
February 06 2023

Why is it so hard for people when they look at a message to give a simple not my type or anything , Just as a common courtesy


  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    No response is a response.... That's you're "No thanks, not interested".

  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    I find it more of a "courtesy" for members to have uploaded pics to their profiles. Sadly, that's not common 😜

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    I have No photo, no reply on my profile but its always ignored. Then they get annoyed if I dont reply. 🤔

  • Freaky_Fun


    2 years ago

    How hard is it to read people's profiles before sending dick pics 🤷‍♀️

  • ppiffle3934


    2 years ago

    I have no face pic no reply on my profile, yet I still receive many messages where the sender does not have a photo. some have ask me on everything. I also say no unsoliceted dick pics but that too is ignored. When I have replied with the thanks but no thanks etc some have replies have been quite abusive. I know I'm not the only lady on here to experience such poor behaviour. So for the most I think if a man hasn't bothered to read a profie with specifics stated, or read it and ignore them and send a message anyway, then they more likely than not will be ignored. Which, as others have stated is answer enough.

  • kickingaround


    2 years ago

    Why is it so hard for guys on this site to write a sentence for themselves....

    The profile builder sentences are such a turn off.... but if someone says hello to me I'm supposed to think up another way to politely say "thanks for saying hi but I'm looking for something different"

    Then they want to know what kind of different and I'm a bitch if I don't answer that message, like I owe them my time.... if a guy wants the time of a woman that he thinks owes him he should try someone in a service industry

    I think the men online have forgotten that they pay the site for their membership and not the women... RHP owes you a safe environment, the other users don't owe you anything

  • teamaj2


    2 years ago

    This question has been asked many many times on the forum .
    If we get a respectful message of more than three or four words I / we respond . I truly shouldn’t need to, as our profile states we aren’t meeting anyone at the present time .
    Only a few days ago , I responded with a polite - Thank you for looking at our profile etc etc .. no thank you .
    The response I got was a full frontal nude picture . Instant block from me . I can’t get inside these men’s mindset but do they think we will instantly change our response after receiving an unasked for picture?
    A lot of people don’t respond as they get exactly what we got in response , abuse or a very disgruntled reply demanding to know why it’s a no . All three are inappropriate. People also tire of others not actually reading their profile prior sending a message , when they are clearly not what they are seeking .
    I’m not for one minute intimating that is yourself .
    I like to think the best of people and will continue to respond but I do understand why people don’t .
    I can’t tell you how to feel . No response , as has been said , is a response - it’s a no .
    May your patience pay off .
    Good luck . Ax

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    How hard is it for people, to clean a sticky keyboard, when there's a box of tissues next to it?
    Just common courtesy to use the tissues.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Because we don't owe you one. It's quite simple and you need to get over it.

  • ArtsyLusttty


    2 years ago


    For various reasons from whatever the person wrote in the email and/or something about his profile, NO I do not have to reply back to his email.

    Get over it yourself if they don't reply to your emails.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Because we get sick of getting abused because we dare reject him.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Honestly! Someone doesn’t get back to you or doesn’t reply , it’s not the end of the earth.
    Build a bridge and get over it .
    Ya all worry to much !

  • boobsandbusted


    2 years ago

    No reply means not Interested or just too damn busy to be bothered ,and by not responding stops the pressure of haveing to explain themselves which no one here should have to do but some men pressure for an answer why why why but I’m nice but I wrote a nice message ,no woman wants to say but your fuckin ugly dude and make me like a dry creek bed in the middle of summer , it’s awkward and could cause anxiety who needs that ,so no answer saves everyone sometimes ,in short deal with it and think of others and why they don’t reply , not yourself,

    Mr b

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    Because most the ppl youre likely to come across here ' were not bought up in the same era where manners were a everyday part of life.. Never having manners ' its quite normal for them to be aloof.. Dont be hard on yourself , you cant change ignorance...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Peter, the problem here is you are bringing your old school values to the new school and then acting like everyone else has the problem. This is how it is done here. If you want to cling to your values there are places that cater to that. This is not it and you are not going change RedHotPie to suit your worldview, the question is can you adapt to the new school values at RedHotPie?

    Your question "Why is it so hard?" can be answered with: It's not that hard at all, it is though a bit tedious. But I really think the question you want to be asking is "Why is it done like this?". Can you see the subtle difference?

    The answer to this new question is: because nothing positive really comes from these replies. They don't make rejection feel any better for the rejector or the rejectee. So if something is tedious and produces nothing positive then question becomes "Why would anyone do it?"

  • gigglegirl


    2 years ago

    Most people have a no photo no response policy and include that in their profile. Sadly people don't read profiles I have quite a few visible photos on my public profile and I get sick of guys with no photo asking me to respond to there Hi, unsolicited dick pics or give them access to to my private gallery. Why do you deserve a response if you can't even upload a photo read my profile or treat me like a person instead of body part? The women on here are ordinary women not paid porn stars.

  • gigglegirl


    2 years ago

    Besides most single women on here get dozens if nit hundreds of messages a week. It would be a fully time job to send a message to everyone. I tried to respond to all messages initially with a standard pretyped message if i was not interested but even that was too time consuming.

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    So If a guy sends a disgusting message ' he's a grub .. ( l agree ) and if he is the exact opposite , he's not a grub but not worth the time of day or a reply ?

    This might be simple ' but wouldn't it be easier to just block the grubs so no messages get through ?

    Anyway ' only goes to show the advantages of old fashion dating where you did everything face to face instead of hiding behind a computer screen where you can be anything you want without the need to dress for the occasion..

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    When you write a message, introducing yourself, you’re thinking of the sex you’d like to see play out with us for example, that’s cool, no problems speak your mind.
    Thing is we’re not necessarily sitting by the inbox at the same time, in the same mood.
    Times where we do go to messages is when we’re thinking about the sex and what we’d like to see play out and you might not be sitting by your inbox if we did send a message back, and if you were and in the mood still then patience is a virtue.

    Mado Tara xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    The reality is they are that disinterested that they couldn’t be bothered. Which is fair enough.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    It's called ghosting, it happens to everyone, also women. Such is life

  • RORO41


    2 years ago

    Ahahah women are spoilt here mate..all women here get like almost a hundred msg,,so they r super picky,,that s why

  • Onemustry


    2 years ago

    So interesting to read the responses. Many of our responses are from men that have clearly not read our profile. This is so disrespectful and I am always astounded that my husband and I clearly express we only play together . So if a straight guy asks if Dave's missuss plays alone. I feel that no response is the more dignified Avenue . A non response is not personal but obviously we all initially have a photo and a bio to go by. Be dignified and move on to hopefully a sexy mutual match

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    It’s a bit of Russian roulette because you don’t know how someone is going to respond. The majority of men are pretty good, but then there’s those who use it as an excuse to abuse you with “your loss”, “you’re too old anyway”, you’re fat and ugly”.
    I know it’s frustrating with the ratio of men to women, for both sexes.
    RHP now has the response option of ‘ignore’ if you are not interested, but think that just deletes everything?

  • madmanx


    2 years ago

    Most I’d definitely respond: even if it’s a no thanks.

    But when people come in who are clearly not what you’ve asked for; especially when they exhibit arrogance….. they can be deleted without responding imo.