Polite NOT INTERESTED replies
September 10 2020
I have received so many follow up replies after politely declining offers....
Why is it that it comes dont to if I’m not interested, that I have to follow up with a further 4-5 replies with an explanation to why???? Sometimes it does come down to: no face pic, not attracted to, i dont or they dont meet demographics of seeking and the last one!!!! PROFILE SUCKS!!!!!!!
Just take the THANX BUT NO THANX - we all get rejections😢
5 years ago
If we get a thanks but no thanks we will send a thank you for letting us know and wish the other party all the best. Definitely don’t ask why or anything but just show appreciation that the other person took the time to reply.
RHP User
5 years ago
Why is it you feel compelled to reply to their request?
Is it not enough that you just say “thanks but no thanks” and then not revisit it?mrmike2455
5 years ago
A thanks but no thanks. is polite `enough. Most don't even reply. So I always thank and move on. No need for you to explain yourself.
5 years ago
As Anti has said, why do you feel compelled to continue to message with them? Your original message declining their offer is all you have to do if you want to be polite. Many don't even do that, which includes me at the moment because my profile clearly outlines I am not doing anything at the moment. Just ignore their messages, you owe them nothing, but you do owe yourself some sanity. You will only get that back when you stop engaging with them!
5 years ago
Kitty Kat kris
I ( we ) like you, like to treat people with respect and in turn hope for the best . It’s part of my nature to be compelled to respond with a polite no thanks and not ignore . I’ve learnt to not respond to initial messages only containing one , two or three words only . I also don’t feel people need an explanation.
Most are gracious and actually thank me for replying.
A forum not so long ago discussed -‘Are we compelled to give a reason as to why it’s a no ?’
Nearly 100% of responses agreed , no we are not . As you stated , it can be for any number of reasons . You are not in a relationship with the person or persons and apart from respect , you owe them no explanations.
Glad you are back from space . Hopefully that’s a positive , even in these uncertain times .
4 years ago
Why even reply if you've already said No. You are just setting yourself up and wasting your time knowing you will be questioned.
There is no expectation or obligation to do anything, especially if you have not met them.playfulminx
4 years ago
As annoying as it is, I guess after about ten No's, some guys will want to know why and figure that since you replied once, you might oblige them with an answer.
To make life easier, I say No Thanks but give them a short reason. It's easy enough to do:
"Thanks but you're not quite what I'm looking for"
"Thanks but I think we're into different things"
"Thanks. You look great but I'm not into beards, smokers etc."
I rarely get a guy badger me after that other than to write back to thank me for being honest or replying at all.RHP User
4 years ago
You are opening the lines of communication by responding
If you don't respond...97% of the time that's the end of it
DELETE, NEXTbianca_dd
4 years ago
I have always found a simple "fuck off" works wonders
RHP User
4 years ago
I don't know why it is so hard for people to accept a rejection. I get a few and the easiest way is to just wish them the best and move on, not that hard to do really. I think a lot of people think that this is just a sex site, so everyone is up for whatever they have to offer.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I think there is a block feature. That's what it's for. God knows we all want to be polite, but this neighbourhood is fast. You'll still be respected if you say, no thanks, block.
4 years ago
If they can't accept a simple thanks but no thanks and keep pestering you just block them. You don't owe them any reasons. Out of sight out of mind.
RHP User
4 years ago
That seems to be one extreme and on the other which is what I seem to get alot is no reply at all t
RHP User
4 years ago
In Cairns typically messages etc are just ignored by the most frequently on line ladies. I'm yet to get a not interested courtesy message.Mind you they're a bit rougher and socially unaware in this part of the world.
3 years ago
I am in the same position I'm new to RHP and tbh I don't have many friends due to working long hours and I'm happy for just a chat sometimes and 35 messages sent out so far on here I have had 1 reply kindly saying not what was after
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