New messages from men

July 26 2019

Ladies, I get a lot of messages from men, and some go like this:
"Wanna Fuck?"
"Wanna hook up?"
"Here's my number, let's chat"
"You're exactly what I am looking for"

When you get a message from someone, what would you like to see?

Me personally, I'd love to get messages like "Hey, your gorgeous/beautiful. I really related to your profile, and I am also looking for one person to get to know their body and have some kinky fun with. I also live close by south of the river. Please have a look at my pics, I've opened up my gallery, I'd love to hear from you.. x"

Let's help the guys out here.

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • horneycouplewa


    6 years ago

    Somehow I think you'll be getting a lot of cut and pate messages exactly like that now :)

  • horneycouplewa


    6 years ago

    paste :/

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Do you send that letter to guys you like ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Fantastic reply,Guys copy and paste this one.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I can remember a number of times I took the time to write a long message taking into account the fondness I had for the profile I had just read and detailing my own likes, dislikes and intentions.

    I'd say 19 times out of 20 my message would be read with no reply and in some cases I'd be blocked even though I always made sure the profile had "looking for men" and there was no line like "no single males allowed"

    If you can imagine writing 20 letters and getting no response it's incredibly time consuming and demoralising!

    As unfortunate as it sounds as a single male on here you have to play a numbers game, plant enough acorns and eventually you'll get an oak tree, I can understand why some guys write short messages especially those who are not familiar with the website and I can also Understand (because I've been there!) Why they get incredibly frustrated!

    In an ideal world redhotpie should include an option so that couples can limit who can search for them to just other couples and single women but of course redhotpie would never do that!

    It would mean that a single guy using the site would get a very small number of results from a search and it's very unlikely that they would pay for membership.

    Redhotpie needs to keep that cash cow going by giving the single guys hope.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Men are sending those sorts of messages then use it as part of your filtering system..A message like that surely communicates volumes.It tells you about their mindset .

    Hugs Q

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Hmm good replies. I'll know if they cut and paste lol.
    With references to replying to all 100 or so messages I get daily that's another can of worms and is being discussed on a different post.
    I guess I'll just have to wait for the right one to come along.
    Why do I think I'll be a bag of bones by the time that happens lol!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Never interfere an idiot when he acts like one

    It’s not our job to teach people how to interact with others, if someone lacks simple manners the chances are, you’ll never be able to fix the actual problem; the character. You can teach them how to try and not look like an idiot by masquerading as somewhat decent person but that’s as far as it’ll go.
    And then someone else will suffer because they thought the brute with no manners was a nice guy.

    Leave them be.

    We arese those messages, and if someone took the time to write a proper message we let them know whether we are interested or not.

    People don’t change, at best they evolve but that has to come from them, not you.

    Otherwise they’ll just copy paste your suggestions.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Britandtaiwan nailed it.

    I appreciate not replying to one liners or people who clearly haven’t read your profile, but when you do read a profile and address it’s needs and wants and politely discuss your own and how it could work and you still get ignored or blocked then .......

    Fuck it !

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Those that need the advice, won’t be reading here....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Your premium, use it.

    Or is the fear of rejection all a bit much ?

    I can guarantee you will receive more consideration than men do. 😃

  • Absoluthunk


    6 years ago

    One way to encourage males to start writing polite message is to reply to all polite messages that you receive positively, and block the unpolite ones. Reply even if you are not interested. This is a positive reinforcement, and men in general will start writing polite messages because they are the ones that get response.

    Like mentioned above, I have written many polite messages that ended up being ignored, blocked, or rude reply. It can also be time consuming for us males, so sometimes- 'Hello, how are you? I like your profile' is just as good ice breakers than 2-3 paragraphs without receiving any response.

  • Mask_007


    6 years ago

    I do agree with MaenadandCentaur up to a extent. And also believe that people have too much eyes for the looks and forget about personality/character.

    I also understand how can extremely frustrating spending long time writing something and not even have the dignity of " no thank you, not interested " is just a block of and end of history.

    Me in particular, don't care. Is not my lost, they lost a opportunity to meet someone really nice(me).

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Lol well as I'm still on here, I can't say I agree, in retrospect yes I receive a lot of messages, but almost all of them are one of the lines in the OP, either that or no offence intended but they are from men who are old enough to be my Dad (and and could well be my Dad 😮) or they are couples.

    I guess you are right those men either won't read this or will just pretend to be someone I'm looking for.

    And yes I fear rejection of course I think we all do. The first person I shared my face pictures with ghosted me so I am by no means an Aphrodite.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    From all the women who have messaged me on sites like tinder and bumble and 99% of the women have opened with "hi how are you?" Or something to those words, It's not a phenomenon exclusive to just single men in fact quite a few couples who message us have a similar opener but its men who tend to get criticized as being uncreative.

    Let's be fair to everyone, it's difficult to make small talk with someone who you only know from a brief bio, have never met and are trying to be polite to when there's an underlying desire to at some point have sex with them.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Mr Norti!!!

  • MsSuperFoxy


    6 years ago

    Nah, move onto the next one. It is too generic, same ol same ol, cut sand paste. If in a first message there's pet names like "hey, beautiful" "sexy" etc it turns me off. I have a name, use it.

    Give me some spunk out of the box creative messages. Lately I have been receiving a few of them. I'm liking it.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago


    “I guess I'll just have to wait for the right one to come along.”

    Waiting may not be the right course of action...
    Some aggression is actually useful when it comes to these things.

    I always considered myself to be a confident, dominant male who was always the one that made the first moves, until I met my other half. She contacted me first, gave me very little to go with, limited info, few photos and she was not talkative much. Then I got a date with her as she asked me out after few messages, and it pretty much took one date for her to get me under her spell. At second date I was hers : )
    Fast forward a year after that we are living together and planning a family. I can’t think living the rest of my life without her.
    But she followed her gut instinct when she came across me and she was not wrong.
    Women are gifted with kind of intuition us men do not possess, if you recognize what you seek in someone, you should go for it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    hi, where do you live

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Nailed it yet again !

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    The message that ended up leading to the relationship I’m in now just said hello. That’s it.
    I said hi back, one thing lead to another and now a year later we’re still bumping uglies.

    At the end of the day the first message may have some immediate impact but to me it’s everything that comes after the initial contact that matters.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Lol I'm not that kind of person at all. Super old fashioned and extremely self preserved. I have met one guy off here since joining again, and he ended up ignoring me after our first meet, so I want to be wiser in my choices and trust my gut a bit more.

    Although your story is lovely and good for you both, I wouldn't date someone I had to make the first move on. I like being prey. 😜

    In saying that lol I'd also would really 'date' anyone off rhp. Personal reasons and personal choice. That's why relationships are not listed in my profile. But miracles happen I'd probably have a hell of a lot better sex than meeting elsewhere lol.

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    I can look past the first message. As long at it's not sexual at least. Messages can be cut and paste etc.

    The messages that matter are the replies to my messages.One word answers with nothing for me to respond too or work with and l lose interest. A sign that they can't converse and not interested in me as a person so l move on.Endurance is more than in the bedroom. It's endurance in working me out. You can work out how to do that on the forum. It comes from your character. A nice cock is fine, but a dick can't talk

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    You CAN'T work that out on the forum

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    No reply is a no. Just move on. Why do you need s reply? I wish I could attach a screenshot of my inbox right now. I'm so angry right now after just getting a text message from a guy saying for someone so busy you sure do spam the forum a lot, adding a lol Well I'm not laughing mate and I bet you're not after my reply and block. What business is that of his. I can spend my time however the fuck I want and the the forum doesn't make you committed to replying the way direct messaging does. I can be here half asleep, no stress, write a comment if I want, fall asleep if I want (that's how I feel now after a busy day). I have half a page of messages that I appreciate but I'm exhausted, up since 4am, and don't want to get sucked down the messaging rabbit hole. You men need to understand that as messages are replied to, more come in, last night I spent hours there, even then the majority didn't get a reply. It gets overwhelming, I'm at the point already where I just want to pause my profile

    On topic, of in reply to the op, saying they liked my profile isn't enough for me, that's a cut and paste for sure

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    I had a nice conversation at last week's meet and greet where she tried her best to work out what made me tick. Questions that no one had ever asked me before....ever It's things like that, that make connections. And connections is what people should achieve to enhance their lives.

    And connections aren't made in a few rounds of messages. I've tested guys for weeks with messages. Most fail. True character shows through pretty quickly

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    The quality of messages will overcome a lot of things. The fact that you have no photos, outside your range of preferences....

    A good round of messaging, you may well be in.

    No pic, no quality in your messages..... You....are....FUCKED...

  • MsSuperFoxy


    6 years ago

    I agree. Positive reinforcement works every time. I reply with just a Thank you, even if I am not interested. IMO If it is a positive message, they do deserve that.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Lol I remember sending a message to a lady once that looked like could bench press a and I’m not one to shy away from going in strong to see just how sensitive some people I’m not looking for the princess, I want the queen....

    It was along the lines of “Christ lady, your arms would be about the size of my fat guts!! Are you sure you’re looking to meet people socially or to find a new set of weights for the bench?”

    Lol needless to say her wit wasn’t as high quality as her gym membership 😂😂😂

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Hello, how was your weekend? Or Hi, I like your profile, would you like to chat. But " I love fucking older women" or, just this week, " Would you like my pork sword"......they arent messages, just putting words to whats in their brain at the time, with the brain seemingly in the dick. A sense of humour helps.

  • LetsFrolic


    6 years ago

    OP in all honesty everytime I've messaged something like that to a woman or couple I've been blocked.

    So I normally just sat what's on my mind because my thoughts on every profile is different ,, I can't do scripts. Maybe like hey I saw your profile and like your pics would you like to chat.

    Regardless nothing ever seems to work.

    And supposedly on the news women aren't having sex lives.

    Men just continually try too because there's no.other way.

  • LetsFrolic


    6 years ago

    The most annoying part.. is being a man then having someone you like respond to a flirt so you upgrade and message and get no reply.. then you've just spent $60 to basically allow yourself to send messages to profiles you like but just have random replies that go nowhere.

    That's a man's side of the

    At least the women get messages and people interested.

    Now put both your post and this in perspective and you'll see how the dating world is now fucked up.

    Men can only do so much. And we do so while being put down constantly for trying.

    Don't assume I'm complaining btw I'm just showing the other side of things so you can put it in perspective

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I'm a paid member and I never send messages so you definitely aren't alone there.

    Look I think we are all looking for something, some of us are more fussy than others, and that is our prerogative. But it would be nice as a female to find more people who matched us. Considering there are more males than females.

    Like every male profile says anal sex giving why the fuck is that so popular, it feels like you need to shit lol sorry just being honest nothing about it feels good..

  • SSExplorer


    6 years ago

    We just wished we lived south of the river 😛

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Anal. It’s not compulsory ! It’s an interest, i’d bet most profiles that have “anal” have never done it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Very, very nice...gorgeous in fact! So here you go...the answer is obviously "yes" as what we can't do together is probably illegal. You are incredibly attractive at least to me from what I can or can't see from your profile. Could be you're already starting to guess that I'm rarely short on words so if any of them make you smile or attract your attention then I would love to get to know you and more.
    It's the "more" part that I would really like to get to work on as soon as possible as I just could be that guy that you're looking for and may only seem illusive. You are lovely and as you can tell I'm already trying to seduce you. it working?
    So it may or may not be a steamin' pile of bullshizen but ya can't knock a guy for tryin'...right?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Lol see? This is what I mean.. You are old enough to be my dad, my profile states 35 to 45 no couples and you say you want to get to know me? 45 is my upper limit, in fact I have not once been attracted to a 45 year old, but I put it up there as a reference to others and for myself to be more open minded. Same goes with 35 that is my lower limit, as most men do not have the maturity or the skills of domination.
    Grrr I can see clearly this is getting nowhere.

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    I've seen some of your messages to my women friends.

    Toe curlers......

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    When will he stop. Yuck

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Deluded I meant. Give it up mate. You're creepy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Love your work, straight over her head, but you get that.

    Woman, person up and write your own messages. Grrrr

  • Mask_007


    6 years ago

    Now can you respond me that.

    You state as not interested in older then... and that means is rude or not good enough so send you a flirt with: "just want to say you look amazing. And i really love Your profile" as a complete. Not as someone that is looking for a possible chance. Just a friendly complete.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    The thing about messaging is you’re putting your initial foot creative, cos it can sound like you’re applying for a job vacancy, and that isn’t always going to receive the outcome you may expect...

    I find receiving any messages that don’t at least offer a level of assumed rapport, and some banter rather boring...

    Expressing your own humour in the initial message no matter how turned off someone maybe means you’ll appeal to those who have a similar humour....and that helps to generate a connection based upon genuineness and not a connection based upon the egotistical reward of getting laid...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    There's no harm in that. I send them sometimes if I think a guy is out of my league, or ina different state, sometimes to couples even though I'm not looking to meet couples, purely as a compliment

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I’ve done that, more often than not it’s been misconstrued so no more.

  • Mask_007


    6 years ago

    Thank you.

  • Mask_007


    6 years ago


    I do understand your point, in the other hand. A girl does that, she is been kind a guy does it he is a keepy pervert... hahahahahahahahaha...

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    How's that spell check going....or not

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Is a little problematic ,in other words sometimes it can't predict what the word is rant to be.

    It's doubly difficult when English is your second language..sometimes it's even a third or fourth language..Howevet it can make a difference in communicating via messages here ,if you can accurately construct a sentence.

    Hugs Q

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    Quoting 'Qefenta4'
    Is a little problematic ,in other words sometimes it can't predict what the word is rant to be.

    It's doubly difficult when English is your second language..sometimes it's even a third or fourth language..Howevet it can make a difference in communicating via messages here ,if you can accurately construct a sentence.

    Hugs Q
    Well, most are stuffed then.....

  • Mask_007


    6 years ago


    Thank you for your comment, i will try my best to improve my spell.
    As way to proactively stop offending/disturbing does with a greater intimacy with words and with a much bigger intellect then these illiterate me.

    Thank you once again for your constructive and much appreciated comment.


  • Mask_007


    6 years ago


    Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    What I posted there was merely a surplus of dialect simply for illustrative purposes only. Rest assured that were I to approach such an elegant and sophisticated trophy...I would acknowledge that fact long before ever attempting to close and lock the door.
    I did indeed attempt to read your loquacious circumstantiate and by no sad grace of my age, fell asleep. Remember, Ana...intensity and brevity can ride together to create an intense outcome of focused magnitude that will be long remembered.
    Of course I'm just teasing...however if you do look like Dakota Johnson and can fuck like Anastasia Steele, my message would have been much shorter. No, don't bother checking your inbox as there is only so much rejection I can bear in one day.
    Hey, one thing you by any chance happen to have a younger sister?

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    Yeah, nah

    Uncle creepy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    If I let spell check take over, that would be hilarious. I love broken English. It's so sexy. I still miss my German friend

  • Sensualdays


    6 years ago

    I’m sure a lot of men just write for the heck of it cos I’ve called some out. “Hey hun, want to hang out tonight” I’m like “yes sure, where and when?” Then they back down or say, “you’re not really what I’m looking for.”

  • Heythere55555


    6 years ago

    Hi awoken with needs x

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    So many complain they don't get a reply from.messages they send.

    Yesterday I reply thank you for interest but I'm not meeting anyone new right now.

    I get a reply with many forms of messaging on other media just in case I'm interested.

    Why bother if they don't take in what u said.

  • radman1234


    6 years ago

    If i see someone i like on here and i see that they have made an effort on their profile with the odd photo or two and a brief description of what they are looking for ,then i will make an effort in writing a nice message outlining what im looking for and commenting on their profile even though 99% of the time i get no response.
    So now i find it a lot easier to send a flirt to get someone’s attention and cover a lot more people. And if they are interested they will be in touch.
    Sorry ladies...its not a lack of trying but the lack of responses which make men send one liners or flirts.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Let's meet tonight

    First message. Come oooon, how hard is this. We"re not hookers you bloody self centred c#&ts

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    You are aware guests can't see restricted pictures? That being the case, all I can see is the lower half of your face and your neck, that's it! Many women are guests. I would suggest putting your nude pictures in a pg and adding more pictures showing your non nude body, in your public pics. Your preference how you proceed but my opinion is your flirt method won't get many replies

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    HornycoupleWA, you guys are hottest sexiest couple here , I e 20 yrs veteran Swinger since Club Oz/LP’s

    Not all giysoare like that, I always send full long messages, but always just get back (flirts) you’re not for me best luck with you’re search ....

    Iam a top bloke, very nice guy, because Iam not tattooed/ripped, I can still offer far far more to women.... all you women ask fun dates/convosation I do all that and still get . Not for me thank you (good luck in search).

    Is it because Iam Bi sexual/Bi courious, (as you women go go go on on about it ) find someone like that and kinky like me/trained art in Shibari/and you women all say you want a nice guy /convosation I give all that , still say no thank you ????!!!!!

    Iam I chef by trade, so great with my hands, and women a guy can cook ???!!???!!!

    So what iam I doing wrong please????!!??!!?

    Why is RHP over last 10/15yrs been so so so fucked up and riddle with just time wasters/bullshiters ????!!!!

    Please help

    Please help

    Please help

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this but received a first message from a guy

    ....ur the best looking old duck I've ever seen with the biggest heart.... 😂😂

    Cheers mate 👍 That's one of the funniest and nicest first messages I've received

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    31 flirts from one guy, probably about 15 today lol Problem is other flirts get pushed down to the second page and after I reply to one, the highlighting disappears from the other new ones. Flirts can get overlooked sometimes

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Youre a cool guy, your first message just needs a little tweaking. Share what you are all about when you actually meet someone.......I warm to people when I meet them, not from chatting online. Bisexual? A lot of women love bisexual men so no need to worry there

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Hey All

    I hope u don’t mind me joining the convo.. I’ve been on RHP for about two years on and off.. I have met a couple of gorgeous ladies who I still speak to and consider my friends..

    Now I’m sure over my time on here I’ve put a few ladies off and that was certainly not my intentions.. But I’ve really struggled to have any real success using this site.. I’ve tried every possible line of introduction.. short and sweet, long and meaningful, playful and flirty and straight out stories of how I’d like to pleasure you... and to be honest I couldn’t tell you which approach has worked best..

    But I’m a genuine nice caring honest bluntly open guy that has only been in Perth for 5 years and I’m open to all types of relationships.. from friends.. to a relationship.. I just luv to live life and laugh..

    I say all this with brutal honesty cos thats how I roll..

    I look forward to hearing ur thoughts..


  • Seachange


    6 years ago

    First messages to people are important. They set the scene or framework on how your future interactions are going to pan out.

    First impressions are importantand last long after subsequent messaging. I always am attracted to men who are respectful, emotionally intelligent and not creepy.

    I just received a message from this Guy and straight away complained about his lack of response from women and those who responded was 'sorry, you're not my type. Best wishes'.

    He was pretty annoyed as he said he's a nice respectful guy.

    Without losing a beat, he followed up this up with graphic novel of how he'll do me, lick and fuck me hard, blah blah blah.... Until I come and quiver again and again.... Blah blah blah.

    😕. Massive eye roll. Creepy.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago


    If u bothered to actually read the message I sent you would’ve read that the reason I sent that story to you was as an example of introductions I’ve tried rince I’ve had no luck with my respectful usual introduction.. I wouldn’t send it to you to try and hit on u as “ur not wat I’m searching for” 🤪😂

    But go ahead drama it up.. all good..

    I’m sorry if it offended you it wasn’t my intention.. I was looking for feedback from someone I thought was in touch with the RHP scene.. but we all makes mistakes..

    Enjoy the ride of life! X

  • Seachange


    6 years ago

    Well, it's unfortunate you outted yourself. I did not name names.

    No drama here, just citing an example of how I was creeped out with the first messages. Very long and graphic and presumptive that I would straight away engage sexually with someone without any sense of connection.

    Is this how you approach women in real Life? I know this is a sexually oriented site but basic respect of one's space still exists.

    You wonder why you don't get positive response to your first message? Well, there you have it.

    Respect and don't make assumptions they'll 'ride your hard cock' on first meet. 😕.

    Women in RHP are not desperate.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago


    Again “Read the message” I sent you.. Actually read it.. because everything you’ve said so far is soooo off the mark it’s not funny... except for the fact that women on RHP aren’t desperate... and either am I..

  • Seachange


    6 years ago


    If you say so....😪

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    From complete strangers. Another No No. People assume its the younger guys who send the sleaziest messages but in my experience the younger ones are the most respectful. Anyone else found this to be the case? My worst messages have been from men around my own age.

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    Quoting 'Kokoflamingo'

    From complete strangers. Another No No. People assume its the younger guys who send the sleaziest messages but in my experience the younger ones are the most respectful. Anyone else found this to be the case? My worst messages have been from men around my own age.

    The younger, the more respectful. The worst come from the 40=50's who think they are God's gift.The older, late 50s and 60s tuck their attitude back in their undies and usually use some respect. Although there there are the exceptions with the older pricks. When they go off rail, they make your eyes water. Silly old fools.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I certainly don’t start a msg to a woman like that. However there have been times where you have read a profile and thought shit I wanna really get to know this person so you write I big long ass msg about things you have in common and potentially like ad an extension of their profile. Sooo you wait for a reply thinking you have done enough to grab their attention and make them think they would like to get to know you also. Days go by and still no reply by now your feeling a bit flat a bit rejected even thinking about the effort you had put in to that intro msg. Weeks have gone by now and still no reply so now you are thinking you wasted all that time and energy into someone with no response which looking back you could have put into someone else and got a thank you for your msg at least. And that is why I kept it simple

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Was a re-read warranted, was there a misinterpretation or are we just leaving GTS on the hook for a humiliation ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    The man outed himself and admitted sending the message. Said he was trying a change from " respectful". Why would someone reply to a disrespectful message?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Check your spelling! Musk 😂

  • Seachange


    6 years ago

    No need for a re-read as I know and have a pretty good grasp of what was sent. It's not my first rodeo.😎

    I would not go further in the discussion to save him further humiliation. He knows what he sent and I have a copy of the message. I didn't out him. He did it himself.

    Let's leave it at that. 😏

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    Quoting 'PeachyPearL'
    Check your spelling! Musk 😂
    Where did l go wrong? LolI make a few, call it fat fingers or a fucked up auto correct if l don't reread.Spelling mistakes are fine unless you need to turn your phone upside down, reread 5 times and spend too much time trying to work out the original intent.His improvement has been remarkable

  • Hawt1


    6 years ago

    I had a lot more success in the chat rooms back in the day..
    More fun, more jokes and laughs and people really get to know you quickly.
    I remember thinking messages were usually a total waste of time.
    My two cents worth.
    Having said that.. I have done messages both ways. Maybe 1% replied and about 25% of those were positive with half actually becoming something really worthwhile.
    The messages I took the time with worked the best.. but in the end, it just takes too damned long.
    Chat rooms.. can't go wrong. 😉😄

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I appreciate how it is difficult to make small talk with strangers, but compliments and a reason for their interest has to accompany the 'Hi, how are you?'. A few lines well executed can deliver so much more than a potential time wasting hi how are you. I get them from smokin hot guys, obviously expecting me to drop to my knees at the mere sight of them. I now reply 'Good thanks, how are you?' 😎 then the reply comes back 'Good thanks, how are you?' wtf you already asked me that lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I'm going to quote my reply to a message I received asking if I wanted to fuck a young stud tonight. Second of two similar messages from him. Here was my reply:

    "Mate, you need to learn how to fuck the mind before going straight for the prize. We're not here to play hard to get, but most women don't want to be treated like just another hole. I've experimented with that and in my experience, it never goes well for many reasons. I won't be discussing those with you though.

    Just remember there are people behind profiles, real people with real feelings, breathing with a heart. I'm not a paid sex worker. I'm here for my own satisfaction and it takes more than a good body to do that. Good luck in your search"

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Because at our age we are glad of a young studs attention..... its almost laughable. Im not " gagging for young cock" as someone put it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Came from a 50 year old guy. Didnt approve of my age criteria......Thank goodness for the more polite men of RHP.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Sure, some messages are very thoughtful. But if you are not what I have specified I am looking for it shows you have not read my profile or chosen to ignore it. Either way that means you won't get a response from me. My profile states "I will only respond to people whose written profiles, photos and messages I like"


    Because on occasions that I do say "Thank you, but you are not what I am looking for." I get replies asking for me to justify my reasons or flat out abuse.

    So even if it is a lovely message I won't reply to avoid further engagement.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Yeah same

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    More messages with just 'Hi'

    I can absolutely guarantee attempts to communicate would be futile, so I no longer bother. Another funny exchange which I won't go into but bloody hilarious, just keeps bouncing back to me

  • JT009


    6 years ago

    Ok, so RHP is a sausage fest, and the guys are frustrated that regardless of whether they put effort in or not, they get ignored. Girls are bombarded by generic, uninspired overtures and cannot hope to even read all the messages they receive.So Ladies, how about swapping roles, read guys profiles, look at pictures and make the first move. Ignore all the unsolicited contacts, and initiate on your own terms with those you are interested in.
    just an idea

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Giving examples of decent messages or replying to people with the intention to try and help them do better is probably not the best of ideas. I have read other topics where women have been blindsided by someone who merely knew what boxes to tick in order to be successful in their endeavours....sadly those endeavours then erode the faith in men that they once had.

    People...are cunts...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    The problem is catfish will learn one way or another as long as there are vulnerable people to take advantage of. I encourage a proactive view where we learn to protect ourselves. Your post will have gone some way towards that at least I would hope so. Too often you read about people who were cat fished that they saw the signs but ignored them.

    We can hope there are minds in the forum to understand and learn from what is said and act on it.

    Because we're not all cunts all the time.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I hear about these sorts of simple and frankly crude messages from some of the people I meet and chat with on here.I try and reach out, being courteous, polite and without making assumptions.As a single guy, it really is a matter of knowing that there are a lot of us, so women and couples can really pick and choose and respecting that sometimes, you are just not what somebody is looking for.It is much the same as getting a no thanks, there is never any call to be rude afterwards in response.The same rules of respect and common courtesy apply in this lifestyle, perhaps even more so in some cases.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    That's pretty much how I try to start the conversation but rarely gets much further than the 'thank you's'....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    When I give courteous respectful introduction messages that are informative I never get anything back. Guys are just adapting to what is likely to get a response and being economical with length of messages