Profile feedback pls?
February 01 2020
Just starting - would appreciate some advice, please.
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
5 years ago
Why don’t you smile ??
As for the wording, if it’s representative of who you are, and your profile is a good snapshot of you...then it’s fine..
Mr DragonSawadee
5 years ago
.letting others know who you are in your own words . No one can do it for you.
RHP User
5 years ago
You wrote it
You own it.
Second guessing what others want leads to disappointment to both parties.
My only profile tip is, starting with yourself, be honest.AnnieWhichway
5 years ago
Reads well. Good luck
RHP User
5 years ago
Looks like you just mashed the keyboard. It might mean something to you but that's irrelevant. Your name, along with message title, is often the first and only impression you make on here.
You've put all your effort into the wrong areas. War game it out; make a second profile, send it a message, open it and pretend you're a sexy woman with a full inbox looking for someone like you. What's the sequence you follow? They're only reading your profile text after they've decided you're potentially fuckable at that stage it's yours to fuck up. Say less, do more.
The trick is to appear confident and competent with the minimum effort required to do so because this shit is simple, you've got it handled and you've got heaps better things to be doing than writing out profiles and messages. Try too hard and you come across like all the other clueless goobers. Name -> message subject -> display pic; if they aren't interested after that they probably won't be ever.
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