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Play time
August 18 2023
RHP User
2 years ago
Just hire a hotel room its a neutral space and the most obvious choice.
As for finding time. If both parties are actually keen then people will find time.
We have hosted at home before but not very often and only with a trusted regular playmates due to needing the house to ourselves and not having family or vanilla friends drop in unexpected. So more often a hotel.slowandsteadycou
2 years ago
2 years ago
Both Hubby and myself work for ourselves, from home so we host during the week. Weekend playtimes we have an apartment in the city so host there. Before we were WFH we'd have close Playmates over after kids were asleep (our house setup is in two seperate wings (levels). Worked for us and never had any walk-ins lol. Our kids have also known for many years that we're in an Open Marriage and swing etc. If we're playing solo, we'll host in the city or just grab a hotel room for the night
2 years ago
We won’t play in home town so normally we’ll make a weekend away ( kids are old enough to look after themselves)
2 years ago
For us, with teenagers at home, the options are:
1.Play with people who have a space to play.
2. Play when we get away for a weekend every now and then.
3. Play at a club.
4. If all else fails, have a play in the car after a dinner date etc.
With regards time, we make time for the things that are important to us ❤️
- AlexRHP User
2 years ago
It’s always a challenge with kids… and if getting them out of the house for a day/night isn’t an option, finding someone who can host is always a viable option! I am able to host for select playmates!
2 years ago
Swingers clubs/bars are good for that if you get the night off
Everyone is there for one thing and the venue obviously hosts.Viccpl
2 years ago
It can be a logistical challenge - we prefer hotel rooms, adds to the spice a little. It does have some risk, but we’ve not had any bad experiences yet. Carving out the time is often problematic, family and societal commitments - and of course just plain bad luck has also seen us postpone a heck of a lot of play dates.
2 years ago
Babysitters, hotels, and dinners have just become a part of our budget.
2 years ago
Hi there couples. We were wondering are there in good swingers clubs in brisbane or places to go or best places to pick up meet people?
a year ago
You could always jump on a plane and have a weekend away Have a night out a few drinks and see
a year ago
I recommend finding a guy who travels to Brisbane or who has his own place there.
I travel to Brisbane often and host for the couples I play with.
The only thing they have to arrange is a baby sitter when we play.Kinky_DnA
a year ago
It’s tough when you factor in work, chores, kids, pets and all the other adulting we have to do, Sometimes things don’t marry up but if you can afford a nice hotel it can be very sexy, you might even throw in some sexy role play to further enhance.
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