Newby Tips for Profiles and the First Message
April 21 2019
quantum physics, but my partner’s RHP inbox is crushed by messages from guys
who can’t get these basics right. We’d
estimate that about 5-10% of messages that my partner receives are able to get
these basics right. If you’re new to
RHP, why not follow these tips and rocket straight to the top of RHP users?
This is an easy and
quick process, it costs you nothing, and poses no risk to your privacy. All you
have to do is go to Account & Profile>Profile Verification and follow
the instructions. There are so many fake
accounts on RHP, if you can’t be bothered doing this basic step, then don’t
whine if other users assume that your profile is another fake account.
You should also
consider a paid account. It’s a few
dollars a month, saves a lot of time, shows other people that you’re serious,
and the credit card adds another layer of verification. The minimum paid account will achieve most of
those benefits.
There are probably two
major pic-related problems that are widespread on RHP profiles. One problem is that a lot of people seem to
resemble dicks (or they are literally posting a dick pic as their main profile
pic). The other problem is that when people post face pics, they are grainy,
dark and heavily filtered. Please don’t add to either of those problems.
You can easily
maintain your privacy by posting a classy main pic that reveals something about
you, while hiding your face. You can then place a number of clear, well-lit
face pics into private Album 1 and your more revealing pics in Album 2. This allows you to send your face pics and
other PG pics to another user at your initial contact (especially if you’re a
guy), and keep your R-rated pics for people who specifically consent to
receiving your R-rated pics.
Despite what might appear
to be the case, there isn’t any rule that says that you have to look as daggy
as humanly possible in your pics. It is
perfectly acceptable to use a tripod and your phone’s camera timer and to use simple
lighting techniques (like standing sideways to a window in the morning or
evening). It also doesn’t hurt to tidy the background unless you’re targeting
that rare gem who’s holding out for sex in a pigsty.
You can also have some
fun with little videos – maybe take your smart phone into a change room and try
on some clothes. If you can do a pull up, why not put the camera down, take
your shirt off and show off your back as you pull yourself up? Creativity is
very attractive, and just a little creativity and fun can really make you stand
Whether you decide to use
explicit pics is really a matter of knowing what will attract the people that
you’re interested in meeting. Some
people love explicit pics, some love them if they’re in the mood, and some find
the whole thing a little weird. The only
thing approaching a general ‘rule’ is to avoid hurling unsolicited explicit
pics at women, unless you’re aiming for the creepy trench-coat flasher vibe.
This is probably the
most daunting aspect of completing your profile. We’ve all been there. The trick to writing a good profile
description is to keep it informal, positive, generous and to add a little cheekiness
or wit. Listing your pet peeves and all the things that irritate you, risks
making you look too negative.
Good grammar is usually
a major bonus. But if grammar isn’t your
strength, it is perfectly fine if it is clear that you’ve made a serious attempt
to communicate clearly.
Finally, but often
overlooked, you should think about the preset options. Everything from age
range to what you’re seeking. For example, you’ll waste a lot of people’s time,
including your own, if you’re only interested in partners under 25, but you
have 18-99 as your target age range. You
will show up on the search results for people over 25 and they will inevitably
message you.
One of the best
profiles on RHP is LillyEllison. It has
been copied by other RHP users, including guys. But rather than copy it, I
suggest you use it as inspiration for your own unique profile.
Don’t waste time sending
a message that says ‘hey’ and which doesn’t include any clear face pics. The only people who will respond to that
message are fake accounts and attention seeking time wasters.
Instead of sending
spam messages, send a personalised message.
You can build a personalised message by targeting verified accounts that
have detailed and original descriptions.
When you identify a
detailed description read it carefully, look at the pre-set options, and then identify
something non-sexual that interests you.
Once you have your point of interest, you’re good to go.
Your message should be
polite and respectful. No need to be overly
familiar. You’re still strangers and the
recipient of the message is (hopefully) a real person. But within that context don’t be afraid to be
a little cheeky or mischievous. You want
the recipient to ‘feel’ something that inspires a response. Politeness without some mischief can feel a
little flat and boring. And bored isn’t
a good feeling for anyone to feel if you want to hook up.
If you just follow
these tips you will have a profile that puts you in the top 10% of profiles on
RHP. That doesn’t mean that everyone is
going to respond with a demand for a date as soon as possible. But it means that you will be putting your
best foot forward and to minimise the risk of a good match accidentally
deleting your message or passing over your profile.
- Verify your profile
with RHP (consider a paid account, which necessarily involves credit card
- Upload clear face
pics and other PG pics into Album 1 (to be opened when you send your first
- Upload any naughtier
pics into Album 2 (to be opened only if requested)
- Check all of your
pre-set options for accuracy
- Write an original,
cheeky, and grammatical profile description
- Write a polite and
respectful personalised message that shows that you’ve read her profile
- Try to make her ‘feel’
something when she reads your message by being witty or cheeky
- Don’t send
unsolicited dick pics (unless your face looks like a dick, in which case, own
6 years ago
So nice that you should post such a detailed topic, on behalf of your partner
6 years ago
That does remind me of a forum I once wrote, "The ten commandments of writing messages", or something like that.
Funny how so many people think that once they're online it's no longer necessary to start with a basic greeting, let alone stay respectful and classy.
Sadly the people reading these forums are often not the ones who need the advice the most.
Good luck.nevahadsomuchfun
6 years ago
Nice topic, all valid points! Glad I’ve finally found the time to polish mine. Pos criticism welcomed?! Cheers!
RHP User
6 years ago
Love profile pics of men holding FISH....the bigger the better.Have yet to see a sardine though.:)
Hugs QRHP User
6 years ago
I often wonder why it is people write these topics and advice...
Unless the persons wordings are genuine and are able to be backed up by their inclinations, it really doesn’t matter if they follow advice given, be it in topics such as this, or their own “what’s wrong with my profile ?” type topics...
Lastly it really matters not if they have followed biblical topics like this anyway, a persons free will, will always win, so there’s never really a one size fits all approach that can be adopted....sure it can elevate mildly above the templates, but if the timing isn’t right, etc it ain’t gonna happen....Seachange
6 years ago
Is in da Haus!
RHP User
6 years ago
The reality is that most people who invest time and energy into this already does all that...
The people who send two word messages like “wanna fuk?” will never read what you wrote.
Its nice of you to spend time writing this, don’t get me wrong, but my personal opinion is that don’t bother with the losers.
I believe in natural selection; let idiots be idiots and focus on those who deserve attention.
Do not try to fix stupid, you can’t.RHP User
6 years ago
with above comments. How hard is it to advertise yourself? The amount of effort, or lack thereof, we use as a filter. 9 times out of 10, a 'Hey' message or similar, if replied to, will continue with similar short replies. Like pulling teeth, not worth the time. I've had so many messages asking what I'm up to today or I have some time free......well good for you, I don't lol
When we do a profile, it's how we want to present ourselves, to attract who we're looking to attract, tweaking is required as we change along the way, but writing what someone has told you to write is just all wrong. I think the scant profiles are generally those who just want to fuck without any effort or ability to fuck our minds first. Most women won't respond to that because the meets end up being just as lazy
Just my opinionRHP User
6 years ago
I foresee an explosion in the “have you been duped topic “
6 years ago
Yeah done all of this and put some real efforts into improving and this has not helped me get any messages. There is far too many superficial people on rhp. I will leave it at that as I have most probably opened up the opportunity for a barrage of insults for being honest.
RHP User
5 years ago
I’ve said it on another post ,unless your of “celebrity,6 pack stays” then we aren’t gonna go looked at,or we are gonna get pulled the piss out of
RHP User
5 years ago
I decided to try and hang in the forums for a month before sending any messages. I’ll try to remember to give feedback later about how that goes!
RHP User
5 years ago
The action is in the profiles not the forum, the forum is just a sideline for those who like bloodsports.
RHP User
4 years ago
Thanks for the tips
3 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I thought I was doing all of this already but haven't had much success yet with striking up online conversations. I wonder if there's still something I'm missing 😆.
2 years ago
Nailed it!
Very hard to get a positive read on people when they put in very little effort,
We may be different to the norm but to us the words and profile description are the first port of call and the pictures are secondary. If the main profile pic looks ok, we refer to read the profile and then come back to check out the rest of the pics.
Please also remember to adjust your profile as circumstances change or even just to keep it fresh.
Our profile seems to work and we have had some fun times.
Effort pays dividends.RHP User
2 years ago
Its great to know that there's something worth while going on in the forums ..interesting, intelligent, easy to relate to and good laugh at times..so husband is going to have a great time tonight we might hang out here to for a bit, but I sort of wanted to get some naughty adventures with him tonight..and 1st today...April Fools 😆 Appreciate your suggestions and will extend some extra time not just gob you off.we are very polite yet have calibre and theres so much more to this whole sale of online business owners or developers or more but they are designed with real sexual energy. A lot have been conned,broken hearted or even more in a more complicated and simply a matter of have a conversation guys, its true, when you meet in a natural environment and interact and feel the vibe and your decisions or next steps help you grow and realise yourself how much you've learned, and I've learned Pornhub is an awesome place and best staff
.and great forum 🤗
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