New - profile pics ?

July 28 2020

Good rainy morning all ( for those in Syd)

New here, just signed up ( never thought I would ever do this) and best ask opinions or what is wrong with my profile and pics? have read a lot of comments ( some good advice, some funny ) and will try update some more in nfo but need some general quick checkup... I don't have any recent tanned, full length photos showing my whole body with sixpack exposed with mood lighting, climbing a ladder saving orpahns from a burning building yet.

Anyway jokes aside don't mind being critisied, can only help.. 🆘🆓🆗


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Probably need to expand on exactly what you’re looking for/interested in sexually....

    Otherwise nothing there that would put me off...

  • teamaj2


    4 years ago

    I agree with Floozie and him . Nice profile . The addition of what you seek would be good . No one has the time to read a novel like profile but we find the more information in a profile the better .
    Just continue to do ‘you’.
    The fact that you have a good sense of humour is a plus . Apart from that be patient , respectful and as the old saying goes all good things come to those that wait .

  • cplusdee


    4 years ago

    Seems like chatting in the rooms here and sharing yourself in the forums probably doesn’t hurt either, adds another layer to what your profile and pics say about you.

  • AnnieWhichway


    4 years ago

    Good all round profile. Only criticism is pic 2 which shows little of you but plenty of the bike that you might be about to steal.....

  • RoB_SyD


    4 years ago

    thanks for all replies, have updated some info, fixed typos and cropped out that stolen bike ;-) ( bad photo, was back in Jan ) ... if this helps others also great and if anyone has .2c or more worth please do share.