My fantasy story
April 12 2013
RHP User
12 years ago
RHP User
12 years ago
men that said this................would actually do this not having a go at you op but the last guy.. With me and my girlfriend just had a threesome with, did not want to even take the gum out of his mouth Before that, he sent messages and text just like yours little story. when it came to the deal, his mouth never got any where near us, and his fingers made a bit of a swift poke then he came and got right up out of the bed, showered and fucked off pardon me but I have become jaded with the talk of things to come ...bit like the second comming of christ, you can read the bible till your blue in the face but I bet when he cums he will say sorry about that hon, but I have to go back to fishing TR frustrated beyond measure and thinking of giving up SEX! bahhhh humbug kicks a can down the street.
RHP User
12 years ago
is your fantasy to make a woman squirt?
RHP User
12 years ago
Gives up then what is this world coming too. I'll just take my toy bag home to the bush then ... Geez ...- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
12 years ago
But I need more action
RHP User
12 years ago
I walk into the bedroom, and I can hear the water running in the shower of the bathroom that is connected to the bedroom. The dim lamp on the desk is next to the computer that is playing Enigma -Sadness. I quietly put my keys in the chair that is holding your bunched up clothes, so you don’t realize I am home. Standing in the bathroom I admire you washing your hair in the reflection of the mirror from where the shower curtain is not drawn all the way closed. I smile and proceed to take my clothes off, never taken my eyes off you, just to be sure that you still haven’t noticed I am in the room as I let them fall on the bathroom floor. I pull the curtain to the shower back slowly, your eyes are closed and the water is running from the top of your head over your face and onto your amazing body, I climb into the shower with you and quietly slide the shower curtain closed all the way behind me. You still haven’t noticed that I am this close to you, let alone here at all. A smile creeps over my face as my eyes follow the water down your body, I lean in and slowly, softly kiss your lips….you jump back, eyes wide open and you say, “what the fuck”….”oh, when did you get here?” and you smile reaching out to pull me into you. I say nothing, I just smile and shake my head “no” and step back away from you. You look at me trying to gauge my intentions as you see the mischievous smile that is on my face. I place my finger in the center of your chest and push you backwards so that your back is against the shower wall; I pull the towel down that is hanging over the shower rod and place it on the floor of the shower, still not taking my eyes off yours. You raise an eyebrow at me as you say, “oh really”? I place my finger to my mouth in the motion of telling you to ‘shhhh’, with the water separating us I kneel down on top of the towel and take your beautiful cock in my hands, you let out a sigh as soon as I touch you. I grab you with one hand by the base of your cock as the other wraps around your upper thigh. Slowly I drag the head of your cock over my lips back and forth, as I feel you getting hard in my hand. I don’t stop this motion as I look up at you and see you looking down at me with a smile on your face. I start to trace the head of your cock with my tongue around in a circle, slowly gliding over the ridge on the underneath of your head as I pull the head of your cock into my warm mouth, sucking in very gently and letting go, again and again as I listen to your breathing get deeper. I trace the underneath of your cock down the shaft with the tip of my tongue as I gently squeeze my hand around the base and return back to the head of your cock with my tongue flat and sliding side to side as I near the tip. When I reach the tip I take you whole all the way down to my hand that is grasping the base, still sliding my tongue along the underside of your cock as I take all of you again and again. You reach down and pull the hair out of my face and hold it back out of my way as I indulge on what I have been day dreaming about all day long. As the tip of your cock touches the back of my throat I moan and you squirm against the shower wall to the vibration my throat is making around the head of your cock, your grip tightens around the handfuls of my hair that you have as you start pushing and pulling me into you as I start to suck and lick on you faster. You reach down and grab me by the upper parts of my arms and pull me up to you as you walk me backwards and my back pushes against the wall of the shower, you lean into to kiss me but before your lips touch mine you say, “ I want to fuck you so bad right now”, and you kiss me as your hands move over my body teasing my hard nipples down along my sides and you pull me into you as your hands press into my lower back. Your hard cock feels amazing between our bodies as I lick the inside-underneath of your upper lip and nibble gently on your lower one as you sigh, moan and breathe inside my mouth. I tell you to turn the water off, and you turn and do so, turning back to me you immediately pull me into you and I say, “not yet, follow me” and I get out of the shower and walk towards the bed. Standing at the foot of the bed, still both of us dripping wet you come up behind me and wrap your arms around me and start gently biting my neck down the top of my shoulder, as I turn I lean my head back and moan your hands slide up my tummy and over my nipples as you grab handfuls of me and pressing your body into mine. My hands slide up over your hands as I take them from my body and tell you to lie on the bed. You do this with no hesitation, and I stand at the foot of it admiring what is laying there in front of me, you smile and say, “fucking come here…now” softly and never losing that damn smile on your face as you look back at me. I start to crawl slowly, almost too slowly up your body as I lick here or kiss there up your thighs and I can feel your impatience to be inside me grow. I stop at your beautiful upright cock and place small licks all over him as you beg me to sit up on your cock and ride you…but I don’t listen I just slowly lick your cock and taste the juices that are gliding down the tip of your cock, all the way gently massaging your balls in my hand. I stop and continue nibbling and licking my way up your body….over your lower stomach, along your ribs, letting my tongue drag across your nipple as I gently blow where my tongue just was and smile as I watch it get hard and your skin get small goose bumps. “come here damnit”, you say as I nibble, lick and kiss up your collar bone to the underneath of your neck, you grab my hips thinking you are going to slide inside of me but I crawl up farther, pinning your arms underneath my body. “mmmm are you gonna let me eat your pussy”? “Maybe” I say, raising an eyebrow at you, “but not yet I’m not” and I prop myself up on your shoulders so my feet are behind me, my legs on either side of your body and with one hand I brace myself up and put my head back as my long hair falls over your hard cock and tickles the inside of your thighs. The other hand slides down my neck, over my nipples as I stop to tug on one just to drive you crazy, and let my hand glide over my stomach and down to my pussy. I start circling my clit with my fingertips right in front of your face, sliding a finger in and out and moving my hips into my hand, as you listen to me breathing harder I slide my finger out of my pussy and trace it back up my body to my mouth where I slowly slide it across my lips and into my mouth smiling at you.
RHP User
12 years ago
I will come fuck ur brains out right now
RHP User
12 years ago
Is Banksia Grove?
12 years ago
Fingers digging in and out of her pussy doesnt sound so exciting.Could be wrong.... I dont have a pussy, and Im not a miner.DG
RHP User
11 years ago
Hell yes
RHP User
10 years ago
Hell yes! I want more!
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Fuck this is hot. More please
- Posted from rhpmobile
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