M56 F54
Outside your own age range
February 27 2024
For example, a couple might be 45 and 47 years old, but say they're interested in others aged 30 to 35.
RHP User
a year ago
No issue really. Everyone has their own ideas and fantasies for varying reasons and this is one place to explore those.
a year ago
I think nothing of it.
Their bodies, their choice.
As stated on my profile, "I'm attracted to younger", does it make me creepy, absolutely not.
Because I'm an adult and like what I like. It's not for others to decide for me.
My parents had a huge age gap (mum older). Did it make them creepy. Absolutely not! It's was kind and loving. A beautiful thing!
If it's not for you, move on!
Ms FoxyNeoAndTrin
a year ago
I think you're doing yourself a disservice id you limit yourself to a small age range as you could miss out on some potential amazing experiences.
Some young people can be quite mature when you speak or meet with them and some older ones defy their age either mental, physically or both.
We prefer to keep an open mind and meet people in person. If it's fun and amazing who cares who.old or young they are? Age is simply a number...RHP User
a year ago
It is basically just preference. Age limits are just that, some want this or that or like this or that. Though I do think you do limit yourself when putting age limits up. You just never know who you might interest really
a year ago
I don't look that closely at anyone's profiles to be honest.... Each their own.
a year ago
I look at the person before thier number.. and truth is l have always attracted younger, not by choice just the way it seems to happen.. My wife is 9 years younger and we get along just fine..
Personally ' l think its the age police who scold anyone who ventures out of their age range is where most the problems lay...
When l say younger ' l draw the line at anyone under 35 - 40.. depending on maturity....RachWandered
a year ago
I don’t give other peoples preferences much thought tbh
People like what they likeRHP User
a year ago
We have had issues setting cut-off for a upper age limit on RHP. As a couple were she has a cut off of late 40s max for single guys or guys in a couple. Though I don't have any issues with females that are older.
This creates issues when setting the age limit on a couples profile when we set it at mid to late 50s it would result in a torrent of single men that age messaging us or Couples with guys that are mid 50s with mid 40s partners. So it was just attracting all the wrong people and combinations.
It Got to difficult explaining and some people would get upset and rude and say ...why is your age range not reflecting what you are looking for?
I think as a couple we settled on a compromise of upper age limit of 50 though even that was a less than perfect comprise.... As we get messages from couples with a 50yo female and late 50s male and we are back explaining....rhp needs more details that can be selected for his...her preference for age and few other categories.
As for the lower age limit we have been lifting that up over the year's . I think the fantasy of an old soul in a young body is probably just that 😂so we set it to a limit of what age people we have actually met got along with played with and it's worked well in the past year or so. It probably needs tweaking every few years.RHP User
a year ago
As long as you don’t look like you hang out with our parents and as long as we don’t look like we hang out with yours…
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