Out of 10, how honest…
November 28 2024
1 being a filthy little Pinocchio and 10 being a “spill it all” after too many truth encouraging drugs.
Would you like to be more brash or candid but fear it’s going to put others off?
Does it piss you off that maybe you hold back in some respects?
RHP User
4 months ago
I think I'm a 9.5 maybe.
The thing that annoys me is that, as a guy, it feels like we're starting out on the wrong foot just by virtue of being a male. So we have to try and first build a strong case that we're even a reasonably decent human being. Maybe then we can focus on the other stuff.Massage_Donor
4 months ago
I like to think I'm at 10. There's no point in being anything but. I want every experience with others to be the best experience possible, and if it starts off being coloured by deception (or similar), then that seems off to me.
4 months ago
We are ten out of ten. I don't see the point of putting something in your profile if you can't back it up when you meet someone IRL.
4 months ago
I'm a 9,9 by your scale Primal.
Not a druggy so definitely don't broadcast that.... Those party and play profiles get an immediate block from me.boobsandbusted
4 months ago
Just went and double checked I didn’t have out ages at over 100 or 18,lol, ,ours are 100 percent ,can’t be bugggered stuffing around playing silly games rather get an x through our profile than disappoint down the track ,well that’s Mrs b ,I’m always a delight 😂😂😂
RHP User
4 months ago
I have my actual age on there, and my face. I have average looks and build although I might change my build to curvy as I do have bigger boobs and don't have a tiny pert butt any more. It's disappointing when you meet someone who isn't what they portray themselves to be.
4 months ago
Generally I am a 10 and possibly a little more when face to face but that shit really puts most off. I have been here on and off for probably way too long. And during that time I have discovered whether you broadcast a 1 or a 10 makes very little difference here. I feel most would prefer chatting with somewhere between 6 and 8 though
4 months ago
Near 10, our ages aren't exact date, so they're not correct all year long.
When we started I had 'straight' on my profile. I changed it to 'experimental' a year or 2 ago. A few couples said... OH MY GOD... MY HUSBAND IS 200% STRAIGHT, WE WON'T MEET YOU NOW.
And that's good, males being anything other than 200% straight obviously scared them. Although they may be surprised to learn that most of the 'straight' males we've met, actually weren't, once clothes come off - Alex.NatSquared
4 months ago
Maybe 9? As you can see from our profile we're open and up front about a lot of things, it's easier to find people we get along with that way. There are some personal things and fetishes that we don't broadcast, but that's it.
4 months ago
I’m a 4. Because no profile description is ever going to capture my awesomeness 🙃
The other 1,2,3 isn’t that the fun of discovery!?
Lucky or unlucky, I never seemed to master filters outside of portrait mode. Sad to say I don’t walk around with a vibrating aura for all to seeRHP User
4 months ago
Appreciate all your input and comments so far.
I’d say I’m at an 8. Gradually I’ve pushed the envelope with the last few iterations.
But I know I’m not fully being the most open and forthright as I want to be.
I’m close though.Mrs_Deep_Love
4 months ago
10. I don't see the point of pretending to be something you're not.
Doesn't it mean more when someone likes you for who you are?MrandMrsEss
4 months ago
I’d say when written a 10 but may slip to an 8 because we are ever evolving. I try to capture who we are as I want to attract people who are attracted to us not an unrealistic version of us.
4 months ago
I just checked mine and I’m about 25 out of 10
4 months ago
I'm not a 10 because I don't do any sort of recreational drugs nor support.
I'd rather a person ask me about my profile, so they can rate as they choose. I really don't care what others think as I have the confidence in myself. I don't hold back on that.
I'm not "pissed off" because I don't hold back. Just some things are less said till face to face with someone and there's a connection. I decide if there's value or not. IMO A sliding scale just doesn't cut it
Ms Foxybeltfedwombat
4 months ago
10. What's the point in making stuff up!
What you see is what you get.gazpacho
4 months ago
Reading this reminds me of The life of Brian. “Are there any women here?” Everyone is here for the action and wearing a fake beard is possibly the least dishonest thing going on.
I’ve lost weight, honest.
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