Need a change of pace

July 12 2022

I am finding myself constantly thinking about upping the pace of our sex life and not watching but knowing my wife is getting fucked by another guy, perhaps it’s because I doubt she ever would considering throughout our 18 years marriage I’ve never been able to get her to even talk about fantasies, regardless I would like nothing more ( yes I do actually know what it’s like as my former wife was more than willing)
Just wanted to say what I’m thinking, thanks for reading


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    your going to get smashed, look out

  • ddlbm


    3 years ago

    I blame porn hub

  • teamaj2


    3 years ago

    Timeless I’m unsure how to respond , I’m not wanting to sound aggressive in any way .
    I understand you obviously have fantasies and you are wanting to explore those .
    I can only say telling us here will get you nowhere . Having a profile on RHP is also not helpful to your relationship. Good relationships are built on trust .
    Communication is always the key to exploration. She is your wife of 18 years , talk to her . I’m a romantic , so I’d like to believe that after 18 years she is your best friend and true partner in crime . Be patient , respectful of her fears, listen to all she has to say and if she shuts you down that’s okay too . Working together to build a more fulfilled sex life surely is the key.
    A good , healthy relationship is about both of you being fulfilled . This maybe on your wish list and not on hers . Really listen to what she has to say by giving her a safe space to do that without pressure or put down . Good luck . A

  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    Your poor wife, not only is she not living up to your fantasies in the bedroom, she’s getting compared to your ex.
    Nowhere in this post do you speak respectfully about your wife, you come off as selfish and arrogant so I wouldn’t want to perform for you either.
    Please read and seriously consider teamaj2’s advice, you really do need it.

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    How's about saying it to your current wife..... Before she is also a former. Best of luck.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Mate, chat to the wife, not strangers on the internet.

    As someone said earlier. Having an rhp profile without her knowledge isnt a great start.

  • ddlbm


    3 years ago

    Part of me hopes his wife has a FWB and engages in amazing kinky sex with him 😈

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Unfortunately when people don’t understand your kinks you will naturally get slammed in these forums.
    The kink you seem to have is called Compersion. A desire to see your wife pleasured, its a totally natural kink and shared by many.
    As long as its really coming from a place of love and respect
    Have you had a chat about these feelings with your wife?
    You say thatbyour wife doesnt seem to have any fantasisies - have you tried role playing some of yours and watching for cues as to what turns her on?
    Roleplaying could be a fun way of tantalising your wife and see what she may like
    Good luck

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Oh dear, so sad up see the judgement in these responses. You’re totally normal and what you describe is quite common!
    Perhaps read some of the work of David J Ley. Insatiable wives and the men who love them, is a good read and possibly something for your wife also, to help open up the conversation.
    There could be so many reasons why your wife isn’t share her fantasies, such as worry that you might think badly of her. You know her better than anyone. There are a lot of pod casts that might help you explore this. Lots of valuable info shared.
    I think it’s important to find people who understand you and share your interests as well as the depth of your relationship. That’s probably a good start. Good luck!