Role Play

January 14 2012

It seems that there are many who have "role play"' down in their fetish list. What is your definition of role play and what sort of scenario do you have in mind?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    MistressT, how did people miss this question? I have often wondered about this myself. Is it the Doctor/Nurse scenario? Or HeadMaster and pupil? How far do people go? Pretend you are strangers in the night? Pretend to bump into each other in a night club? Knock on a hotel room door, put the blind fold on before the door opens... walk in and be at the total mercy of who ever is inside. One, two or more? xxMeeka

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I have Roleplay ticked in my little fetish box because I am very keen to clock up some roleplay mileage! . I've had very limited experience of it in a past relationship and although I am very keen to explore roleplay in this current one, my significant other is not *pout* .. So the more replies you get to this forum, the better in my opinion. I am a willing and eager apprentice where this topic is concerned. And you never know ... It may just coax Mr Vanilla When It Comes To Roleplay right out of his shell and let him see all of the fun and sexual excitement that can be had! . Meeks ... it's almost Easter again, we should talk . Flirty x

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I have a role play in mind Flirty.... wanna go hunting wabbits! xxMeeks

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    For me it's not the costume it's the who,it's the taking over or the giving over of control it's the erotic nerve being teased,depriving one or more sense to acentuate the others,giving unexpected pleasure ,sometimes with a stranger where there is no preconceived idea of who I am, I can be free to be whom ever I want to be and they can give up any responsibility to please me when the blindfod is in place and they have never seen me. That's my favourite role play.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Usually, I play the man and Jen plays the woman.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I want to be the naughty schoolgirl who ends up disciplining the head master... or the damsel caught with her knickers down around knees in a dark alley having a wee.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Role playing by definition is essentially just adopting a behaviour different to your normal.... Tried & tested (the more cliche): teacher & student, plumber & housewife, doctor & nurse, secretary & boss, personal trainer & client... And my absolute all-time favourite: policewoman & suspect ;)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    i love it!   I have so many senarios Ive planned and maybe a few too many already played out.   My favourite is to play out the school girl/ teacher on a camp away with him teaching me a few new things

  • Playful2looking


    12 years ago

    Well murder mystery parties are a type of Role Play. i guess you could organise Sexual role plays; along the same lines except someone gets fucked instead of murdered. but really its more like what Meeka100 said. ... pleaser being kind to little fury animals when hunting wabbits.. Its hard to organise but rewarding if people stick to the script. Since the biggest sex organ is the brain. Titilate the brain and the panties come down. Its a type of forplay a chance for people to let the shackles off as we can pretend that its not us. like pretending to be sex a worker picking up your husband from a bar late at night.

  • duelfantasy


    12 years ago

    We love to role play! It allows you to explore the fantasies as a character rather than being limited by your day to day sense of right/wrong or should/shouldn't. Dressing up as your character is great too! Especially because you then get to undress as the character too! Whether it be willingly for a reaction or forcibly undressed for a different kind of reaction ;) With role plays your only limitation is your imagination. We have discovered many hot surprising fantasies by following the simple rule whilst role playing of not saying no to the experience!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Roleplaying deep dark real or imagined taboo less acceptable scenarious
    can be another exciting option?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I luv Roleplay lol rope is my choice and luv to make the scenario real lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I have the smallest cock in Bunbury lol 2 inch peanut cock lol 😂

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Role play on one hand sounds too silly for me. I can't help but conjure up ridiculous images of bad porn and me struggling to take the whole thing seriously.

    On the other hand, I think I'm not really conjuring up an accurate image of it can really be.

    Meeting the fem half of a dom couple and having her take me home as a gift to her partner is a role play I could get on board with. Patiently waiting, kneeling at her feet in a collar and leash, for him to get home. Some kind of pet/slave/toy scenario. Silent and obedient and at their whim.

    That's a role play I could get on board with.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • jriste


    7 years ago

    Have some great scenarios from my erotic writing , happy to share if you msg me . Thanks Jox ps you look great Mistress lol xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Of role play is trying on different scenarios and personas.

    I'm partial to a nurse/patient or doctor/nurse if I feel like being dominated.

    Or even just pretending to be strangers who meet is a turn on.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    A recent one was a request where a massage had gone bad...the lady became aggressive as the happy ending did not get her over the edge... she wanted to be restrained and blindfolded (which I happily obliged with) and pushed her closer to the edge multiple times by stimulating her clit, her ass, her ears, neck, nipples, ankles, fingers with different items until she was literally dripping until my tongue circled her clit whilst some fingers were inside her as she orgasmed and just about drowned me. She stayed restrained for a while as her husband emptied his load on her outstretched tongue which was fucking hot to watch

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    something I would also like to explore more.
    I have already started looking at costumes and letting my imagination run with it.
    Have played out 1 scenario already but its finding the time.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I have a fetish of supergirl and superwoman....
    I enjoy being overpowered by a hot girl in a supergirl out fit. Then use a green ring or necklace as a kryptonite tool to weaken her. Then have my way with her sexually!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    a fetish that a sexy woman push me on to a soft bed and fuck my old brains out

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I have a fantasy in mind where I get blackmailed into sex against my will. Where my partner uses intellectual control rather than physical control to dominate me.

    Creating a scenario to role play helps set some boundaries on what you want to explore.

  • HarleyQandMrO


    7 years ago

    I love role-playing and lucky I have a man who is amazing at it. It's like having a split personality. You become what you wear. You are more daring, say things you wouldn't.normally day and can let yourself go, more submissive., more dominate or shy. with no worries about comebacks
    I absolutely love dressing.up, mainly kinky outfits for.plAy time and fun. But for scenarios there is PA and boss, being caught watching porN at his office desk. Nurses, bend over and cough 😈 Massage therapist with a very happy ending. 1800 damsel in distress. Vampire, there lots for well. Soldier, assassin. Teacher
    A whole different person comes out, it is just amazing. Takes some.thought and being with but then it just flows. Of course there is always the school girl getting.her grades, but I Ike.turming the tables on this one and we have a full on wrestling session. Were we aim to beay the other and nothing is held back, being exposed Doms and ex bouncers, we have a few tricks up.our sleeves, leaves few lovely bruises at the end, but so worth it and worn with pride and reminder of yet another Amazing sessions.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Hi Guys,
    we are looking for COUPLES to make hot Femdom role-play`s......both Girls dom....
    Best Alina

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I love sub/dom bi mmf hostage scenarios.

  • tagteam


    5 years ago

    we just read an old reply to a role play forum which said you have many role play scenarios written down. would love to see some if possible

  • hornydaddy2party


    2 years ago

    Daddy role play all the way