Massage with or without happy ending for larger lady in Brisbane
May 02 2023
2 years ago
You're about to be swamped with messages.
2 years ago
There's massage parlours all over Brissy. Size doesn't matter.
There's one I know local to you, in Archerfield. On the corner of Beatty Rd and Boundary Rd. Yimi476, I think it's called.
Ms FoxyFeistyFatty
2 years ago
I'm sure you've noticed the Massage Parlours in about every shopping centre you've ever been to? 😜They dont care if you're fat, skinny, purple or rainbow. Enjoy 😊
2 years ago
I think its great that women are starting to seek out massages with a happy ending ? I really dont see it any different to a guy having one just because we have different bits ?
RHP User
2 years ago
Pretty much any massage salon will do plus sized if it's just massage however finding a place that does happy ending for women is probably going to be quite rare as there isn't much demand for it currently.
Is it going to be a straight happy ending or a lesbian happy ending? I would say the latter would be even rarer.wildcrazyloving
2 years ago
Check out websites that advertise escorts. There are two main Australian websites which are reputable and have both male and female listing's as well as sex (full-service) or bodyrub/massage.
2 years ago
Not sure if the laws in QLD have relaxed yet. It has been illegal to advertise sexual services so the wording in the adverts might be creative.
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