M31 F31
Make my wife enjoy another man
September 22 2024
So recent years, I have problem with my durations, so I cannot make her fully orgasm, so when we having sex now we always imagining she fuck with another man, and what ever she said is make me so horny, and I want it,
But when we try to do it in real life, she is not get use to it, and reject another man when they start to get their P to her V, so we never make it, ut always stop when the 3rd start going to F her,,
She only enjoy.during the foreplay,
So is my wife really want it or no, how to convince her this is also make our relationship last longer since we can enjoy what we enjoy?
Is it.might my fault that the guy we meet is not hot enough for her? Since we start directly in the rooms, without dinner together in advance to know each other?
6 months ago
Sounds like your wife isnt attracted to the men selected. Are you allowing your wife to choose the guy she wants or does she leave it up to you ? Appears when your wife is faced with penetration something making her freeze.. My guess is she's not physically attracted to the men you find..
Do you and your wife both meet up with the guys prior to getting it on ? Best to meet at a mutral location then go away and discuss if its right for her or not..Curiouscouple444
6 months ago
Maybe try a blindfold and make it more exciting, the anticipation and the highten of senses could work in favour of both.
6 months ago
I think you could consider whether she actually really wants to do that or whether it’s just exciting to talk about a fantasy during sex with you. Keep in mind, you control the fantasy. In real life it’s always different. It’s not always the correct answer to try and implement the fantasy.
I would encourage you to explore all the other options you have first - expanding on the type of play you do with her, do different techniques, different sensations, experiment with viagra, sign up on a website with ideas, such as www.omgyes.com
You will find there’s tons of stuff you haven’t tried with her, there always is. And it’s exciting to try all these.
It’s entirely possible that’s your answer. Adding a third person isn’t always the answer and will not improve what’s between you and her and I would disagree that this will make your relationship last longer. Playing with options between you two will. Adding a third person can only ever be the cherry on top.nightingale8
6 months ago
Let her go on a date without you to get to know him and connect with him socially. If all goes well she can send you hot pics mid play. Then consider working up to being in the room. If your wife controls and enjoys the play you’ll have a great time.
6 months ago
I reckon Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s perfectly ok for her to do what she is doing. Frankly you only need to look after your pleasure because, your wife is still having sex with you, which tells me all I’d need to know.
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