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My hubby of 10 yrs has just brought up a cuckolding fantasy with me...trying to understand/learn a little more....???
February 18 2015
RHP User
10 years ago
Just wait for the barrage of offers from men... ;-)
My suggestion would be to research and learn first and perhaps talk to someone who has had the experience - another could you can talk to online. I wish you the best of times!BoschRHP User
10 years ago
We all change, one thing that's right at one time, might not be at another!
What's stopping you from having a MFM? jealous? insecure? wants his attentions?RHP User
10 years ago
I think you have answered your own question.
RHP User
10 years ago
..... or .... is this the first baby steps in trying to suggest a more open relationship ....... ie he would like to 'try' other women, which the logical next progression.
...... watching your partner seduced and screw'd sounds very hornyRHP User
10 years ago
Just take it in small steps. He might think he likes it but won't know for sure until you try.
There are a few cuck couples around on these forums so i hope they see this and can provide some first hand knowledge.
Good luck!
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Cuckolding = men watching their wife being screwed by other men! while not being allowed to join in........ Therefore this threesome should include another man NOT a woman.......
RHP User
10 years ago
We have been discussing this very fantasy in our house for years without realising there was any way of going ahead with it. We got onto this site and have been taking it slowly. We have had some lovely responses. Also some that aren't at all suitable eg they have off putting names or profiles or messy backgrounds to their profile. Some times the men are too close to Mr Febjun in age or looks which isn't quite the point for us. Anyway, we are enjoying the prospect and it's all very exciting. Good luck.
RHP User
10 years ago
Quoting 'Bigmamma1' Cuckolding = men watching their wife being screwed by other men! while not being allowed to join in........ Therefore this threesome should include another man NOT a woman....... I cuck Hubby with a woman as well as men
Hubby says it feels a little different, that there are different thoughts running through his head, but they still turn him on. That is also because we have a different relationship to what I have with the guys that I see and she's married (don't jump, it's all above board) and the potential for her partner joining in is unknown to him until I get home or the next morning via text if I'm late home, this only stretches out his anticipation more and of course I will take advantage and tease him without mercy throughout the day and through the evening until he gets his turn .
Anticipation is the key, denial of being part of it (unless invited;) and the thoughts of what is/has happened is the drive behind the desire of his cuck for his Hotwife. Well it is in our case anyway!
It is a bit to get your head around to begin with, your husband WANTS you to have sex with someone else! WTF? and possibly just watch! Creepy, especially if he wants to hide! I get it, wait until you start learning about the fetishes associated with cuckoldry. There are lots of them and many ways to live this lifestyle, cucking is as individual as the people in the couple. Check out other threads related to Hotwifing/ Cucking/Vouyerism & threesomes. Send messages to other Hotwifes, it's great to talk to other women in similar situations.
Be honest with each other and yourselves, be upfront with potential partners about what you want and how what they want all fits in, listen and address each others insecurities/fears and questions, be safe, have fun!desigal69
10 years ago
think it through in your own mind and also talk it through with your partner - discuss any possible objections and queries might have. The fact that you are on RHP would suggest such things are not totally unknown to you.
Also think about the follow up - it is a one off and if you have option of saying no. Also who chooses the guy and so on. We tried it though I had some reservations - we worked through them and it was awesome!!RHP User
10 years ago
Some people are very good at responding with things that sound perfect, have pics that are flattering....but the real proof is in the meeting. Plus meeting face to face can also help to weed out the wombatsThe best scenario is where the hotwife & potential lover have a real chemistry & you can't truly gauge that until you've actually met in person. So as a couple half the fun is meeting guys casually for coffee or drinks, make the banter & flirting fun, then go home & have your own fun discussing the potentials. One of the most important things about MFM is that the guys have to get on as well & be comfortable in close proximity, other wise it just won't work.
There is no rush, because its all about you as a couple & the right guy will wait
Enjoy the journeyRHP User
10 years ago
with the last RHP man that I was with.
My husband didn't want to meet any of the men but he wanted photos and video. He too gets turned on by knowing that I'm a "Hot Wife" in demand.It does make our own sex life together better.
But now things have changed in respect to whose "wants" it is. It is "my wants" now and not his.
That is why though I am in a relationship with another RHP man, there will be no photos or video. The "pleasure" is just mine.
AmyRHP User
10 years ago
Its also something i havent thought of before until i seen it. But the fantasy of doing someones female partner would be awesome especially if he wants it. The videos i seen though are ones where the husband mind be abit bi and shes dominating the male partner and teasing him. Getting him to lick her pussy while the guest fucks her
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Quoting 'imatruelover' The videos i seen though are ones where the husband mind be abit bi and shes dominating the male partner and teasing him. Getting him to lick her pussy while the guest fucks her
- Posted from rhpmobile There is a shitload of cuckold porn, but it is all pretty much the same, husband busts wife with sexy young thing, watches from the shadows and then joins in or the Dominant wife &/or Bull humiliating the husband, making sexual demands or restrictions and cucky cleaning up the damage, can't have a cuck scene without the creampie.
Porn is a visual fantasy and doesn't capture the dynamics of the relationship and how it actually works, besides only portraying a narrow view of what cuckolding is. If you read through the other threads, you will see a diversity that you do not see portrayed in cuckold porn. If your keen on the fantasy of fucking someone else wife, approach a couple or two that identify as wanting a single male/bull and get chatting, you may find what you are looking for, not all will want hubby to suck your cockRHP User
10 years ago
Quoting 'CucknShells' first discussed it I had never heard of it before either.I told my husband that I wanted to sleep with another man and he told me about cuckolding.He wanted to be my cuck and the thought of me being with another man turned him on a lot.
Everyone is different and likes different things.For us he was not interested in sleeping with other woman. He was very much turned on by the fact that other men found me attractive and the thought of me having sex with other men. My partner would very much like to watch me but in the past I haven't felt comfortable with it. It is something that I do want to do in the future though. So far I have shared the experience with him with photos and videos and by telling him what has happen when I have seen other men.
Initially it took me a while to get my head around the idea. I wanted to know that we were absolutely sure because once you do something you can't take it back. We talked about it a lot before I saw someone and we still talk all the time. It really does come down to communication and making sure you are both on the same page.
I did some research online about it and also read the book Insatiable wives which was really good.I have also spoken to other cuck couples about it too.
Good luck. For us it has been great with no regrets.It has brought us closer together.
Shells. Great post. Thanks.
10 years ago
Quoting 'Serenity2000' with the last RHP man that I was with.
My husband didn't want to meet any of the men but he wanted photos and video. He too gets turned on by knowing that I'm a "Hot Wife" in demand.It does make our own sex life together better.
But now things have changed in respect to whose "wants" it is. It is "my wants" now and not his.
That is why though I am in a relationship with another RHP man, there will be no photos or video. The "pleasure" is just mine.
Obviously this alters the power balance in the relationship but doesn't there have to be something in it for him as well?SARHP User
10 years ago
As someone who has been the invited party the thing I found is if you overthink thing's nothing will ever happen..
Your hubby suggested this because it was probably playing on his mind for awhile before suggesting it to you.... It's a common fantasy which gathers momentum once the thoughts start to stimulate and it manifests. The lady may think her hubby might not love her to want her to do this and the hubby may think 'can I really handle this ? Truth is ' it will be emotional but thats normal.
In my experience its the couple who approach things with a perfectly open mind and are willing to accept things are the one's who get the most out of it.
You both need to agree you are in this together and agree that no matter what happens ' all after thoughts shall remain positive.. If she looks like she's enjoying herself ' she probably is ' accept that as part of why you arrived where your at and what suppose to happen. Its about allowing your partner a fresh exciting experience.
I refused a couple early this year because I didnt feel they were ready or relaxed enough to make the experience a good one.
By all means talk about it , but dragging it out means its too big a hurdle and you should go back to enjoying each other the way you always have. Otherwise ' bite the bullet and go out and enjoy yourself... then you'll find out why its so popular...
Cheers JayRHP User
9 years ago
This is a story from an experience I had a year ago
I spoke to a couple very similar to OP. The husband had only just revealed that he wanted to watch his wife get fucked by other men. It was nerve racking for them so I knew it was my job to take the lead.
I explained to the husband that he can join in any way he feels comfortable. He can just watch, come lay right next to us or join in. Up to him.
I also made sure that he was involved. During the sex we were fucking on the couch where he was watching from. I kept asking him stuff and got him involved...
"Do you think she's sexy when she's enjoying herself like this?"
Fuck yes, it's the response
"What part of her body do you like to watch most when she's getting fucked like this?"
Her face.
"What do you think she'd really enjoy right now?"
Bend her over and fuck her hard!
You've gotta find the right guy. Ladies, find ten guys you want to fuck and ask him to help narrow it down from there. He wants you to enjoy yourself without being too crazy about it so he'll likely be a bit protective the first couple of times. Work together and you'll have a great time
- Posted from rhpmobile
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