M49 F39
Phuket April 12th to 19th 2020
February 26 2020
Looking to meet anybody for anything.
Laid back relaxed to hectic party mode.
Reach out if you’re in the area and looking for trouble during that time.
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
We were last there in april 2018 and had the best time ever.. You get soaked to the bone but we made so many new friends it was worth every minute. We tried Bali last year (2019 ) which was nice but ( in our opinion ) Phuket has much more to offer. My birthday falls on april 12th same as Songkran so its easy for us to remember .
If possible we want to be there again this year' and wont be for the lack of trying if we can't ... Definately on our calender..neverenoughfun
5 years ago
but then anytime is fun in Phuket. Songkran is a bigger celebrtion in Bangkok than Phuket but you will still get wet Just make sure you are not carrying or wearing anything that you do not wish to get water thrown over eg watches, phone wallet etc. If you do take those things with you take them in a zip lock bag.
RHP User
5 years ago
I will be there that time msg me
5 years ago
I will be there then if you fancy meeting
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