

M45 F40

No more Battle of the Sexes

February 13 2022

I've had a good binge on the forums recently, and want to give a big hug to all the beautiful, compationate and intelligent people offering their help, humour and a swift poke in the eye when it's needed. LOVE IT 😁

Now here's what kills me. 🥺

We need to stop all this "Men do this" "Woman do that" rubbish. Individuals are responsible for their actions, not a group of people based on what sex organs they have..
Hey...hold up... those sneaky little Hemaphrodites,
smart they are, staying well clear of the battle.. 🤐

Right... now where were we 🤔

Every issue people want to attribute to a gender is due to an Education system that's illogical and nonsensical. Childcare systems educating children while Parenting devolves into something closer to Babysitting.
Education needs to be focused on things like
Sexual Education
Etc etc
Basic math and english can be taught by Parents
and any higher math can be added to relevant careers in
Tertiary education.
Then we can produce intelligent, enlightened humans
and break this toxic cycle

So anyway.. Blame society, blame education,
Dont blame sex organs... Love them

L 😉


  • Rising_Phoenix


    2 years ago

    I disagree. As men and women we are different and have different things we like and ways of behaving IN GENERAL. It’s 100% ok to acknowledge that in my opinion. No it’s not always easy to hear and sometimes we fight about it but that’s communication for you.

    We are not the same in general and it’s ok to speak in general terms. We should all know everybody is different and our comments don’t necessarily apply to the whole gender but good lord, men and women are SO different in a lot of ways, I think it’s healthy to discuss these things, try to understand each other more and see if we can make things work a little better.
    Men and women should also be appreciated for their general qualities, I don’t like that people are trying to take gender out of things, our gender is a huge reason for us operating the way we do, it definitely should not be ignored.

    A lot of what makes me beautiful is happening because I’m a woman, a lot of my hormonal nastiness also comes from being a woman, I’m ok with acknowledging both and trying to use them to my advantage.

  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    Couldn't disagree more with this dribble

  • ddlbm


    2 years ago

    Please don’t have children

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    I disagree wholeheartedly.
    What I find is toxic is the way men are constantly being told that they shouldn’t be men, like it’s something to be ashamed of to be manly, and that women have to be more like men to succeed.
    Men and women are meant to compliment each other, our differences are there for exactly that reason in my opinion.
    I’ll probably be poo pooed over those comments but stiff shit!

    Instead of saying to men “you’re masculinity is toxic” or to women “don’t be feminine “ how about we tell people in general to just not be dicks

  • youngsyd_cpl


    2 years ago

    Some of the replies to this post are a bit too savage... You make some good points.

  • ddlbm


    2 years ago

    Anyones else notice that the people that tend to post these ridiculous posts tend to be invalidate

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Education may be one component, but there are many others as well. Also, your ideas for how education should happen are ignoring some pretty glaring issues. Many parents are time poor as it is due to our societal and economic structures, I don't think adding to that by expecting them to teach all school-level maths and english is going to help matters. Not to mention that many parents simply do not have the knowledge and skills to teach effectively. That's just a couple of many issues I see with your proposal, although I do agree that things like philosophy, sociology, and other topics that encourage critical thinking should form a part of the curriculum.

    By the way, if you're going to critique others' education and intelligence, you should probably check first just how much validity there is to your apparent belief that academic institutions and the United States government are interested in your RHP profile.

  • hot2nwild


    2 years ago

    Sorry if ive given the wrong impression, my point has nothing to do with not being able to celebrate your masculinity or femininity. I dont like the hateful way people say "bloody men" "bloody women" etc. Those sentiments arise because of lack of knowledge, not because we have differences biologically.. My real issue was incorrect education in the first 18 years of life.. who needs geography, history and advanced math if you dont know anything about yourself and how to treat other people, and god forbid be able to formulate your own opinion instead of repeat whatever someone else told you

  • ddlbm


    2 years ago


  • hot2nwild


    2 years ago

    I was aiming for love, understanding, and insight into better education.. looks like i mistakingly pulled out the feather ruffler.. 😮 my bad.. back in the cupboard it goes

  • Ex007


    2 years ago

    This is an adult forum where people come to for advice. Take the advice or don't take the advice the choice is that of the individual.

    No need to complicate something with a high school sermon supported by Adam Bandt and the Greens.

    As you were everyone, continue being your awesome self and be darn good at it.

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    Just as theres night and day , labor and liberal , vaccinated and unvaccinated , religion and politics .. the differences are unavoidable and always will be. If i say its blue , some bugga will say its black ?.

  • countrytouch82


    2 years ago

    But it makes for perculiar TV movies, series, and game shows?

  • AnnieWhichway


    2 years ago

    Goes beyond responsibility of upbringing/parenting.
    We can do the right thing at home but out in the big wide world our leaders, unfortunately majority of men, bring it undone at the seams and give our young and impressionable their wholly fucked up views. Point in token, religion and gender and sexuality.
    Unless we live on a desert island and are shielded by isolation, our children will see it isn't our leaders priority to stop sexual harrasment, to stop bigotry, to stop discrimination of gender diversity, to stop institutions such as churches shunning those that don't conform to their outdated dribble.
    So you can wish for the Garden of Eden but human kind is locked in a world of persecution and war

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Man haters 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • nightingale8


    2 years ago

    Politics and sex makes Jack shit.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Someone is hurt. Because truth hurt. So do you think we gave a dam to you Mrs shallow love.
    Can’t take it then keep walking.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Haters gonna hate. Get a life please.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    2 years ago


  • EasyGoingCple69


    2 years ago

    Cant deny theres a lot of man hating that goes on in this forum
    Every week someone post a Qs asking why are men this? Why are men that?
    Its almost like they believe womens sh*t doesnt stink .
    Noones perfect men or women. I agree the man hating should stop. Its toxic and petty

  • dartem


    2 years ago

    Your right don’t blame sex organs, for society’s problems.
    Biology indicates sexual organs are part of the anatomy that aids in the reproduction of humans thus our gender is specified as male or female according to our reproductive system which includes the sexual organ that is getting the blame apparently).
    People are different, as we start to learn whilst in the womb, the way we think react, respond, act, our individual personalities are all influenced by social interactions, environment everything we experience in our daily life, genetic differences are also a factor in our development , the brain of females and males also processes things differently, each and ever person chooses how they react to things if they want to learn, teach, and on and on…., gender isn’t the blame, but yes in discussions people do tend to stereotype, which isn’t blame , but the blame can’t be put only on education either, through the generations things progress changes are made and even though you were educated for the times, a few years later that education you received is no longer applicable for now, parents try teaching children math for example, exactly as you were taught , the child goes to school and is told it’s wrong now, the answer is right the setting out to get their is wrong, not the parents fault, but now your child says your useless loses some respect for you etc, not the teachers fault they are teaching what hey we’re taught, not once a certain gender is blamed, the ever changing world that we live in has fast become a throw away society in more ways than is realised, which is having an affect on younger generations, even though progresses is good,the old is thrown out for the new the old forgotten in the past, this has created the attitude where the younger ones have lost respect for everything and everyone , alway looking for the new the values of life, the life skills and everything else has and will continue to change, no gender blame, who to blame? Maybe progress making life supposedly easier for busy people, but taking away basic life skills, common sense, problem solving, and the list goes on…..have disappeared in favour of (ask google) the internet, reliance on others ability to think for them, so what can you teach a generation that thinks that yesterday is so out dated, and everything that existed in yesterday can now be thrown away and forgotten, old news, old people, yesterday is so old what would you know your old…. Hmmm who to blame
    No not gender blamed, definitely not sex organs (refer to biology lesson if in doubt).
    Do we just own it as humans, are we to blame because we progress
    We can only Strive to be the best you can, do the best you can, own our mistakes, accept the consequences of our choices /actions that we have made, stop blaming anyone or anything else, and take responsibility as person. If Your best is what you give then be proud.
    Don’t blame or burden others with the consequences of the choices that you made, it’s you that got you there if you don’t like it change your choice