Online chat when you’ve met someone
December 21 2023
RHP User
a year ago
She might be exactly what you need, but you might not be what she needs, sounds like a case of what you want and bad luck if she dont like it.
a year ago
You are single? Yeah.
You are free to do as you please.
If you are chatting to a women who states, she doesn't like smut talk before you actually met her, respect her wishes.
If you want to talk smut with another, you can.
You have no obligation to anyone when exchanging messages. It's not until you've met, then you do.
Until then, Go for it. 👍
Ms Foxyteamaj2
a year ago
You are certainly not obliged to remain monogamous to this lady you are chatting to . You haven’t met her . Obviously, I believe in being transparent and honest if you start up a ‘relationship ‘with her or anyone else .
You at the moment are simply chatting and flirting I assume .
If you seek online dirty chat , so be it .
You are a free agent to explore as you deem fit . Enjoy . AxNeoAndTrin
a year ago
Aaaaaaand he's gone
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