Role Play
January 24 2013
RHP User
12 years ago
you a tradesman loving... I have some work that needs doing
RHP User
12 years ago
I have never really explored role play before much. I think I might be a bit self conscious. :P
RHP User
12 years ago
Im not into pretending Im something Im not. I dont enjoy role play, I dont enjoy wearing costumes, I wont be someones naughty teacher, nurse, superhereo, etc. It just doesnt turn me on... public teasing though, now thats another story Kisses Focus- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
12 years ago
Always happy to help out.... good with my hands.
RHP User
12 years ago
Isn't it every women's fantasy to be thrown over the shoulder of a fireman and carried into the bedroom, or the hot plumber or tradie?. Guess you would have to have a lot of confidence to pull it off. I've been discussing this a bit with a friend lately and she loves the idea as much as I do. When I've looked at ladies profiles a lot of them have put role play as one of their interests so its interesting that Noone's posted in support
RHP User
12 years ago
You have role play listed as one of your fetish interests on your profile :P
RHP User
12 years ago
Yes I am interested in role play, but certainly not the fireman or plumber routine. Doesn't interest me at all. Maybe I am thinking the wrong thing? For me.... Scenario 1: Turning up to a hotel room and knocking on the door but placing a blindfold on before the door opens... There will be a stranger or strangers in there who will tie me up and do all sorts of naughty things to me. I don't know who they are or how many... Scenario 2: being a slave at an all women's tea party but I am naked.... Etc. I am not going into details but I am sure you can imagine. :p Is that role play or just sex games?
RHP User
12 years ago
My fantasy fireman is actually real, and yes he has carried me to the bedroom....
RHP User
12 years ago
Sounds like sex games, but I guess if your playing at being a sex slave then it would classify as role play ;) I have never really thought too much about the whole role play thing but one thing that's always turned me on is the thought of one or two naughty nurses having there way with me. I wouldn't have any problems playing a role for someone if it was fulfilling a fantasy. I don't think I could pull off the fireman or plumber though haha. Willing to try most things at least once or twice.
RHP User
12 years ago
Hotdig - I have no interest what so ever about being thrown over the shoulder of a fireman, plumber or tradie unless thats what they actually do as an occupation. Kisses Focus- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
12 years ago
Hot fireman, plumber or tradie.... That's the roles strippers take on isn't it? Please notice the emphasis on HOT Hotdig. I think you are thinking of housewives that want the young hot, muscly & good looking young men. So that isn't really role play, it is about their bodies.
RHP User
12 years ago
Yeah I guess so Meeka :P There's heaps of different scenarios that could be played out, stripper and client, teacher/student, executive/sexretary, slave/master, French maid, slave/mistress. Could also be organising a third person to come and pick her up at a bar etc. I don't know that I'm interested in the whole playing out a scenario just the costume myself but I'd be happy to play it out if the woman liked it.
RHP User
12 years ago
Watched a fireman stripper last night. Not hot and not impressed.
RHP User
12 years ago
He was wielding an axe lol.....all jokes aside, if the role play is about the mental stimulus then the physical will engage, but I'm with Meeks and missD how often is it honestly about the mental stimulus and not just the athletic body??
RHP User
12 years ago
Role play conjurors up very different images for me. I dress up in my Sauron gear. You're surprised you as my cape flies open in the lightning and wind. With a flurry I bury may magical staff in your enchanted forest.Then the Orcs arrive.I've also noted that it's hard to find a magic forest in this age of laser and wax. ~frowns~
RHP User
12 years ago
Some things I consider to be normal part of sex play might be another person's role play. Things like being tied up and wearing a blindfold, sexy teasing of your lover in public are not things outside the norm for me. My lover did challenge me once to go to a supermarket and buy three things that told a sexual story. I then had to take a picture of the receipt and send it to him.... and put it up on FB. I chose Item 1 Primo Hot SalamiItem 2 Durex pleasure box of condomsItem 3 Anusol ointment
RHP User
12 years ago
That role play doesn't necessarily have to be about the actual sex part, but an interesting and different angle of fun, that can lead to a different mental stimulus for the person who beholds such a fantasy.....
RHP User
12 years ago
I’m a big fan of being told what to wear (or not wear), where to meet and what to do – especially if it comes from an intense, dominant & seductive man. I’m also quite partial to blindfolds, restraints and surprises as they allow anticipation and engage my mind as well as the sensations on my body. With the right partner and environment I can be persuaded to do most things as I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. However, I need to believe a situation is real, so for me to play dress up in say a nurse’s outfit, I would feel silly not sexy; or dress like a hooker, well that’s not my style at all. I like things that enhance my confidence and turn me on as well as my partner. I can absolutely get carried away with a Fireman – If he was an actual Fireman who I magically bumped into there was intense chemistry and he threw me over his shoulder. Or A cop, who pulled me over, cuffed me and felt me up. Given that there are laws against these situations, they remain a fantasy as role play versions just wouldn’t cut it for me.
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'LittleRedEngine'Role play conjurors up very different images for me. I dress up in my Sauron gear. You're surprised you as my cape flies open in the lightning and wind. With a flurry I bury may magical staff in your enchanted forest.Then the Orcs arrive.One does not simply penetrate Mordor.
RHP User
12 years ago
I'm happy being told to do things that are out of my comfort zone, but I will always be me. And that "me" happens to be a devious nurse, does not change this.
RHP User
12 years ago
Please RHP mods let it through this time, I think it is funny. You know "Irony" I prefer the more contemporary scripts. eg"Inconsiderate Dick."Staring me.. :) and some big titted 20 year old.Stage right:Come in, from nowhere, unannounced, forget her name, remind her of how too old she is and that she is letting her self go. She gags on my cock, I blow on her tits. Raid the fridge, spill red wine on the carpet, leave the toilet seat up, fart. Then exit with a labored smile saying "You owe me one, baby." All the while with my mp3 earphones on so I don't have hear her whinge.LOL, oh if only a dream.
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'Meeka100' Yes I am interested in role play, but certainly not the fireman or plumber routine. Doesn't interest me at all. Maybe I am thinking the wrong thing? For me.... Scenario 1: Turning up to a hotel room and knocking on the door but placing a blindfold on before the door opens... There will be a stranger or strangers in there who will tie me up and do all sorts of naughty things to me. I don't know who they are or how many... Scenario 2: being a slave at an all women's tea party but I am naked.... Etc. I am not going into details but I am sure you can imagine. :p Is that role play or just sex games?1- I was lucky enough to experience that with a long lost RHP member on here. She asked what I would do if i found her tied up in a hotel room? Love every moment of it!I would like to do the reverse of that, the whole "TRUE LIES" movie scene type. The song I would choose, PRIVATE DANCER by Tina Turner.2- One of my abosolute first on RHP in 2004 (Geez! I was young then). She wanted to try the whole stranger role play. The cop and the citizen theme, but with a twist. She was the cop, and I was to be harassed. As we would not meet until the at all until the role play, we got a few solid ground rules in play. We chatted on phone as well and for safe keeping she gave my details to someone just in case. She knew much more about it than I did. I wanted her to be a female smartarse, abusive power type and some racist kicked in (due to my color). She caught up with me at behinid Roma st car parks. The twist was as she had me outside the car, that I would detain her, tie and gag her, place her in the boot and take her to her place and have her submit there. Truly interesting. Never done it before, but with all the planning and etc, worked a real charm.Thats what I''d say to anyone wanting to try role play. Talk about it - sort lines, rules outSee all the angles or the playkeep a little to the thrill and excitementDont rush to just have the fun, the planning builds the excitement.
RHP User
12 years ago
Roll play takes a lot of energy and planning if its done right Firman , yes I love it if its a real fireman same with a cop..fuck I looooove fucking a cop when he is in uniform I love telling men what to do at times, but not all men some men are alpha so it does not float their boat if I get bossy Love playing the whore as its not much of a stretch
RHP User
12 years ago
Well lucky for me I am the real deal and happy to fix any household issues that may arise,
RHP User
12 years ago
Hey Tuscan, anytime show me your stuff........
RHP User
12 years ago
...my sense of humour always seems to get in the way, laughing can really pull you right out of the moment. How in the hell can I pretend to be a masked bugler sneaking in your bedroom window and you pretend to be terrified, the in the dark I accidentally step on your cat? Game over.That said, I think most of us have some very interestingly unique personality traits and characteristic that we can play up or play down...matching those in a much more intimate and personal way. The word's a stage and we're all actors...I'd just prefer not to trip on your cat.
RHP User
12 years ago
teasing in public places isnt really role playing to me....I love wearing no underwear, and letting him know while we are out....did it today in fact, in the rain , walking along the beach, climbed up on rocks, and let the rain hit the right spots in a tight short denim skirt...once he realised.....
RHP User
12 years ago
I have been thinking of a woman stranded on one of the many islands of the coast..... I come along and find her naked and basking in the sun and you can fill in what happens next but to be had by all.........
RHP User
12 years ago
I love love love role playing.... I want to do the hooker client role playing in King's Cross.
RHP User
12 years ago
If you think about it!What is one fantasy that a substantial number of women have, and has even been touched upon in the posts above?it is the forced sex scenario.If this were to happen in real life, it would be constituted as rape! - not very sexy in real lifeYet it is one fantasy that many women share.Role playing this, with a trusting partner allows you to somewhat fulfill this fantasy, without all of the risks associated with the "Real Life" version.
RHP User
10 years ago
Quoting 'inspirit' you a tradesman loving... I have some work that needs doing Man" If you don't suck it you cant fuck it, Woman" if you don't lick it you cant stick it
RHP User
10 years ago
I am extremely interested in role play. Make-believe play is essential to development in childhood, and I think its naive to believe that development halts at any point, so make-believe play also has myriad potential for cognitive enhancement at any age.
Props and stage setting are means of signifying to our subconscious that some significant is to take place, and helps our attention and senses become attuned.
Role-play can be done on one's own, but is much more effective when the fantasy reality is shared. Anyone?RHP User
10 years ago
I did the "hot tradie turning up and me seducing him" role play once, it was really hot. Would love to do it again, it was so exciting waiting for that knock on the door.
RHP User
10 years ago
Leave me a message lol
10 years ago
Hey, welcome to my life......!!
RHP User
10 years ago
It took me quite a long time to fully immerse myself in role play, I guess that's the natural self consciousness we all have at some stage. Once I became fully confident with it though I found it even more appealing. It can enhance a scenario tenfold as long as both parties are fully committed.
10 years ago
I dress up as a guy and pretend I'm a Ceo of a major financial company. Directing my staff and employees without them knowing that underneath my man clothes a woman is in charge. Won't work????.........maybe it does work..........
RHP User
10 years ago
I think role play is about searching your inner self for that little bit of magic that does not happen in real life because real life is just that...jimmy
RHP User
10 years ago
I hope you don't mind a mans perspective :) I was at work one day when a very large bikie was walking towards me with his partners. She was wearing a very short skirt and tight top.After they had passed me she bent over as if she was picking up something, looking behind herself to make sure I was watching . she was not wearing any underwear. Roll play a yes from me
RHP User
10 years ago
I have found in My experience that the key to role play scenarios is finding a play partner whom compliments your thought processes. If you find the yang to your yin then the possibilities are endless. Rather than having to 'act' the role, if you tend to slip into a subconscious space that is a fundamental part of you, despite it often being a hidden part and then your play partner provides the opposite character, you are well on your way to a satisfying, sexy and fun little adventure.
I have been fortunate enough over the years to find play partners with similar interests (some quite taboo) and being Dom, once the scene is agreed upon I like to take the initiative and do the planning, providing Instructions, setting the time and date and often the venue. Whilst knot wanting to over plan and make the play rigid and sterile, a little planning and creativity can help the scene have more impact and certainly more sexy. It IS very dependant on the roleplay however, because they can be as wide and diverse as one's imagination.
As to the OP's question, I too am interested to see how many and how diverse women like their rp fantasies to be. Whilst public play is knot My scene (been there and these days I like to do what I do discreetly and more privately) there is a plethora of fun to be had if you are creative, careful and do a bit of contingency planning.
The element of danger is often a harbinger of our deepest (and often darkest) desires so its understandable that roleplaying out in the open has its appeal, but for Me I prefer a play scene that is unique, involves a respectful understanding of a mutual fantasy and is something shared between the two of you alone, in secret and becomes a private memory to Treasure.
So, roll on role play.
Darkman. XxDork_Doggler
10 years ago
Well, well, well....Good morning Miss Kittysub0! Such a beautifully succinct, yet incredibly erudite psychological approach towards rationalising the continual progression, development, enhancement, and learning, of both oneself, and, of trusted, trusting, and kindred others, whilst simultaneously seeking, to intentionally create, and to explore and discover new, pleasurable life experiences, has been expressed by an absolutely stunning looking woman, with a very healthy sounding attitude towards enabling the opportunity to expand upon past experience, and to also, submit to more current desires, for both personal and mutual fulfilment. Role play and fantasy play between consenting, willing, adults enables boundaries to be tested, and if desired expanded, and taboos, some of which cannot exist in reality, to be "experienced". Outstanding comment and mature, confident, attitude Kittysub0! Oh, equally interesting, considered, and very hot profile too. I very much enjoy writing personally tailored stories and look forward greatly to creating one for your gorgeous self that will, upon your perusal, hopefully exceed it's desired aim of grabbing your attention, rapidly and surely building an interest and desire to continue, faster, hotter, dirtier, harder, creating lust for more, wanting more, now, your story ultimately climaxing, making you need more, making you instantly wish to drop to your knees, onto your back, and unavoidably, uncontrollably begin to.... Enjoyed your comment, and profile, have a great day Kittysub0...
10 years ago
probably best to contact her directly mate, not sure if she would pop back into this old thread on the off chance a bloke has made her an offer too good to refuse.
Also..... I can swap you full stops for some of your commas if you like.MissBishere
10 years ago
kissk I just choked on my ice lock while reading your reply LOL...cracked me up
RHP User
10 years ago
There is some seriously strung out people in here, that have way to many inhibitions for there own good. Fuck it I am returning to the bedroom to wank in my y fronts under the covers with the lights off
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Mrs Jet loves the naughtiness of daddy/daughter play, we one day hope to meet an older man to fulfill the fantasy further
RHP User
10 years ago
I was a naughty school girl and the principal and I texted each other for a week before, keeping in character. The night of punishment came and he walked into a motel room to find the naughty school girl blindfolded and ready to take her punishment. That was one of my hottest nights ever!! The build up for over a week just added a new dimension to the intensity. Yes, the odd role play here and there adds a little spice to life!
RHP User
10 years ago
Sorry for last post. The above mentioned role play was not in public as op wanted.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Good luck and yes role play is spectacular
RHP User
9 years ago
Role play is awesome. It's great to dress in different sexy slutty clothes and be different people. You can create lots of awesome scenarios. It mixed it up and makes it lots more fun. I really love to be dominated by him in lots of different ways but I also like to dominate him sometimes and treat him like my toy boy sex slave. It's endless what you can do and who you can be. It's even better when we play in public. It's just great to let yourself go and just go with the moment
RHP User
9 years ago
With my fwb have enjoy role play as me the master and her the naughty school girl....very sexy.
Would anybody else like to play!!
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Life is all role play... you start playing as a child then a teen, then you pretend you are an adult until you get old and loose the ability to play.
You go to work... aren't I wonderful... I deserve a raise...
But seriously where would life be without the mid conjuring up dreams and fantasies... and I have been lucky enough to live many of mine... still a few to go!
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