January 24 2024
P.S I’m a newbie x
RHP User
a year ago
Full fill all those desires and temptations you’ve always thought or dreamt about. It’s one way to find your true self. 😊
a year ago
Sorry to read that you are going through what maybe a difficult time .
Self care is really important . Doing what you love to do . It differs for everyone . This could be taking long baths in a room filled with candles , walks on the beach , working out at the gym , surrounding yourself with only people that bring positivity and / or support into your life and all so so many variables .
Launching into play with others is what some may do . Often it can be a great distraction in the moment but afterwards it can leave you feeling quite alone . Once again everyone is different and some may think it’s a wonderful distraction.
If your question alludes to what ‘naughtiness ‘ can you get up to alone ?There is plenty of events to attend as a single woman , meet and greets etc .
Only you will know what works for you .
Good luck . AxRHP User
a year ago
Good luck and sometimes splitting up is unbearably difficult. I’d join groups of interest and keep busy mentally and physically.
Your profile is nice and I’m sure you will get inundated here. You can be choosey, but good luck with your endeavours to be happy 😀Libertine001
a year ago
I think it's very important to separate yourself from any sort of interaction with others after a break up due to being in a relationship makes you co- exist in life and you lose a lot of yourself due to compromise.
Find yourself and do what makes you happy, learn about yourself and find contentment.
Only then can you open yourself to others and you'll find you may be a lot more fussy with who you interact with instead of jumping straight back on the horse due to loneliness.
Good luck with the journey and take your time. There is a needle in a haystack out there
a year ago
Work overtime!
RHP User
a year ago
Hey! Sorry to hear this, it's definitely a super difficult thing to go through.
For me, I think starting to do the things I wasn't able to do when I was in a relationship was really helpful. It helped me to see the good side of being single again and not feeling restricted.
This could be sexually, but also even just going travelling somewhere you've always wanted to go or doing any activity. Just don't do things that you dreamed about doing together, that will make you feel more lonely. Do things that you felt you'd like to do but your ex wasn't really into them.
Hope this makes sense.Blueflamingo
a year ago
I can very much relate to this post as the same happened to me 6 months ago. It's all about you now so you do what seems best for you. I have really enjoyed my freedom to explore on my own, buy toys for me, being selfish and not feeling guilty. I am really trying my best to be happy single, its not always easy and feeling lonely some times. Embrace the freedom and learn to love yourself.
You have come to the right place, this site is made for you and having a good time. Good luck on your journey, now it's all about you! Xnightingale8
a year ago
Best advice someone gave me is if you think you might burden someone with your grief by contacting them all the time, name at least 5 people you can check in with on regular normal things and contact one each day on a bit of a cycle. Doesn’t matter how small the contact is, it matters. Gives yourself a bit of order and social routine.
It depends how far the rabbit hole you want to go.
Get massages
Go to live music events. Go to different styles than you’re used to.
Life drawing
Nude beaches
Sports events
Drag shows
Kink demos and lessons
Hire an escort
Go to sex stores, hold your own toy party
Go out wearing sexy lingerie underneath or without any underwearRHP User
a year ago
Work on you. Reflect and process alone and without distraction.
It’s much easier to connect with ppl afterwards but usually there’s loads to find peace with after a break up.
Harness all that emotional energy to create a new path and define a new set of values goals.RHP User
a year ago
You could invite me over as I am very close ;) a bottle of massage oil and some candles should do the trick
a year ago
I always suggest vigorous masturbation or seeing working girl.
a year ago
I have met up with several different women who have just ended a relationship and wanted to check off a bucket list with no strings attached before getting back into the relationship cycle.
I would take them out to massage places where we would fool around while being massaged, which enabled them a safe environment to explore their bi side.
I would take them to parties, Wet on Wellington, Shed 16, where they could feel desired on a purely sexualising level while having me as a safety net.
I would invite my masseur friend over and we would both massage her and let her control just how far she wanted it to go.
These explorations ended naturally as the women got over their ex and regained their confidence to seek a relationship once more. I enjoyed helping them fulfil the fantasies most could never have asked for within a relationshipRHP User
a year ago
Move on and find yourself, know about your strength and qualities, have fun Take it as a chance to explore yourself , enjoy your life
a year ago
Stay busy, pick up a new hobby or goal. Best of luck ❤️
a year ago
I've been using music and keeping busy and still have crappy days but just remember when you are sad you are only one that is and you are stopping yourself from being in the right head space to show the world the awesome person you are. Which will leaded to meeting new people.
8 months ago
Just feel it. You’re gonna go through what you go through. Just be good to yourself. Make plans to see friends and family and don’t feel bad if you have to cancel them.
I’m writing this while I’m waiting for my ex to maybe wake up from going out on a bender, getting home injured and confused, calling me so I left my friends to call her in private. I got home at 6pm, it’s almost 6am now. I’m not being good to myself, I’m still putting her first.Paradoxical
2 months ago
Honesty is the best policy,
But people forget to be honest WITH THEMSELVES , step back and look at life, don’t react or care what HE did.
Do what you enjoyed doing before him
Do what you missed out on doing because of him
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