No connections or friends
July 29 2023
2 years ago
Rather than trying online would it. be worth attending a few events with your wife if she is willing? Then you can meet people face to face and possibly form connections that way?
2 years ago
Hey Op...
In short a 'no reply' is the same as a no without the engagement.
If you have time search 'no response/ reply' and wade through all the opinions/ reflections / discussions on such things. Arguments on all sides.
I doubt you're doing anything 'wrong'..
Just a case of putting yourself out there.
Engage where you can, try different approaches... but also have low expectations in some ways. I have an absolutely gorgeous husband and took him 2 years to actually meet someone...
Why - most likely because he was married.. many single women prefer single men so the opportunity to meet someone likeminded narrows.
But it is possible... and when it's good it's intoxicatingly wonderful!
Good luck.
2 years ago
Discretion...wife's consent.
These words above, mixed together is a recipe for disaster.
WE don't know you wife has given permission. It's just words without the action.
Is she willing to speak?
Is she willing to met up, with the other?
Thats the question everyone wants to know.
There's lots of "married" people on here, in the same situation as you. It's a matter of finding that needle in the hay stack mountain.
Best of luck! 🙏
Ms FoxyRHP User
2 years ago
Pretty good profile. Go to a club or a pub... it might pay off than looking here for 4 months.
RHP User
2 years ago
You're in Sydney, chances are about zero...unless you want to 'sugar date'...
RHP User
2 years ago
I get the same thing but even lots of chatting and then zip. It’s very frustrating and hard not to take personally. I figure if someone’s on here looking to hookup and you message them with a polite and respectful note then how hard is it to respond even just to get to know you? Weird !!
2 years ago
Yeah I’ve been on here for the same time and really hard going. Might have to try Tinder? Would love to go to a club, but nerve racking by yourself.
RHP User
2 years ago
Unfortunately for most people it is pump & dump..
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