M50 F47
Newcastle singles meetups
July 29 2016
I'm a bit past going out to pubs solo - seems to mostly full of the younger and sillier crowd nowadays.
Do any of you know of any good singles groups a 40yo male could find new friends through? They don't need to be sex based, but at least have friendly, open minded people.
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
9 years ago
meet up dot com :)
RHP User
8 years ago
Quoting 'PoisonIV'
meet up dot com :)
I concur... however... the singles nights/groups I've joined/attended on that site don't seem to realise that some of us want to communicate in a different way than screaming our name in someone's ear just in order to be heard over the ridiculously loud band or music, and where there is standing room only...
Try speed dating perhaps. I've done it quite few times in different cities. Never got a second date yet but it still a good night out. There's also activity based events, in my case, walking/hiking/dogs etc. Find those doing what you enjoy, and even if you don't make further contacts, it's a good day out.sweetnsensual72
5 years ago
We are running a Newcastle meet and greet for couples and singles
It’s in May in the Newcastle CBD
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