Screening people that you wish to meet

February 26 2021

Hi there! Been on here about 18 months now with my partner, who’s a little shier than I am. Just wanted to touch base and see if my/our experiences are the same as other people.

I tend to chat in here for a while and then add my partner in on Kik if things go well. That’s having a reasonable success rate, because all parties can chat freely, but I’m finding that there’s a point in time where momentum can get lost.

Is it best to stay in here/hit the chat rooms, instead of Kik? What works best for you all? Genuine answers please for a relative newbie lol.


  • Kokoflamingo


    4 years ago

    Ive met people through chat, messaging here and messaging on Kik. One guy I met after seeing him on cam one morning ( he wasnt wanking, so many of these...) and we are still friends 5 years later. Ive also met people through meet and greet nights, so I wouldnt say there is a magic formula, just go with the flow.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    If you’re talking about progression then you’re better to move from kik to a first meet in a casual setting...

    Organise a date night with the missus(I assume it’s the male half writing the post) and on that same night organise yo meet with someone to see if that conversation is flowing as freely in person as it does text...

    If they’re a no show, you’ve got a date night with the missus....

    If they show, it’s a date night plus maybe some extra participants for the rest of the night....

    If you’re talking about screening out people from a message perspective don’t bother going to kik ... screen them out here....

  • evo67


    4 years ago

    It’s totally up to you and your partner on what your comfortable with we generally chat on here then I give them my mobile number( male) and progress from there. We don’t do social meets and generally after talking for a while usually by text we’ll organise a meet if everyone is comfortable. As I write this my wife is in the pool in Port Douglas swimming with someone we meet 3 years ago who is from Brissy and has flown up for the weekend, you just need to make sure both you and your partner are comfortable before moving forward. Yes we have had some no shows and some good times with different people and we have meet some great people who I would call friends. Don’t second guess your gut feelings usually they are right and say thanks but no thanks.

  • AnnieWhichway


    4 years ago

    If chats are extended for too long a period, momentum dies. Interest wanes for many reasons. Other parties showing interest, subject matter gets repetitive/boring.
    Best to get a social meet organised sooner rather than later. Just a coffee or drink to see if things are as you all imagined. Or a quick fuck if that's on the table.
    You are not here to be best friends so too much talking is irrelevant after you ascertain that there are no serial killers in the mix.

    But then, a good serial killer doesn't leave out clues otherwise he would get past the first ones.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    Why go to another platform when it all can be done here, within a week? My procedure: Chat, exchange a few messages, if vibes are good, exchange numbers, have a phone chat, if you feel a vibe from that organise a meet (public place). Keep this meet simple.
    Keep online chat/exchange messages to point where you both decide if there's enough interest to meet. People are not here to waste precious time, with endless chit chat. Anything longer than a week, does loose peoples interests.
    Ms Foxy.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    Chat rooms are good. However see my post above. Anything longer than a week.....
    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I prefer organised social meet & greets, once you’ve established a genuine interest in meeting each other. You are in a safe setting with other people around you, which could work better for your partner?

  • funtimescouple1


    4 years ago

    We don't see the point in using kik. Might as well chat on here. We had one 'couple' suggest a 4 way chat on kik then he proceeded to message Mrs ftc1 directly. Chat enough to establish that you'd like to meet and flirt a bit to build things up just prior to meeting. The ladies chatting on the phone prior to meeting works well. Couples can be busy so if you're looking to meet a few weeks down the track don't chat too much too soon as yes momentum does get lost. We find that things going quiet (the other couple not responding / not confirming) in the lead up to a planned meet often means they are probably going to cancel at the last moment. Momentum should build, not drop off!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Out of the 10 or so women that I have or they have made contact with me and wanted to chat on kik, all but one was a scam. All they wanted was for me to purchase gift cards for their kids or some other lame excuse. I'll stick with chatting on here. Still no guarantee, but I feel it's better.