Offering your Queen everything you can.
September 30 2024
5 months ago
This is all common knowledge I thought 🤔
Is there a question?MsSuperFoxy
5 months ago
I know all that and how I want to be treated. Don't need no lecture. But thanks anyways.
Don't ever offer me studs that you believe are quality for me. I'll decide. I want to make my own choices on who, what, why and why.
Ms Foxygazpacho
5 months ago
It’s hard to disagree. Men can spend the best years of our lives trying to make our spouse happy. Some women are miserable people, lazy in bed, and will suck the fun right out of you until you’re just as miserable as they are. There’ll be a point you realize how unhappy you really are, and she will remind you being the fun sponge she has always been.
You should treat all women like your goddess, your princess, and protect them with your life, remaining true to the alpha you know you are, but you should also be far more selective. Be prepared to say “next” at the first red flag. Always ask “what makes me happy”, and leave her to take charge of her own fun.
Long term relationships do not require to people to live one life together. A useful analogy is that It’s very special and memorable when your orgasms align but that’s rare. Find yourself a very understanding Goddess.🙏🙏Ex007
5 months ago
Thank you for sharing, I hope you have a great week.
5 months ago
I think there shouldn’t be any hierarchy in relationships. It’s not a man’s job to model himself into what his partner would like to be with. Just as much as it’s not a woman’s job to model herself after what the man in her life wants. Relationships are about equal care for each other. Having each other’s back, supporting each other’s dreams and career choices.
Sexually - both need to know each other’s desires and be experts for each other’s bodies and fantasies. Seeing your partner receiving sexual pleasure through another person is magical, very intimate and connecting.
You sound like you are more concerned about her desires, sexually and also in everyday life, than she is with yours. (Could be just how you are describing it though).
Often, relationships where one person, no matter the gender, gives up their own self to model themselves after their partner’s wishes to be loved, don’t last. Ultimately, there will be feelings of resentment over not being seen or respected.
If your relationship dynamic works for both of you in the long run, then more power to you. Definitely wish you all the best!Sawadee
5 months ago
The moment you give any partner the reins in a relationship , is surely a recipe for disaster ... They say its all about give and take and we all know what that can mean.. One partner ends up giving and the other taking
It really gets down to the compatibility of the couple.. .. Having the same or similar interests goes a long way.NeoAndTrin
5 months ago
I seem to find plenty of quality studs when I wave the stud finder over myself.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...full stops are actually a thing hey.Flirty2020
5 months ago
Labels, labels … Queen, Goddess, Stag, Vixen ……
How about simply a man who loves and respects his wife / girlfriend ? Mutual & equal respect for one another.
As for the body of your post - is this an advert as to how YOU treat women, with the intention of attracting women to your profile? Is it a statement? Just what is it?
It is hard to tell as it appears to be one long sentence ….. cringeworthy, at least for me it is. I think of my husband called me his Goddess Queen, I would vomit. Boss yes, queen no! 😂madotara69
5 months ago
I believe you may find all your dreams come true by calling into a place called Arrows and introducing yourself.
Mado Tara xxObi1kenietzsche
5 months ago
Well fuck me sideways!
Is that Mado??? WOW!
Where you been fella!? 😊😊😊😊
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