No response

May 06 2024

I need advice. I've just paid for a membership, verified, and filled out my bio as much as I can. I've messaged over 45 couples and women with quite lengthy messages. Of those 45, I have had only 12 or so people actually look at the message, and of that, only 2 replies. 1 stated thanks, but no thanks, which is perfectly fine, and I'm currently talking to my other respondent. I'm wondering if there's any advice the other good people on here can help me be more interactive with my target audience.


  • Andrea_Sydney


    a year ago

    A conversation out of 45 randoms is not that bad actually?
    You could consider putting up nice photos. I know for me, I delete messages from guys with “emoji” photos.
    It’s just awkward to have to ask for real photos and then have to say ah, I don’t like them. It’s easier to show yourself and that way not keep out the people that might like you.

  • rupamohan


    a year ago

    Perhaps you can look at profiles of the men that they have on their friend list or validations. Compare that with what you are offering...that may give you some idea about where you clear to put in profile what is special about you...Good Luck!!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    This is just the nature of this site. You're actually not doing too bad. Definitely savour that one conversation you're having.

    I agree your photos could use some work.

    They are all face shots but then the face is blocked out in them??

    But not entirely blocked out, I'm pretty sure you'd still be recognised by someone who knows you from those photos.

    Anyway, that's just how messaging works here. You're better off trying to meet people at an event or something. Or sending more messages, like 300 or something.

  • NeoAndTrin


    a year ago

    How many of them were verified? They might not have been real in the first place.

    Were they all online at the time of you sending a message?

    Also women are swamped for choice here. Unless you are cut like a Greek god then you probably aren't going to get noticed by a lot of single females.

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    a year ago

    Hmmm… If only there was a way to elevate one’s message to the top of the message pile to get a woman’s attention. 🤔
    Oh wait!….. there now IS (but of course it will cost you extra $$….😉)

    Will such enticements actually make any difference to a man’s success rate on an online platform such as this?

    Because MOST women actually require both mental and visual attractiveness in order to engage (and they are not bereft of choices on here)

    Fail either one and you are out.

    Men’s best tools for survival on here?
    1. Discernment
    2. Effort
    3. Patience


  • Ex007


    a year ago

    As mentioned issues with photos. The photos are also not very clear. There is actually nothing in your profile about you. Your 2 “friends” have no photos. This raises a few questions. My spidey sensors tweak which would be a no reply.

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    A no response is a response in itself. And when you have a scatter bomb approach, 2 from 45 is to be expected.

  • RachWandered


    a year ago

    I reckon huge props for actually reading profiles and interacting with those who you match… I rarely respond to faceless profiles and I hate it when they say “apparently you need to reply in order for me to share a face pic” ugh 😩
    Have you got nice face pics in a PG that you make available with messages?
    Also I’m going to mention the proverbial elephant in the virtual room… endowment (soz …)
    When you perve the friends of your target audience (in stalk mode I hope) check the endowment size
    Some ladies don’t advertise they’re size queens but you can get a sense of whether they are from who they’re bonking
    Also if dudes don’t put it up there then assume they’re small
    Well I do anyway…
    Just… I’m not being mean… just someone has to say this stuff
    You seem genuine.
    And it took me at least 6 months to make one genuine connection here!! It’s hard work…

  • RachWandered


    a year ago

    And keep at it
    I reckon persistence pays and not just in terms of meeting people for fabulous sex. I’ve made friends here. All the rejection, ghosting, blowing and going… my self esteem and confidence has improved.
    The best thing is this wonderful little community tho …

  • Felicitous


    a year ago

    I really can't say much more than already has been..
    Some great advice!

    I will say this though.
    Try not to take the lack of 'looks' or engagement personally. Keep in the back of your mind - whilst some here are seeking something 'new' often... others, in fact may only engage a few times a year.
    Some less than that.
    Some are looking for something incredibly specific.
    Some profiles are inactive.
    Some are fake.
    Some won't be attracted to you.

    Have fun here - like Alexis said appreciate the conversations you do get to have.. but more importantly have fun outside of here. Do things that give you joy and build your self esteem - and come here and dabble.
    'Rejection' on any level... for those that give or receive it doesn't feel good.
    No response is a response without the engagement.

    All the best anyway.

  • nightingale8


    a year ago

    Ok so I have been that person who leaves messages on read, or not even read at all lest they see it’s been read then expect a response (in my head I need to respond to the ‘read’ ones). No disrespect of course.
    It’s like this, I open a few (10) then get analysis paralysis and say ok bugger this I’ll come back to it. But not too long later I return and then still unsure. So I’ll reply to 15 saying thanks for no thanks, message two. Maybe doesn’t go anywhere or something is off, rarely it’s a go. Sometimes I get bored - or frisky - and just suggest a meet after a few lines… then they disappear! The other lot I just leave because it’s too much work, I don’t know who these people are really, it’s all a projection. Profiles aren’t real and I can’t smell anybody.
    Other times I use the search function, then second guess if the guys I like are going to be into me (because I’m sexist - deep down I think the hunt is the man’s job - and my precious ego doesn’t like rejection). So I leave that most of the time.
    Hard to believe I meet anybody on that account lol. But somehow on those rare occasions I do 🔥

  • Ex007


    a year ago

    I see you have improved the photos. But there is still nothing about yourself. I also see you’ve added the classic sensual massage. I feel like vomiting when I read this on any profile. Oh so creepy.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Yeah, lower expectations.
    Us Hot Girls, have shit to do.
    We got priorites! Can't be sitting around all day long answering mind numbing emails.
    Be creative with your emails, think like a lady act like a man.

    Ms Foxy

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    a year ago

    Ooh, ooh! Ooh!!
    I just remembered another helpful tip concerning messaging.
    If you don’t like getting frustrated then NEVER,
    NEVER message anyone that has just popped up in the “New” section (particularly if they only have one photo and nothing original pertaining to themselves in their profile description).
    And whilst I’m at it, best also not to message anyone who says the only thing they are seeing is “online fun!” (No explanation required on this point if you actually want to meet them!)
    Let all the other boys inundate such “new” profiles first with their shitty and banal approaches (and get all frustrated on your behalf).
    Such new profiles will be very very busy with all the immediate attention and the best way for you to get lost in the woods is to go stand IN the woods. Chill out and go have a cup of tea, or brush up on your Spanish or something.
    Wait it out and if such profiles ever (and I DO say ever) make it over to the “matching” side of your page then by all means “have a crack”.
    This community message is brought to you by Obi1 Enterprises Inc (all rights reserved).😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    To all who have responded, given advice, some constructive criticism, which I honestly appreciate and plan to take on board. It's me trying to understand what a woman or couple are looking for on this site and selling myself as a good choice to consider.

  • treatyouperfect


    10 months ago

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you Tweek your profile here or there, as long as your profile has a face pic and isn't offensive in any way, just an honest depiction of who you are and what you want.
    You're, sorry, "we" (us blokes) are going to be faced with the same issue , standing out.
    Every bloke on here would have sent out numerous amounts of messages, long ,short, to the point ,well thought out, it doesn't matter.
    When the women on here have to state they're not taking any new messages, or thanking for all the interest it speaks worlds.
    Even a profile with no picture and no description is probably getting potentially 20plus messages a day,
    So if they only go on the site once a week there is probably going to be upward of 100 messages for them, most saying the same shit, the women even tell you this in their profile,
    "Don't just say hey or hi, or hows it going, try and entice me ", and so on.
    So even if a blank profile is getting 100 messages a week imagine what the interesting ones are getting, a good looking girl who just wants to fuck doesn't matter what you look like type profile will be getting hundreds per day,
    I've even seen profiles that say how unattractive they are and over weight they are but just love to be fucked on here, I guarantee they are getting hundreds of messages per week, if not thousands.
    So it's basically a lottery, yeah sure, if you manage to have a great profile, good looking Adonis type with a silver tongue then your going to get more replies than most but even then , they are still one of hundreds even thousands of messages.
    Thats why the girls have the luxury of being able to filter out the undesirables in their profile. Must be this must be that, must be cut, circumcised, imagine we did that.
    Anyway, you get my point

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 months ago

    The statistics are that 90% of the women interact with only 5% to 10% of the men. Therefore only 10% of men are getting attention with nearly all the active women on the platform.

  • Mrnyceguy


    10 months ago

    I hear you brother, I’ve just about had enough it too. 90% of the hits I get are from guys pretending to be couples and wanting man an man fun.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 months ago

    Those stats prove many things about this site in my mind.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 months ago

    I wanted to circle back and revisit this post and give my observations. I have now been here for approximately 6 weeks. I've contacted nearly 150 profiles( not quite the 300 Alexis suggested), and of that, 60 actually took the time to read my message and view my profile. I had 10 reply, 6 thanks but no thanks, which is perfectly fine, and I appreciate their time and effort to do so. The other 4, I have had a decent conversation with 3, but one has dropped off the face of the planet, suspect he was speaking for his unsuspecting wife (not very good at all). The other 2 have gone quiet also, and the last was definitely a fake. So, all in all, I'd have to say that my time here at RHP has been a little disappointing. I guess I'm just not everyone's cup of tea. I may come back, but for now, I think my time here is up. I hope everyone finds what they're looking for in this world. Cheers