Playing with single female or couple ?
July 19 2018
- Posted from rhpmobile
7 years ago
And l thought l was in luck too. No offence taken 😂
7 years ago
Like you plus others not like you.
Great thing about this site is you get all sorts.
So enjoy who you are and the fun you have 😁
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
Yeah. You go through stages where you want to do wilder and wilder things so one on one sex is a bit lame.
After a while you get over it and head back to nilla land.RHP User
7 years ago
I’m happily married to my husband but I’m also bisexual is it normal for me to still want to be with a woman sometimes
- Posted from rhpmobileKingnQueen1
7 years ago
I’m very happily married but I’m bi and love the ladies too. There’s nothing like the touch of another sexy female and my hubby loves hearing bout it😊💋define normal life’s about enjoying all things you love doing.
- Posted from rhpmobile
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