
June 01 2018

Why are trans girls so hard to find on the Gold Coast ?


  • Freaky_Fun


    6 years ago


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Like women that use public transport ??

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Why would a guy want a Trans girl really,Whats wrong with males these days what ever happened to having sex with a real woman.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • usrightnow_Again


    6 years ago

    We suggest you type in any preferences you are looking for, on the Search page. There are also the Events pages, re. Meets and parties. On the G.C., in Surfers, at the far end of the Mall, toward the beach, is RISE. Not far away is MPs. Whenever we went in the past, there were always a few there. Both great venues.Hope that helps. Mr. & Mrs. urn. .

  • Mischeviouslad


    6 years ago

    That’s s bit judgemental from a profile that states your sexuality as “Open for anything”..... but you also have a long list of terms and conditions

    Your question is like others asking you why you won’t full-swap..... a choice I’m sure you would assertively defend

    A fetish doesn’t need explaining or justification.

    Poor form

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Grow the fuck up.

    How dare you make such judgements.

    Fucking disgracefull.

    DC a fetish you say? WTF? How is a trans chick a fkn fettish? I'll assume you talking about when freshfucks take their foot out of their ass, I mean mouth?!

    Fuck me the forums are full of judgements now days.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Why not search out some clubs. Here in Perth one of the clubs has Trans nights.

    Best of luck to you living the life style you choose 😁

    - Posted from rhpmobile