February 02 2025

How many of us have wandered into our past and thought, ..."If only I could have that sexual expeience just once more" whether it be with a current partner ot back in the day when we were all young and carfree.
Dont hold back in your story, the reality may come back you.............Enjoy the memories.


  • friendseeker


    2 months ago

    For me it’s not so much that I wished I had it again, because i have again since. It is a lovely memory as it was the first time

    Met 2 women on a plane as I happened to be sitting next to them. We chatted and swapped numbers. We texted keeping in touch. It was weeks before we caught up again. Long story short all of us had our first FMF. They were bi. I was about 40 and had never imagined it would happen. It remains a wonderful memory I shall tell the nurses in my aged care home :-)

  • Sawadee


    2 months ago

    I often trip down memory lane , some of the things you never forget.. One that sticks out was when l was overseas on a holiday. In a supermarket when our eyes met and we just started chatting.. Chat turned into a date meeting later that night.. After a nice dinner drinks and some sexy dancing... she looked me straight in the eyes says' l cant wait to see you naked ?. That set the scene for the hottest time ever.... The next day l saw her off to the airport and never seen her again, unforgettable.. nice memory..

  • Boomerboy58


    2 months ago

    There are two events I wish I acted differently. The first was when a woman I was chatting with said she was going to a local nudist beach and I could meet her there. We met at the beach, had a very open and honest conversation for about 90 minutes, totally nude. I did not touch her although I'm sure she would have let me. We walked back to the car park together, parted after a good tongue wrestling kiss and went our separate ways. WHY????? What was I thinking. I'm certain we could have had a brilliant sex session together.
    The second event was when the wife and I met a couple in Kalgoorlie. I'd been with this couple before but this was the first time my wife met them. On the first night we all went out for dinner and ended up back at their place for coffee. As we were leave to go back to our hotel, my wife, very much out of character for her, lifted her top so the other guy could play with her tits. This is all that happened that night. On the third day we were to head back to Perth after we visited the two-up school which is in the middle of nowhere. After looking around, my wife pulled her jumper off, then her shirt, then her bra. Again the other guy got to play with her tits, His wife then got topless. As the girls were topless, me and the other guy decided we would go bottomless for the girls. We played with them, they played with us. Fantastic. After that we went home. What we should have done was gone back to their place and carried on with what we started at the two-up school. I have never seen my wife so horny. On the drive back home she was topless (for all passing to see) and had her hand down her pants rubbing her pussy like crazy. Oh why didn't I take advantage of her hornyness.