflect what you seek and sure you are finding more like-minded people to connect with.Best of wishes to you and enjoy the adventures!
RHP User
7 years ago
Wish you were in WA!
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