Outdoor sexcapdes

September 13 2022

I'm interested in outdoors sexual experiences of other members
One of my standout outdoor sexual experiences took place in Broome West Oz.
We (my ex and I) were on the amazing Cable Beach and went into the ocean beach to swim and cuddle. Soon the kissing and play turned to our swimmers being removed and making love in the ocean. Not only did this attract onlookers from the beach but also a pod of dolphins swam in and circled around us watching us having sex.
The very cool thing is that being a smart mammal they knew what we were doing and were actually watching us enjoying the show.
Dolphins apparently are the only other creatures that have sex for pleasure like we do .
All made for a very magical and memorable moment.
Keen to hear other fun sex tales 😁💦


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I posted mine in the Hottest Ground breaking sex thead - cant seem to copy and paste from here sorry so if you wanna know mine, visit that thread.

    Cool about the dolphins though. Probably scared you initially as you mightve thought them to be sharks!

  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    Hahahaha, this is funny because I was thinking about the other thread last night and what I wrote on there and I’m pretty sure we actually started that experience outside, so you can also refer to my comment there.
    That’s about all the dirty details you’ll get out of me though, I have very little desire to boast or entertain with my stories.

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Hubby and I, and a few selected lovers, have over the years enjoyed fairly regular outdoors fun.... Having your own pool in most houses helps lol, so pool sex was a regular weekly thing for us and friends as well. Nude beach (Cairns) sex is nice. Ocean sex (nearly every beach we've been to in QLD and Bali lol) is sexy, especially on the sneaky hehe. Lake/Weir (good ole Bedford Weir Blackwater and Maraboon Emerald many moons ago). Over the years we've been partial to some park/Botanic Gardens adventures lol. A horrifying encounter with a bloody snake (not trouser) at the Rockhampton Botanical Gardens made for an abrupt end to that little shenanigan. These are just to name a few... Definitely a fan but not one to risk exposure to families or children.... Discreet, sneaky outdoor sex fan.

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Ouch Phoenix. I still have nightmares about this damn snake coming up my leg...... Swear to God it was a bloody Anaconda lol. Still to this day won't go anywhere near a Bird Aviary🥴
    Critters and creepy crawlies have no place in any sexcapade..... Shudder

  • Sawadee


    3 years ago

    Talking about snakes ... wife and l were enjoying the beach and sun at a secluded beach in the national park, when l noticed a brown snake sliding behind another couple sunbaking nearby... l didnt want to startle the couple or the snake so l walked towards it and it slid back into the bush... Then l had to try and calmly tell the couple to slowly get up and move.. They did and all was good.. Naturally they were full of thanks but l was just glad it ended well... Hate to ever go through that again...

  • KLady


    3 years ago

    An ex and I decided we’d go for a drive one day, I got a bit handsy with him while driving, so he found an off the road track, where we took it further on the bonnet of the car, was going great til I realised the bonnet was hot and ended up with minor burns on my arms, tits and stomach 😬

  • countrytouch82


    3 years ago

    I've only done it once outdoors, but it was only in the backyard (being under pine trees), on a day bed, with a couple.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I love outdoor sex. The breeze on your skin and there are lots of spots if you know how to look 😉

  • RickandAnge


    2 years ago

    My Bull and I had some outdoor fun while hubby watched yesterday. Driving home from a trip to Sydney, we arranged to meet him just off the freeway in a secluded bush setting. After making out for a while, I pulled his cock out and gave him head. I did such a good job, he was cumming on my face and in my mouth in no time. A quick kiss for my Bull, and another for hubby who filmed us in action, and it was time to go to my next meeting. I want to do that every time I travel that way now. I’m wet writing about this now.

  • wooshka


    2 years ago

    The ex and I did sexcapade through boronia heights. Was awesome. Heaps of bushland.