
February 01 2025

Something I've been wondering, not only related to myself but also through conversations.

How often is too often to masturbate?

What would be a healthy number of times a day, week, month to masturbate?

Does this number change if you live alone vs living with a sexual partner?

L x


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 months ago

    Sometimes it’s more efficient to masturbate than bother with working Abi up. She feels the same.

    Of we’ve got things to do or just too busy or even if our energies are misaligned we’ll just knock one out.

    Otherwise for me generally it depends on my mood and likely my fluctuating testosterone levels. Can’t pick what determines that though. But life is exceptionally challenging and one can burn the candle hard at both ends frequently.

    And there is never “too much” masturbating or sex.

  • ManOfFun


    2 months ago

    i try to maturbate at least once a day, more if i have the time

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    2 months ago

    A very good question.
    As a boy I was repeatedly warned that masturbation would cause my hands to go all hairy. But of course I didn’t believe such nonsense and it felt so good that I instinctively viewed such advice as the complete bullshit that it was.
    So I say you should masturbate whenever you want, and as often as you want. After all, it’s all perfectly normal and healthy, so don’t let the naysayers stop you from enjoying yourself.
    But now, I must nip down to the shops to buy some more Nair cream as I have a function to attend and it would be unseemly to show up looking like the Wolf Man! 🐺

  • Ex007


    2 months ago

    Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Think and Grow Rich and a portion on masturbation can be found in this book.

    “When harnessed and redirected along other lines, this motivating force (sex) maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc. which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.” – Napoleon Hill

    Author Tim Ferris also found in his study that men abstaining from masturbation who redirected their sexual energy became extremely and highly productive. They also had a significant increase in their test testosterone.

    He also mentions in his book that the average testosterone in men today is 20% lower than that of men in the 1990s. According to him, he suspects this is possibly attributed to the excessive use of online porn.

    Low testosterone decreases muscle mass increases the risk of heart disease and obesity lowers bone density, increases hair loss and the risk of prostate cancer among many other things. 

    Food for thought


  • EarthQueen


    2 months ago

    Re. if you are living with someone and it's interfering with your sexual experience as a couple it's probably too much. Too much masturbation with too tight a grip can make regular sex not as enjoyable for men. It often causes erectile problems re. death grip. Masturbation can often be combined with porn use and how this is viewed can be problematic if you are in a couple. Communication and mutual respect is the key I would think.

    If it's not harming yourself or anybody else or interfering with your daily life and routine I guess it's a personal thing how often you are doing it.

    Is there a context to your question ?

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    2 months ago

    Well, if you think THAT’s alarming, you should read what they said about edging! OMG! 😧