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Oral sex boredom

January 09 2021

What I want to know, is if there is any female who does NOT enjoy oral sex being performed on her?

Guys always go on and on about it and I'm thinking it's their only trick. I read that and it puts me off. Worse, then they insist that they are better than anyone else. Groan.

Also curious if there are guys who don't like being sucked?

I don't need to hear how you love it, as you are apparently one of the crowd, I'm interested to hear if you don't.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I enjoy it for about 5 minutes, then it gets boring. Maybe 1/10 times it's amazing and I want to keep going, otherwise the purpose is to whet my appetite for the main event. I'd much rather be having sex.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I'm not a big fan of oral. It's nice enough for a bit of a warm up but I don't actually get much sexual pleasure from it and never orgasm from it (unless there's some sort of penetration as well). I totally agree that the way men assume that all women want oral for hours on end, and go on and on about how good they are at it is a turn off. The topics on here about oral always give me a laugh, watching the guys try and outdo each other in their elaborate descriptions of how much they love giving oral and how they do it. Most of them are just saying what they think women want to hear in the hope they'll get their end in, it's so obvious.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    A man who brags has nothing to brag about. How boring and mind/clit numbing is it to only hear from a man that dribbles verbal diarrah how good they are, can do this,that. Actions do speak louder than words. I don't mind a guy going down but for Christ sake give a women a rest. It is not like the vagina is going to be your last meal. Let us going down on you. We might actually want too and enjoy that too. 😉
    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    Actually I had a lover who didn't like receiving head. His whole concept was, he got off at pleasing me. That is what turned him on the most. At first I thought, this is weird, but when he explained it to me, I got it. I was ok with it. Its not like oral is the bees knees. Its not! There's many other sexual things people can do that turns them on.
    Ms Foxy

  • FeistyFatty


    4 years ago

    Oral isn't the be all end all, lucky because alot of men are absolutely awful at it. I love it from my hubby, but he's really the only man I've actually enjoyed receiving from. Others, I get over it after 5mins then I'm keen to try something else.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    I really only enjoy it if my partner is really enthusiastic. Otherwise I can take it or leave it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Like Mrs Deep Love, its amazing if the guy loves doing it to you. If he is just down there with a few laps thinking he is doing you a favour then no thank you

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I like it for a few minutes cause it’s hot and intimate. Then I get bored. Would rather fingers cause they can just provide more pressure then a soft slippery tongue

  • Mischeviouslad


    4 years ago

    I see it like ice cream

    I like ice cream.
    Some ice creams are better than others.
    But I dont feel like ice cream every day

    I had vagina flavoured ice cream once.
    It tasted like shit

    So I took shorter licks

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I thought there was something wrong with me because I’m not fussed about receiving oral. 🤷‍♂️ Those same women don’t have any complaints from other guys so it’s definitely not their skills.

  • badboyhere


    4 years ago

    You did ask if there are any guys that don’t like to be sucked. That’s me. Sure like some of the ladies have said on here they like it first and then it gets boring. I have only ever had one blow job in my entire life and that took almost 1 1/2 hours to get there. I would much rather be having sex than oral

  • SimplyUs


    4 years ago

    I once had a male friend tell me he was “not a fan of oral”, which was a surprise as I had always assumed that all guys love it like I do...

    Guess the moral of the story is, we are all different and as such like different things so open and honest communication is key in all relationships, sexual or otherwise.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Yea, I have always hated it. And men seem to find that as a challenge, they insist and then put pressure on you to orgasm or tell them they converted you and now love it. No guy has ever changed my mind, until 2 days ago... I wouldn’t say I love it now but it was definitely enjoyable and I didn’t have to fake orgasm this time. Who would have thought? All those previous men that had assured me I just needed a guy who knew how to do it properly were right! And I finally found one! 😆

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Male half here
    Doesnt matter how good it is, I just cant get into the groove if I am just receiving
    Im a very tactile person and need all the rest of my senses engaged, not just touch if that makes sense

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Omg. Unless YOU are doing it Wrong then don’t worry

    More importantly. How’s that dumb idea of Vegemite in a squeeze pack ehh. 2/3 unusable

  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    Im not a big fan of giving or recieving. Maybe 3 to 4 minutes and its time to look for better things. I remember being in the throws of passion with plenty of smooching kissing etc then working my way down and gave her oral for only about 2 minutes before penetration . She later told me the short burst of oral left her wanting more but enjoyed making love even more.. Not saying everyone is the same ' but sometimes less can be best.

  • Peakin


    4 years ago

    Omg lol yass
    the yawn factor from a stranger wanting/expecting to put his tongue in my slit
    When I put up boundaries around it they attempt to oral shame me
    piffle lol
    Oral giving / receiveing is sexy and intimate .. not something I'm interested in for a hook up

  • showmenow


    4 years ago

    I’ve only found 1 or 2 men that can give oral that’s worth it. Otherwise it’s like having a sloppy puppy dog kiss in the wrong place

  • Mid_nite_blue71


    4 years ago

    Considering it can take some time to get me to orgasm that way (mind you it is the most explosive one I can have and the best) I just get bored with it most of the time. There is a certain way I like it to be done, all women are different and unfortunately not a lot of the men I have been with have a clue what they are doing or the patience!! I could give instructions etc but if even the basics aren't there then there is plenty of other stuff that turns me on. Not saying by any means that all men fall under the category. Just some I have been with. I would rather incorporate a vibrator that can make me orgasm in a matter of minutes and then go from there. I love it when a man can do it and has the patience to get me off that way, but if he doesn't then that's OK. There has been only 2 that have been able to get me to orgasm that way and really quick and I love it when I can get off. I don't expect it and never have and I am happy to just not go there if it doesn't work. I don't keep score and I don't like it if it is not pleasurable for both of us. Either way I can take it or leave it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    i m not sure if i enjoy bj
    but i would like to experience it haha
    but why bj is not good tho?
    i means its good , fast and no std or aids
    thats my pov

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Oralsex is amazing its the journey to the end.

  • oceanlife21


    4 years ago

    I think it all comes down to if the person giving it enjoys it and listens to their playmates. I've had plenty of bj's that I didn't enjoy receiving. And it puts me off straight away. Then you have someone who put in an effort and it's amazeballs.

  • Cumdownunder


    4 years ago

    I think it comes down to your natural connection and energy and where exactly your personal erogenous zones are some women have sensitive nipples some sensitive clips on the reciprocal side same may have neither of that and have a sensitive neck or ears or arsehole. It's a communication and exploration joint task. Some people like something that others detest. Some men have sensitive knobs or shafts we have all give and take had awkward sensual experiences it's not about fault you are just not the 2 connections that gel. It is cringeworthy to talk your skill set up you are doomed before you start ,we are all different and that's the exciting part and the rush of the unknown and what someone is about. If we learn something from the experience we are enriching ourselves. Yes some people may not like giving or receiving oral and we may not be good at everything. Practice, practice practice and ask first of coarse if you can practice on them. We have all had different experiences me I personally freak out when a teste is in the back of her throat after she just said im gonna suck ya balls darl. My first thoughts are am I going to need ses here for a search and rescue. I'm still optimistic.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I honestly thought it was just me.

    - Her

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I loooooove the thought of it & miss it hard core but I DON'T enjoy it as 99% of men have no idea how my pussycat operates nor are they interested to find out 😒

    In other words I genuinely go without to avoid bursting in tears from frustrations ...that's happened few times now 😅

  • CoastFunSeekers


    4 years ago

    My wife isn't overly into it here either, she can take it or leave it, met a guy at a meet and greet once and that was all he talked about, turned her straight off - she way prefers fingers down there and penetration, her choice and i respect that enormously, been together 43 years so we are doing something right :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I like the feeling of being sucked but at the back of my mind are the thoughts of "I hope she doesn't want me to cum" I have never cum from oral EVER, so I feel bad when getting head. These thoughts and bad feelings often leave me feeling like I am letting them down so over all I don't like getting head

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Is there such a thing as a guy that doesn't like. oral?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I have met a couple of women who say that they don't like it. If I have managed to do it to them they won't kiss me afterwards. They obviously believe that it's dirty. So it's true that some women don't admit to liking it. I don;'t think that there is a man alive who doesn't like it being done to them and, personally, I LOVE doing it to a woman. I'd agree to have a FWB relationship where I just did that and never got the favour returned.