No response after sharing photos

December 07 2024

What’s with people lately? I’m a non paying member so I receive messages only.
Guys message me and then they ask to see my pics and instead of politely saying I’m not their type, they go quiet or block me.
Why is it they don’t have the decency or balls to say something?
I have to tell many guys they aren’t for me and I hate doing it but mostly it’s appreciated.
Is it just me?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Usually a post like this comes from a guy so it’s curious to encounter the same story from the other gender.

    I mean no answer is a no right? That’s the typical acceptance of online dating / hookup culture?

  • Pangolin28


    3 months ago

    These are the questions that will never be answered with all the variables. But I would say those that are hitting the block button or going quiet instead of a polite reply are the ones who are sadly just looking for a hole to fill. Swipe left on to the next so to speak.

  • johdoe69


    3 months ago

    i would always respond :)

  • SexyScorpion


    3 months ago

    Primal_Curiosity I might be old fashioned but a reply wouldn’t hurt. I don’t think bad manners should be accepted. After all, they contacted me.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 months ago

    They dont have to say anything because they are Thirsty Pic collectors = Don't share pics straight up!
    They can see what you look like as per profile pic - anything more they are just in it for wank bank pics.
    My advice; Don't share any until you've met face to face or, become lovers at least.

  • SexyScorpion


    3 months ago

    MsSuperFoxy I’m not sharing nudes - just a couple of face and a clothed body pic.

  • nightingale8


    3 months ago

    I’d also be affronted if I was suddenly blocked for my picture. Sorry to hear it ☹️
    To be fair, they’re working out whether there is basic interest, something that could be solved by putting up a body shot.
    The online scene seems to have changed and I honestly don’t think anyone has the energy for it. That or I’ve been relegated to the ‘lesser value lady pile’ with time and not getting the same traction. I don’t think that way about women/people but I feel it 🥲

  • friendseeker


    3 months ago

    Same old issues every time. Send pic no reply, blocked, ghosted, get hassled, etc. happens so much.

    Just had some friends over including a couple new to the scene and a new woman introduced by her girlfriend.

    It is so nice meeting real couples, and single men and women, who just get on. You know like normal people do.

    Just forget the idiots and appreciate the real people. And the way to find them is to organise to meet in person.

  • Apples_N_Oranges


    3 months ago

    Since being on here we have seen and made plenty of comments about this. We find it even more frustrating when the other couple/person are the ones who initiated the chat. Some have a view that being ignored or blocked is a form of reply, and that they don’t owe you anything. We say BS to that, we make an effort to let people know we are not interested/have lost interest for A,B,C reasons, so we are clear on where we stand and everyone moves on amicably. Ignoring/blocking/ghosting is lazy and disrespectful behaviour, unfortunately it’s part of navigating the world of RHP.

  • Ex007


    3 months ago

    Nothing beats when the trash takes itself out sis. See it as a win and move on.

  • NatSquared


    3 months ago

    For what it's worth, a decent guy wouldn't behave in such a way after reaching out to you. It's just a shame you had to waste your time and energy on them to find out. A bit of sifting is required, but I'm sure you'll find some great people.

  • Buccaneer999


    3 months ago

    Some guys are just idiots. It's their loss, not yours

  • Jackandkay


    3 months ago

    I think you are being mindful…. If something doesn’t click on either side, politely refer to your profile. My partner and I have had quite a few conversations with people who in the end say oh you are not for me or they just disappear. That’s ok, just read the profile before you reach out.
    It’s not you….lol….😘

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Wolf here... Most people just enjoy the fantasy and have no intention of meeting. They want to see people's pics and add them to their wank folder.

    It's quite sad.

    We no longer share our nsfw private albums until we have done a quick video chat to verify everyone is who they say they are.

    It's not just pics though. We rarely even send the first message now. We try to send polite thoughtful messages and just get left on read. The whole "no answer is an answer" is a toxic way to treat someone who took the time to send a decent message. It shows real entitled behaviour.

  • Sarmi


    3 months ago

    I think that expect the worst and be happy with better than that.

    Modern society is just plain selfish.

  • ATouchuRemember


    3 months ago

    It’s unfortunately the way the current online world operates.

    It’s very disrespectful to ignore/block someone who went to the trouble to send a polite, detailed, thoughtful message but people see others as just disposable in this climate.

    Happens all the time, and I never share pics now unless shared with first.
    Even if I’m not keen after seeing someone else’s pics I’ll still show mine out of courtesy.

    I sent you a message, and because I can see you’re legit, the gallery too.

  • Curious2keen


    3 months ago

    Very interesting to hear it go to the three gender.
    It’s not nice at all and even though it’s all digital at the start we can still be polite. I feel you pain

  • TallstTgurlEver


    2 months ago

    I used to be a paid up member and really enjoy this here dating website , but lately guys ive chatted with seem to on here to harvest others media(pics vids) as well as info , like telephne numbers,emails, personal particulars .. Its been almost a negotiation done deal and then they back out last moment ,and bam ,blocked ,without warning ... harvested... used and abused ,and no dooubt the media shared online in a stalkerish , blackmailing way.. ive found my content on some really nasty sites , hosted in the land of MS support workers..

  • Cookiemez


    2 months ago

    I just take it as a no, and they don't know what they missed out on i think.

  • letsholdhands


    2 months ago

    I think any male who you may or may not be looking for that messages requesting photos without first getting to know who you are is an instant red flag.
    There isn’t a need to share photos in the first message to the other person

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 months ago

    I think men play by the same rules women do now....
    Suck it up