RHP User

RHP User

M52 F55

Lost art of seduction

May 02 2021

Maybe its just me. Maybe im getting too old!
We have been receiving so many messages from guys, and while this is the demographic we are seeking, we feel a little jaded that so many just don’t understand the art of seduction.
Back when I was “tuning” as it were, the easiest way to seduce was to find out what the lady wanted. Get her talking, ask questions, be attentive and always leave them wanting more.
We get on here and all we get are messages of how these young studs are going to do this and that to Mrs Ruf.
Anyone else experiencing this- is it our handle thats confusing guys?
Are there any guys who still know how to seduce a beautiful woman?


  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    Im with you. Im from the old school where l believe seduction starts with stimulating the mind well before attempting to go anywhere else. You need to be in tune with each other for good wholesome sex occur , otherwise its just sex and sex only which in most instances can leave you empty if theres no attraction..
    Thats why you need to meet before anything ... We have had our share contact us which was a total waste of time...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    That lost art you speak of? Well, seduction and passion have been replaced with "porn" - no seduction. Just action. The parallel can be seen in Hollywood. Slow burn, character driven European dramas have no place amongst Marvel and DC Comics garbage/blockbusters.

    Sex and movies. Pace is gone. Action is in vogue.

    And when porn becomes sex education for a generation? Sadly it becomes mental poison, and (mainly) women suffer for it.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    There is humble, high value men here. I know as I have met them.
    Any man that humble boasts is, selfish, smug and all talk. They are not worth time or energy. Just ignore those tacky messages and focus on those messages that are respectful and met what you are looking for and wanting. There's nothing wrong with that.
    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Its not just in messaging, go into the chatroom and you will see disrespect and lewd comments, but as Ive said before, the good guys more than make up for the lost souls.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    The “hey it’s your lucky day, you get to jump on my dick” messages are amusing but also such a turn off it makes me wonder if they ever get laid. I guess they must if they’re so confident about it but I imagine they’d only be attracting women with no self esteem, they’re the ones I feel for, men like that will not help their cause.

  • Player_J


    4 years ago

    Putting more effort in to my solo profile now, and what I've also found is there are decent guys. BUT after they become comfortable start dropping ohh how i want to fuck you lines. Like come on, just hold it together until we actually meet and you can prove it - don't start blabbing on about it. Such a turn off.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Yes that's the majority of messages. "I'm bored wanna fuck". "Wanna drive 100kms for some fun with me and my mate". "Nice tits" etc etc. Followed by abuse when you say no because "it's a fuck site get over yourself and lighten up." "I'm out of your league anyway and you're old". It's the not the art of seduction that's lost it's common courtesy.

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    God we must all sound like a bunch of old whingers at times, but all of this ⬆️

    It’s not just the single blokes by a long shot! We get more, “wanna fuck”, “yous free”, “I’m gunna cum and fuck your Mrs for you” messages from couples than singles! I really do feel sorry for some of the poor wives at times. It’s got way worse over the last couple of years, I’d be guessing that the only first messages we’ve received in the last little while that were more than five words have been from people we’ve connected with through the forum. The “it’s just a fuck site” attitude just stinks along with the narky replies to rejection messages. It’s got to the stage where we’re wondering if we’re the ones that have been doing it wrong all along and we should try posting, “wanna fuck, Saturday night, don’t tell us your name, door’s open” ads on datefinder! 😐 Nah, who are we kidding, we’ll keep doing it our way🥂

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    The generation of today is probably to blame. But it isn't just the guys. We don't do tinder or any of those style sites but we know guys who do. Have seen some of the messages received by friends from females and wow! Some of these messages go into graphic detail of what they want. No previous conversation or build up. Straight to the point with no seduction or emotion shown. So maybe the younger guys go about things that way because that's how they get approached on other media. Definitely not our cup of tea but then again lots of things nowadays aren't. Ignor and move on is how we treat messages as such.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Clearly, your getting replies from dopes that can't read anything more than your profile name and look at your pics. They think you want physical stimulation only. The rest of your profile lays out what your after and experience etc, but clearly they haven't bothered to read that.........keep hitting that delete button !

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    The thoughtless one liner first message that shows no real interest or effort in getting to know us, is a good indication that the effort and imagination they put into sex will be similar. So look at it as an easy way, they do us a favour so we can weed out the crappy lovers early on, before you invest any energy into them. Delete the crap messages and dont even reply. Maybe after a while, they will realise they dont get any attention with their poor approach

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    4 years ago

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....there was a interesting little green chap who used to teach his pupils such lost arts.
    They flourished, and brought balance to the Universe, but they have grown weary though time, and age, and they are now in decline.
    A new order has permeated through the Bakery and the mice-men now gather in numbers and in strength.
    May the Force be with you all. 😊.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    May I just add, its not always younger guys who send these messages. Ive had quite a few crude ones from guys around my own age.

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    Brief observation from my Twitter feed tonight.... a content creator puts out a “would you fuck me on a first date” tweet. Couple of hundred replies, one no, the rest is a flurry of yes, dick pics and a couple of, “I’ll destroy your pussy” posts and god knows what her dm’s looked like. It’s all BS to get attention for her only fans page, but the poor dumb idiots are caught hook line and sinker. Meanwhile a Sydney based escort is putting up screen shots of the bloody awful messages she’s receiving from guys wanting to know how much to bareback her arse! What hope have any of us got when on one side you’ve got someone with zero intention of ever meeting anyone sending out those types of messages, then you’ve got adult industry workers with guys willing to risk their lives with bareback and getting really affronted when they get told no way! It just filters back to places like this.... it’s all completely detached from reality

  • FunwithSandS


    4 years ago

    I’m currently screening men for our first MMF. If they can get through the first few exchanges with me and hold a conversation, we move them forward. I’m finding the antenna is getting pretty good at sorting out the studs from the duds, but you’re right. Some can slip the net and start pushing their luck too hard, too soon. It’s definitely a trend, compared to say five years ago.

  • badboyhere


    4 years ago

    Seduction lost yes for sure. I am adding just common decency too. This post has been talking about guys doing this mainly but I have experienced and witnessed this from all groups on red hot pie. I am I going to throw stones at glass houses in the past, no way. Have I been guilty of this in the past, yes many many years ago for sure and am I sorry, yes for sure. But I have changed my values structure over the last decade and want to be a better man not just to women but to all other humans. Recently I was the target of a few comments from some ladies in the chat room about being a married guy looking, and I hardly had said a word in the chat at that stage and was found defending myself against this attack. In the end I just thought whatever and went back to my night. What failed in this attack was that my profile clearly states my partner and I are in a very open and honest relationship. This seemed to hold no weight in this attack and I was told I should not be here. I have found this type of thing on red hot pie regularly both in the chat room and here in the forums. Unfortunately it’s seems to be common and it seems to be the same regulars. Do they have a right to be on red hot pie and not be vilified for who they are or what they do. For sure. And so do I. I am not regularly on red hot pie that much anymore as I my wife and I have found the connections we need in our lives and we both have found red hot pie growing lately into a pie place where we don’t want to be not because of the site itself, but because of the negative people that frequent it. Let me say that there are plenty on here with excellent values in life, but there is just as many without.
    So I end where I started. Has seduction been lost, yes, but more so has common decency.

  • Mustang181


    4 years ago

    This is an interesting post and I have heard of many situations where guys are rude and send through one liners that are inappropriate. I believe in the art of seduction and sending interesting replies. I read profiles thoroughly and try to tailor responses based on what I’ve read. What’s interesting is the lack of responses even if it’s a thanks but no thanks. What’s even more bizarre is when you send a reply and you get blocked. I think we are in a world now where there is little respect. Let me say that some people have been great and have responded with a thanks but no thanks, I’m not trying to sterotype.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    We are not all bad ladies 😊. I can only imagine what type of messages you receive daily.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Totally with you there. I keep getting the under 40s messaging just to play “now”. And those that say “hey, what you up to tonight” at 10:30pm 🙄 follows by “wanna come over for some fun?” Yes...sure. Lemme drive an hour and reach u at midnight to entertain you. I get quite alot of these from under 40s. This is why younger guys don’t do it for me anymore

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Hahhaa..I thought it was just us 😂😂
    I think perhaps guys get jaded by soooo many knock backs due to the m/f ratio..?
    Or maybe the just aren't interested in ACTUALLY trying to sefuce, and go for the quick and lazy approach 🤔👿

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    So true seduction is lost, but it’s more than that. Temptation, teasing with words, erotic, sensual rather than sexual. Put any of the above words and see what the lost art is really about

  • gazpacho


    4 years ago

    How very dare they!

    In schools there should be after class lessons in who to woo, and how.

    Mind you, the username might need a workshop

  • Pomme81


    3 years ago

    Hi everyone, just a question on this subject, when I Message a couple or a single lady, I’m polite and always personalise my message to who I’m writing to.
    Nine times out of ten I’ll see they’ve read my message but I get nothing back, not even a thanks but you’re not what we’re looking for.
    Is that just because of the volume of messages you get, or maybe you don’t get chance to reply then the message gets lost? I’m never sure if I should send another message a few days later or not.
    Thanks x

  • sweetnsensual72


    3 years ago

    We have stopped seeing single guys for that very reason. We prefer couples as its more relaxed and you can have dinner and drinks and some seduction involved.

  • squrting


    3 years ago

    It sounds like there’s a few wham bam thank you mam messaging you and forgetting about the real reason why they are there is the lovely lady who is the centre of attention should feel save and very happy in that moment

  • MsLagertha


    3 years ago

    Its sooooo boring. Yet sooooooo common. Yawn. "me me me, Im great, just what youre looking for... " Um you sure about that Buddy?? lol

  • fundamentallaw


    3 years ago

    Yes, of course. It depends on whether they perceive the more important organ to lie between the thighs or between the ears.

  • loveYOURpleasure


    3 years ago

    I wouldn't necessarily say it is lost, but definitely in short supply from what I read and hear from others, and sometimes see in chat. Its a shame because I think its a beautiful part of making a connection in both directions...not one seducing another but seducing each other.

  • Dine_with_us


    3 years ago

    Agree Completely. Mrs Dine is waiting to be seduced and made to feel special, but all we get are stories about low long guys can lick a pussy for. As a result we have let our paid membership lapse.

  • GTRabo


    3 years ago

    Such a Fabulous topic and thank you for breaching it.
    Sapiosexuality is a sexual identity to describe individuals whose sense of attraction is tied to intellect, intelligence or intellectual connections between persons.
    Hopefully it will explain a-lot and hopefully make people think before sending a unsolicited message
    We have enjoyed our journey and have met some absolutely fabulous friends whom we have had an enormous amount of fun with both play and vanilla activities.
    Unfortunately our block list is growing every day due to disrespect, inappropriate sleazy messages from various people who it seems to us are like they read the news paper ....just read the bold print, look at the Pictures and not the actual story on what the author is wanting.
    We get its a sexual site but there is so much more to the physical side of things and we feel many people just don't get that.
    The endless search continues

    Are we being to picky we have asked our selves ....ahhh nope is the answer ..talk to us and stimulate our minds first...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    As a man sex can be done in lots of ways but I agree there should be more seduction and even passion but ladies not everyone smooth talks and on this site and it promotes( sex )not best friends but what it does is different and weman are showing us men there naked body to promote them self now I don't say there is anything wrong with that actually it's great but weman should not complain when men say naughty things or send back pic to them when they are shown such seductive images as some weman might like that sought of things but others don't we are all human but weman can complain when there is no seduction in person that's different but online messaging is not for everyone and not to have a 1 hr conversation with so you won't get much out of it as its not where you actually get to know that person online .men message you to get your attension that's it how ever that may be so you should be great full that men are messaging you or sending you pic to get your attention but if you don't like it just say no thankyou .or not interested remember they contacted you not the other way around .as it's should be all fair so you should be messaging them too .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    We live in a society that now "thrives" on instant gratification. People don't engage I the same way anymore. The age of mobile phones has created easy access to whoever and whatever you want, when you want it. For every girl/guy that turns a creep down, there is a line of people who will eat their attention up.

    Nothing sexier than a man who knows how to treat a lady and vice versa. ... and leave her wishing for more.. the "swipe right" mentality of the modern era is rather boring I must say.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago


  • coolnhotnok


    2 years ago

    I don't know, but maybe ask for what you want. The men that know how to seduce a beautiful woman might not bother with sites, they just go out & do it IRL, so maybe the ones you're left with don't!



    2 years ago