Reverse Gender Non-Consent

February 13 2024

That's the best way I can describe it right now - could do with refining.

When a girl decides to non-consensually sit on a guys dick without using protection and having the conversation beforehand it would be classed as illegal in some way?

I've experienced this twice in my life. Lats time was about 4 years ago with a partner I'd met 4 times and we'd played protected as agreed up front. 5th time, she was enjoying sucking on me then decided to just stand up and guide it inside her. No comment, permission sought.

I was surprised and I simply asked "So you did that?"

She looked at me and said "Yeah, it just felt right."

No embarrassment or notion of regret that she didn't ask.

I asked her again afterwards and she felt it was her decision ultimately.

How does that sit with people? Would any guy honestly kick up a stink if a girl did that?


  • ElectricDreamers


    a year ago

    Surely these days it will be classed as illegal.

    Your profile lists 'never' for safe sex so I imagine it wasn't much of an issue for you but it's not ok. We've been fluid-bonded with trusted others in the past and someone taking the choice away from Mr Electric or a fluid-bonded partner would not be ok. It would have negative ramifications for all those swimming in our barrier-free pool.

    I (Mrs) do feel that waaay back in my youth I might have overstepped the mark with more than 1 hesitant gentleman who had not planned to have sex with me. There's seduction and there's coercion. At the time I thought - I got them hard - they're willing but now I wonder if I did a bad bad thing.

  • Flirtydancer


    a year ago

    Consent is essential, no matter the gender

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Consent is CONSENT
    Doesn't matter, of sex.
    Your situation doesn't sit right with me. Her excuse was not ok.
    Would it be ok if a man stated that to a women if roles reversed he tried to dip stick without consent?
    You accepted and continued.
    Now, she will do the same with the next man she's with.
    If you didn't want to do the whole no protection, why didn't you stop or be man enough to guide her away? Just like I do to a man if he tries that tactic on me.

  • Margo_Lover


    a year ago

    I've had a couple of ladies just slip me inside her bare, without checking it was ok.

    It wasn't, so I pulled out immediately, and continued after grabbing a condom.

    I wasn't offended by it, just surprised.

    - Alex

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Great question....

    I think, if we're all honest... Most of us (ladies) have done this on more than one occassion in the heat of the moment. Without even giving it a second thought even. So well done you for speaking up, dont think most men would.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    The main offence that covers “rape” is the offence of “Sexual Assault”, which is found in Section 61I of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). A Sexual Assault occurs if the following elements are present: A person has sexual intercourse with another person. Without the consent of the other person.

    CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 61I Sexual assault

    Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person without the consent of the other person and who knows that the other person does not consent to the sexual intercourse is liable to imprisonment for 14 years.

    Mens rea: actually aware of lack of consent; or
    was reckless as to whether the alleged victim was consenting.

  • PerthVixen


    a year ago

    Her decision was probably just 150,000 years of “biology” kicking in.

    I mean this entire topic is proving how utterly lacking in knowledge
    * of the law
    * of human psychology
    * of coercion
    * of societal grooming
    the majority of people are.

    I shouldn’t be surprised, let alone shocked, at the attitudes and therefore comments of so many, but here I am . . . reading the words of people . . .
    and I am appalled.

  • Hotwife71


    a year ago

    I get shoe on the other foot etc.

    But this should be a Reddit AITAH thread and YES you are.

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    Its been so long since having sex without a condom ( Mrs S exempt ) l would love to just shove it in , but l dont...

    Tempting, but not silly ...

  • Kt_Kcouple


    a year ago

    Important to also think of the primary partner of the male involved in the non consensual in protected sex.. even if all parties tested and STI free, one of the really common issues with multiple partners is BV (bacterial vaginosis). Not an STI per se but really unpleasant to suffer from and the antibiotics you have to take for it are no walk in the park. Having unprotected sex with multiple partners can increase the risk of this to your partner-different bacterial flora. I personally would not be ok with a woman doing this with my male partner without prior consent.

  • Libertine001


    a year ago

    Personally, it would come down to the relationship and how well you know and trust each other after all that is the foundation of any relationship.

    If she was just a fuckbuddy and your well aware she plays around then definitely not ok.
    If I was in that position it would have stopped immediately considering you have your partner and your own personal health being compromised which should take the highest priority.

    If she was a friend that you know well and trust then you would expect her to be considerate of your relationship and wouldn't put you in a compromising position.

    There's no excuse these days to not know the dangers of any STD's and how easily they can spread.

    A situation like this is even more reason as to communicate thoroughly about consent and boundaries before jumping in head first and not consider the consequences even if such a conversation can spoil the moment and feel like a pre nup.


  • nightingale8


    a year ago

    Like some above me have highlighted, if my partner did that I’d be furious. I might have ended the open arrangement altogether, I feel that strongly about it.

    Nonverbal consent is a minefield. I’d assume it would need to be looked at from a case by case basis. A man doesn’t often fear violence for saying no or changing his mind. If he can’t use words he usually has the strength to overpower the female. I think that is the difference. And while not *usually* the case I’m sure there would be some exceptions where a man genuinely is afraid for his safety, and there is no shame in that.

    I don’t believe equality means blindness to difference or, more specifically, context. Context matters!

    The other thing is it sounds like there was no deceit happening. While what she did surprised you, it wasn’t happening outside your awareness. She looked at you, you looked at her and you accepted. Unless I misunderstood something