a year ago
Nope. Its porn 🤷. I love Horror/Hentai and midget porn..... doesn't mean I'll fuck a vertically challenged Ox with tentacles 😜
a year ago
I do
Anything family related is disturbing 🤮RHP User
a year ago
Perhaps stranger when girls watch it.
a year ago
It's not real life. It's acting out scenes.
Now, if your partner was from Tassie, be a little different.
Ms FoxySawadee
a year ago
Yes ' i find anything to do with mum , dad , brotber, sister porn weird and wont go there even if it is acting ... Plenty of other stuff more worthwhile watching ...
a year ago
I enjoy watching porn and I especially like watching cuckold couples and threesome. When I do a search for these every second one is title stepson/ stepmum/ stepdad etc. I am starting to think it is just a default setting. I find it hard to believe it is that popular and that the participants are all related by marriage. :-)
Shells xxnightingale8
a year ago
Why is it weird?
a year ago
No. It's just fantasy. Doesn't mean I would do it or condone someone doing it in real life.
RHP User
a year ago
I don't really think it should be a thing. I do think the people that make porn need to start taking a bit more responsibility for the influence they hold.
I know it happens in life though. I had a partner that was sexually active in the back seat of the car with her step brother and pretty much I don't know how a parent can not see their children kissing and fondling each other on the back seat. I believe the issue stems from poor parenting and not setting correct boundaries or explaining why those boundaries exist. I think it highlights a really weird family issue our society has or has bought to light.
What you have to ask is, would you want to bring to families together and have your children, that you are trying to raise as siblings and to love each other as sister and brother then to have sex behind your back, as one of the leaders of a family unit, so you can not possibly parent properly not knowing the full issues? You should not have to trust that your children will not sleep together or be sexually active, if the children were bought up as siblings or even if the families were really close. I find this strange also as well, as it is almost like parents controlling their children and or influencing them into arranged marriages.
So I think the whole subject is taboo and I do think as adults we need to realise that while you may be able to portray something, some themes may not be beneficial to do so. Before you respond as well that it is just fantasy and acting, think, if there was a fiction movie about Hitler was really the good guy. While you could do this, would it be right and is it beneficial to anyone to do it? Would you want a film out there that could influence your children and others that would make them think Hitler was ok? Then why would you want porn out there that suggests to your children it is ok to sleep with their brother or sister just because they are not blood related.RHP User
a year ago
Blame mainstream porn productions coming up with such unnatural obsurd concepts. Yeah I get turned off if a potential meet starts chatting to me about it. Same goes for those ass licker type questions 😂..I'm not kissing a mouth that wants to tongue my ass.. I love kissing way too much. Oops I'm off topic..sorry
a year ago
And especially love me sis porn
RHP User
a year ago
I don’t have step sis so don’t really know.
a year ago
It's a bit of a reinforcing loop. The easy access to porn these days and free sites that undercut production companies mean that a majority are trying to target the niches that sell. I recall an interview in a podcast stating the more of those niche genres they hit the better and that, that means it's no longer good enough for it to be two good looking people passionately fucking. The example they gave was step-sister, cheerleader and group sex. Kind of reminds me of South Park portraying how Family Guy is written 😂.
Faux-incest is apparently one of the popular ones. As people have mentioned, porn is influential so it's a reinforcing loop where it's popularity will probably continue to propogate.
Funny story, we had a friend who slept with his step sister (to be fair they started before their parents were together, but they continued). The incest card always seemed to repeatedly get played whenever we played Cards Against Humanity!RHP User
a year ago
I’m not into it as it makes me uncomfortable but it must be popular as every time I go onto a porn site it’s pushed as suggested viewing. I’m hoping that the porn companies aren’t looking to normalise these sorts of interactions because they definitely cross a moral line for me.
RHP User
a year ago
a year ago
Strange to watch it with your step sister 🤣
The scenarios are so BS that it kind of cancels out the ick and becomes just another scripted sex scene.
Still, it’s better than the stable guy video doing the rounds 😆RHP User
a year ago
Is anyone really into the story line these days.. honest question.
a year ago
There are two words right next to each other in the same sentence followed by an action word, now ask yourself this....Have you ever heard the term I quote "You Get three warnings and it's over" and in this case there are three warning signs in a row? just a word of advice I can see Karma waiting at your front gate calling you...if you cant see karma right now your srewed for life, good luck mate
a year ago
I don't know, but I'm a single dad. I just don't have time at the moment to meet a girl. I can watch an adult movie once in a while. I was recently told about They say you can find various scenes there. I haven't watched it yet, but maybe it will be useful for someone.
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