Masturbated to tennis matches?
February 04 2024
When alone and tennis is on I have busted the nut before focus on scores.
Any similar experience?
RHP User
a year ago
I mean, as far as the list of things that people masturbate to as teenagers goes, tennis players is definitely quite far towards the "normal" side of the spectrum.
a year ago
Hmmm, that's a new one. Fairly innocent really I guess
a year ago
Hot Gossip (Kenny Everett Video Show):
Yes.RHP User
a year ago
All the grunting and moaning going on probably adds to the experience. The tennis players as well!
RHP User
a year ago
Wouldn't this get you removed from the stadium? Asking for a friend.
a year ago
Let's go for grand Slam.
Ms FoxyPerthVixen
a year ago
I wonder how many teenagers watch AFL with multiple games every weekend over a long season, and grind one out each game?
Or do they just watch the games, and appreciate the sporting finesse on display?
🤔RHP User
a year ago
Last year was at a female friend’s house and the footie was on tellie. She was watching and said, "Do they realise watching men’s football is like porn for women."
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