Pregnant Cuckolding
December 27 2020
4 years ago
Damn, talk about a needle in a haystack! You'll see the occasional couple on here, but adding cuckolding to the equation might be a hard ask. People understandably get protective when their partners are pregnant, so you're asking for an unbelievably high level of trust with a complete stranger. You'll see pregnant sex workers advertising occasionally, maybe that's an option? You'll find those in the industry quite adapt at role playing, maybe that could help with the cuckolding bit🤷🏻‍♂️ Good luck
4 years ago
We didn’t play while pregnant even though we were both as horny as hell but we were so focused on each other that we forgot about swinging. Since then pregnant women turn me on big time, actually they did before but having experienced it I loved every moment of it. We did play after and adding an extra fluid to playtime for very erotic :)
RHP User
4 years ago
Yummmm dude you’re not alone
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