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New to Melbourne. Need some suggestions / guidance.
August 12 2022
I moved to melbourne for studies and work. I have no family or friends here. Can you suggest some places where i can connect with some people. I am a bit reserved at first so sometimes its hard to strike a conversation.
Any suggestion and guidance would be helpful.
Its overwhelming to move to a new country and start a new life.
Any suggestion and guidance would be helpful.
Its overwhelming to move to a new country and start a new life.
2 years ago
Hello OP,
I would suggest you attend the Meet and Greet event. It will be good for you to meet new and different people at the event.
You might find them listed under the Event section. Keep looking once something pops up there.
Best of luck,
LustttyBusty 😊Skarlet02
2 years ago
It is THE most boring, miserable place & state on the planet. Do what you have to, then escape....asap.
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