Pretend Profiles

August 21 2022

Be careful ladies and check out profiles fully and ask questions if unsure. I had a guy approach me with 2 different profiles. His body was different in each so it wasn't his but a copy and paste of someone else's.

I was a little suss so was asking questions and eventually he let his guard down and showed me his face which I remembered from the other profile.

I asked him why he had 2 profiles and why the body pics were so different and he's blocked me. He's obviously trying to pretend he's something he's not so make sure you vet your guys properly
before meeting x


  • nsn12385


    3 years ago

    Hmmm thats a shame, time to find a genuine one then? ;-)

  • teamaj2


    3 years ago

    Always follow your gut instinct , it rarely is wrong .
    I’ve a fairly good memory too . We were also contacted by two different men this weekend . Something was NQR with both of them in my opinion . One definitely has multiple profiles with different names ,he has contacted us on numerous occasions . With both came the barrage of unwanted intimate pictures etc etc . One of them sent a very long , lovely message . Pity for him I still had that message as he had sent exactly the same message word for word last time . Alarm bells .
    We aren’t meeting up with anyone at the present time as our profile states . Sending us photos under a different profile and / or intimate photos will not entice us out of our hiatus .
    There is genuine people out there Black Velvet . They are always worth the wait in finding them .Ax