Play while Pregnant
February 22 2025
a month ago
We recall past forum posts, over the years, where the general consensus was along the lines, that being pregnant is a special bonding time, between both partners and the unborn baby.
And that playing / having sex with strangers (in a swinging sense) might be putting the unborn child at risk due to STI’s / STD’s etc.FeistyFatty
a month ago
Hmmmm, I'm just here for the comments 🍿
Read the archives for previous threads asking the same question 😊MrandMrsEss
a month ago
We adored sex while MrsS was pregnant. We were both super horny and found her body amazingly sexy during this time. Probably the time when she actually loved her body the most.
She breastfed for ages and we had a lot of fun with that and there might have been a fun night in there somewhere where a female friend joined us for an extremely erotic night with MrsS’s boobs literally bursting at the seams ;)
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