Lying about height

August 26 2023

One for the ladies..... Is it OK for men to lie about their height or member size? And if not, why not


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Lying about anything on your profile isnt cool. If you are lying, how do expect people to trust you? Just be honest, its not hard.

  • Margo_Lover


    2 years ago

    I'll reply for Margo since she's not on the forums.

    Fuck NO, it's not OK 😆

    She's into certain things, and if you lie about them she will know, the moment you meet.

    You will have wasted her time, and shown what a selfish ahole you are. Clearly having no interest in respecting other people, respecting their desires, and only after whatever you can get, by lying cheating and stealing.

    My recommendation. Don't lie. Having said that, my profile says I'm 49, but I have already turned 50 😱

    - Alex.

  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    Absolutely matters. For me personally, being tall (183cm), I just don't find short men appealing. I'm also lucky to have a well endowed (and very tall) hubby so I also dont find small penises very appealing. I'm honest about this is my profiles and expect the same from people who contact me. Ive said, "Yeah, nag. Soz" to more than one man at the front door who Hasn't been honest in their self appraisals. I'm honest with mine, I expect the same from others.

  • teamaj2


    2 years ago

    Lying is never okay in a profile or chat .
    It’s going to become abundantly clear once you have meet , that you aren’t 6 foot tall if you say you are . It just makes people feel they can’t trust you once you lie and the truth is revealed.
    We once met a guy via RHP that said he was 5 ft 8 - upon meeting , he was 5 ft 3 . I’m very tall . We felt uneasy , since he hadn’t been transparent.
    We are not worried if someone is shorter than us. We feel ill at ease about being deceived . Ax

  • sharingiscaringx


    2 years ago

    No. If you can’t be honest initially- how can that person be trusted in a play setting.

  • ElectricDreamers


    2 years ago

    I've found if they lie about height - there will be more lies...

    That said - I borderline think it's ok for guys to add an inch to height... but no more. And don't go adding inches elsewhere

  • Bornagain


    2 years ago

    Nobody- Male/ Female, should lie full stop.
    We are here to be engaging in sex, which for so many people is an intimate experience. If the trust is broken before you even climb into bed together, how can you expect them to feel comfortable to share their wildest fantasies with you?!

    Besides, the truth always comes out.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    2 years ago

    I don't understand why people lie if they are intending to meet in person? It's pretty obvious in real life.

  • Succubus4him


    2 years ago

    Definitely not! Why would you? Height and size only matters when you lie about it!

  • Lovinglifenow202


    2 years ago

    Men lie about age, height and dick size. And a lot of them use filters 😳 it just screams "insecure" to me

    Women lie about age and use filters, and hide their body shape. Same reason. My logic is if you're lying about these things you'll lack confidence in bed.

  • Jack_Hammers


    2 years ago

    Interesting replies. I actually don't have all of my accurate details on my profile either. I like to have a little mystery with my prospective partner. My age listed is older than I am but the look on her face when she sees me for the first time is priceless. I personally love being pleasantly surprised, so that's why I do it to others. It's far from selfish for me, it's about making someone else feel good 😁

  • MrandMrsEss


    2 years ago

    Mrs S lied to me, she said she was over 5ft but comes in at 150cm but by the time I got a tape measure out i'd already fallen for the little thing!

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Because when it comes to the crinch, it's disappointing. That's why.
    If one dissapoints me.....its BYE BYE!

    Ms Foxy

  • SugarSugar69


    a year ago

    I’ve had this happen a few time. I’ve arrived to a meet up only for him to be shorter then me. I was pleasant about it the first 2 times but then I made the comment “did you shrink over night!” I will simply walk away! Time is so valuable

  • Onemustry


    a year ago

    my response to this strange question is why would you want to deceive. if you meet up the lie is unattractive

  • orangefox_1


    a year ago

    Lying is lying, regardless of what it is about. Lying = disrespect. All healthy relationships, whatever form they may take, are only healthy where trust and respect exist. Lying breaks trust. It's a simple equation.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Numbers are so oppressive, what we need are qualitative options for those categories like women get for body type. So now it isn't lying it's just taking an optimistic view of oneself when choosing a descriptor.

  • Isexyandiknowit


    a year ago

    i wish i was actually shorter than my real height, then i could fit into sport cars and actually sleep in a single or double bed. Shopping for shoes is what is biggest size you got…. answer is 12, so onto the next store,