Men wearing g bangers
November 12 2023
RHP User
a year ago
What has being straight got to do with wearing a g-string 🤔
a year ago
im not sure if you mean mens or female ones... i love wearing womens panties but love the fuller cut ones
a year ago
Only a small percentage of guys wear g-strings. I wear them most days. A good fitting g-string almost feels like wearing nothing. People find it hard to believe guys could find them comfortable. Have been asked why I am wearing a g-string a couple of times. Have been wearing g-strings since I was a teenager because they are comfortable and Its a great feel and fit.
a year ago
Mrs Luv bought me a lime green G String for a laugh at a Manpower concert she went to back in the early 90s (Jamie Durie was her fave).
Wore it a couple of times for her (wasn't uncomfortable) -lolmelbbeachboy87
a year ago
Recently bought two buldge g-strings. Wearing a cockring with it makes my package stick out front a little. It's noticeable if wearing trackpants or shorts. Have worn with trackpants out shopping and did get a few looks and heard one comment. Is it in appropriate to wear out in public?
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